Been a while since I last posted, but nothing much as changed. How does one get collections? I’ve only had two people drop after I didn’t update for a while, but besides that, I’m basically stuck under 20 collections even though I’m almost at 18k views.

Ratio is at 1193:1. I don’t think my story is bad or weird lol, but why am I consistently getting 4-500 some views a day but not a single collection? Literally getting only 1 collection every several days. I don’t really promote it anywhere, but even during the short period I did, nothing much changed. (Very grateful for the review swaps though.)

Anyone have any idea why?

    Chryiss I'm not sure myself why views can be higher. Dodgy algorithm? It sounds like people are reading, but not adding to collection. I recall some post mentioning views tally when a reader scrolls down at least 3/4 of the page for a click to count. I could be wrong.

      Yes, either that or I’m a failure at hooking people since it looks like I have the lowest ratio even after over a month. :’)

      It’s ok though, I still love writing the story.

        niharikabhol I think you just post them like normal but within a few minutes of each other, but make sure you release each chapter in order. Webnovel doesnt let you reorder the chapters, so it’ll be a pain to have to delete the chapters then repost them.

          niharikabhol Like Reckeva said, and be careful about your chapters and let some minutes between each other. Inkstone sometimes has a hard time with 3+ chapters posted in less than 5 minutes and can miss one, forcing you to manually delete the chapters, salvage the draft and repost it again. I would advise you to set the time between each chapter to be 5 min. Like Chapter 7: Random Things at 5: 00; Chapter 8: Random Things Part II at 5: 05.
          Otherwise no, there is absolutely no special feature for mass release. There are only four things on Inkstone:
          -creating a volume with a name
          -creating a normal chapter
          -creating an auxiliary chapter (when you are on the writing of a chapter, see at the top, there is a small flag with Normal, click on it and you can choose auxiliary chapter)
          -creating a footnote.

          Anyway, 715 of ratio now. I am quite baffled now. Is it because my MC is a Female and the genre, not a Romance? Who knows?

          @Innovation @Reckeva @Reinesse
          Thank you all. I have a fair idea now 😊😊😊
          You guys are so supportive and awesome. We are like unknown people sitting away in the farthest corners of the world. But the way you guys have always helped and motivated me is just amazing.

          Love you all guys 💕💕💕

          Jamison_C Thanks! (: Maybe over the summer when it’s more feasible to release daily I can try.

          Do I have to do anything else in particular to be featured though? Or it just happens depending on total word count and daily release?

            niharikabhol Like what all the others have said. You need to keep in mind that the timestamp dictates the chapter order. So, if you're posting 5 a time, do it with about 5 minute breaks in between to be sure the order is correct.

              Jamison_C 20k+ words
              Daily releases

              It also helps that you have some solid ratings, activity (comments) and boost in collections. Your chances for being featured is higher.

                Zaldizko {BL} Ratio 377:1 ↑6 from last post.

                Lol! My collections dropped to zero due to glitch. I scored some extras when glitch was fixed :smile_cat: Hope they don't take them away again.

                To My Sunflower 574:1
                Started to post again to this story due to interest.

                  half_empty To keep it simple ( I hope) just divide your number of views by number of collections.
                  510000/1000 = 510:1

                  This indicates that for every 510 reads 1 person has your book in their library. Figuratively speaking, since this calculation isn't an exact science.

                  Regardless, to have 510K views with 1K library adds is brilliant in my view.

                    Panqiuyan 102:1 Pretty solid interest regardless of ratio. You have a story people want to read that's for sure. Nice work.

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