TYErannical well to be fair anyone can make a stereotypical claim like this. for example
i hate cn webnovel, their story is always the same, a mortal aspiring to be immortal. the mc doesnt have any real bottleneck, he just eat tons of drug to breakthrough. there is always alchemist profession in their world, is drug so important?
the female is much worse, every female is describe as a stunning beauty, fairy - like creature, its impossible for one to be as pretty. then dozens of chapter ahead, another female appears, though female A is impossibly beautiful, this female B is a level more beautiful than her. then repeat this pattern. there is no uggly female, only more beautiful female exist.
what is up with all cn webnovel i read? the are all obsessed with jade and white. is becoming a rock so beautiful? so white that you look like paint? i dont get it with their obsession to jade and white. come on, black brown yellow white every colour is beautiful.
love? what is love in cn webnovel? mc meets pretty girl, fall in love, make babies, mc travel another place. then repeat pattern. what love?
the problem with most cn webnovel is their villain, always dumb, arrogant and blind. have eyes but cant see mt tai. not to mention repetitive lines like, its impossible no one can do that, but mc did it just fine and then the crowds are too surprised they didnt know whether to laugh or cry.
the problem with most cn cultivation world is they are too vast, after the mc levels up then there will be new plane, new realm. the world is too massive leading too a lots of plot being recycled, the character barely have any growth forever. and most side character are just forgotten.
but the most heaven defying is right after the author exaggerate the massive different between realms of cultivation, the mc picks a fight with someone of 2 realm different and wins. and mc is the only one who could do it due to combination of strategy, luck and undying tenacity.
see i can make cn webnovels look bad too.