• Diss
  • Wow... Featuring a Novel that is Completely Plagiarized

So I looked at the featured novels, going through to find something interesting, and I did.

If I Never Loved You definitely caught my attention, so I clicked on it and boy, did I get a surprise.

The synopsis was, strangely, exactly like a popular webcomic under the same title, If I Never Loved You except the “author” only changed it to different names.

Now, I’m sure you’re thinking, it’s all a coincidence, so I clicked and read the first chapter and dear God, it’s like this “author” took every event word for word and posted it, claiming it as their own.

Now, I left a one star review and the “author” immediately said that it’s a “misunderstanding” and that the webcomic is ongoing while this is complete with more details. But oddly, they never addressed my concern of the plagiarism, so I commented again saying that their comment (which they deleted every single comment/reply because I guess, they didn’t want to be caught) didn’t prove anything.

So then they say that they’re a “translator” and that the creator on Webcomics (AK) is copying their friend’s story and saying that the story is in Japanese, to which I reply that it wasn’t stated in their review nor the synopsis, which they quickly added. But here is the problem:
1. No mention despite being posted for two weeks now, until my review yesterday.
2. If they are the “translator”, then they shouldn’t have any problem with showing the Japanese manuscript, right? In fact, why did she change the characters’ names?
3. If a company like Webcomics is copying her “friend’s” novel, then why hadn’t her “friend” filed for copyright?
3. She said that AK has copied more than 50 stories, but if he had, then why has he been allowed to post on WC for so long without a reader calling them out?
4. If she isn’t doing anything wrong, why did she delete all her replies?
5. In her last reply (that was deleted too), she said “good job... now you’ll get AK in trouble.” Which I highly doubt, because if her “friend” really existed and she cared for him/her, then she shouldn’t have any problems of the person who copied his/her story getting in trouble.

Overall, I can say that I am thoroughly disgusted that this person keeps changing their arguments so that they wouldn’t get in trouble. She claimed to be the author, the translator, and even slandered WC’s creator saying that he/she copied her imaginary friend’s story.

I can say, I am really disappointed that WN doesn’t check the quality of the things that are posted nor things that are featured. But then again, I do not blame WN because nobody expects for anyone to do such an awful thing, yet here we are.

    I hate it when people steal other peoples' work. I have personal experience with it, and there's nothing more devastating than your own work being used in a way you didn't want it, or a way that discredits its owner. I understand, and maybe WN should update the next version with a report button for this kind of thing. I thank you for pointing this out. Perhaps WN will see this and all of the evidence you produced with it.

      Same here! I’ve had my works plagiarized 4 times, so I can relate to anyone that is undergoing/underwent the same experience, hence why this person’s atrocious behavior is making me so angry.

        silentscarlettt it's funny when she said: "translator" and the creator on webcomics is copying their friend story an saying that the story is in Japanese". Normally webcomic translates from manhua from ac.qq and sometimes manhua there also adapt from the novel.

        i did read that If I Never Loved You novel and the real author and translator is Qi Laoyou.
        This "author/translator from/for their friend" copies every word from there.

          I understand no worries. Honestly, I’m so angry. I just googled the name and the translator is actually Jiukun Literature, the real TRANSLATOR. AKA her imaginary “friend”. So basically, she stole the translation and posted it here as her own, then she claimed that she is the translator, translating Japanese... when the novel is Chinese??

            My gosh, how dare she! Which family’s author is this? Now I’m tempted to go leave a really negative review on it. Plagiarism is disgusting.

            Point of information here.
            When the inkstone was newly launched back in the day and they stopped checking every entry manually, a large number of such plagiarism happened right infront of everyone.
            An example would be a Novel called Tokyo Ghoul, which came on Webnovel, and boy, it was a word to word copy of the events in the Tokyo Ghoul Manga.

            Now when I asked One of the staff at Webnovel about this, they simply said that they can't do anything until the real creator of Tokyo Ghoul sends them a DMCA Takedown.

            Soo, yeah....I don't think that Webnovel is going to take down the novel which is getting them good revenue from the Featured section based on a forum thread.
            Your best bet is to contact the original creator and ask them to send Webnovel a DMCA Takedown.


            And she says “fake person who doesn’t dare to show her identity to public”... I don’t think I’m being very “sneaky” and “secretive” if I dare to make a forum post about this.

              silentscarlettt I completely agree. I wrote my own review that she should take it down herself. Keeping it up is shaming and betraying the other novelists, Webnovel, the original creator, and her readers.

              I have a question. Did she just change the synopsis from what it was before?

                She did, but she just copied and pasted something else:

                Her original synopsis:

                New synopsis:

                Her new synopsis is also stolen from the original, translated book:

                You can even see that she didn’t bother to add that she’s a “translator” in the beginning.

                  Web Novel Novel Ask