silentscarlettt yup, really smh when she copies till the end.
Wow... Featuring a Novel that is Completely Plagiarized
My gosh, how dare she! Which family’s author is this? Now I’m tempted to go leave a really negative review on it. Plagiarism is disgusting.
If you're going to write about something that's already created, at least write out a disclaimer in the synopsis.
Either write a fan fiction or don’t copy/paste it and post it as your own.
Please read this thread and take the book down.
classic webnovel. what are these assclowns getting paid for LOL
Point of information here.
When the inkstone was newly launched back in the day and they stopped checking every entry manually, a large number of such plagiarism happened right infront of everyone.
An example would be a Novel called Tokyo Ghoul, which came on Webnovel, and boy, it was a word to word copy of the events in the Tokyo Ghoul Manga.
Now when I asked One of the staff at Webnovel about this, they simply said that they can't do anything until the real creator of Tokyo Ghoul sends them a DMCA Takedown.
Soo, yeah....I don't think that Webnovel is going to take down the novel which is getting them good revenue from the Featured section based on a forum thread.
Your best bet is to contact the original creator and ask them to send Webnovel a DMCA Takedown.
I’m so disgusted. Like seriously disgusted. Dear God, the more this person replies; the more I feel like I’m losing my IQ and the more I lose my faith in humanity.
And she says “fake person who doesn’t dare to show her identity to public”... I don’t think I’m being very “sneaky” and “secretive” if I dare to make a forum post about this.
silentscarlettt I completely agree. I wrote my own review that she should take it down herself. Keeping it up is shaming and betraying the other novelists, Webnovel, the original creator, and her readers.
I have a question. Did she just change the synopsis from what it was before?
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She did, but she just copied and pasted something else:
Her original synopsis:
New synopsis:
Her new synopsis is also stolen from the original, translated book:
You can even see that she didn’t bother to add that she’s a “translator” in the beginning.
Are there any more administrators on the forum?
silentscarlettt There needs to be.
silentscarlettt seem like she deleted her comment and manipulate everything
This is disturbing. And sad. :(
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silentscarlettt The book will be investigated on Monday.
Thank you
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silentscarlettt am not supporting anyone here but, I have seen more than 4 novels from webnovel on other sites. they change titles and keep names,plots the same and worst, they choose on going novels that aren't finished yet. How do we call that? and whom do you blame? the platform or the so called authors?
If the author, then take things right to the concerned parties.
am only saying this because the all issue affects both the platform and "us" the new authors here. anyone can use this to claim for someone else's work as hers. am sorry if I misunderstood anything.
First off, if you see that happen, don’t just sit back and watch because for the people being plagiarized, it’s very pitiful and honestly, not very nice to know that their ideas are being taken. I mean, it’s their creativity, so imagine if someone came and took it without their consent, claiming it as their own.
I don’t blame the platform if it’s occasional. Like this case for example: nobody expected for this novel to be plagiarized, but here we are. In fact, nobody expected for this person to copy and paste (from here either. It happens. Meanwhile, there’s wattpad where thousands of novels exist and are plagiarized, and they specifically have ambassadors for the job to look for copied content, to which they don’t. In that case, I do blame it on the faulty website overall for not keeping their hired moderators in check.
As for blaming the authors... Honestly, people that plagiarize aren’t authors in my book. An author (definition:
a writer of a book, article, or report) use their own creativity and brain to think of scenarios. Even getting inspired by something and then manipulating it to your advantage is also being an author.
These people, such as the person who copied If I Never Loved You, are not authors, they are copy-and-paste-rs. The only thing they write is their name on the novel cover, which even then, I’m sure they feel is a lot of effort.
As for the real authors... it’s really not their fault whatsoever. Most of the time, they don’t know that their novel is being copied. I guess you can say their only “issue” is posting their novel/idea online, in which, we are all guilty then.
And I agree, this does affect other authors on here. But if you don’t do anything about it, as a “new author“, are you willing to swallow back the injustice of seeing something that they copied and pasted being ranked pretty high and getting exposure, while your novel, in which you’ve spent so long on, be so low?
There shouldn’t be any comparison here because one is from creativity, and another one is from copying, which is cheating to be “popular”.