ImBloo Thank you for your feedback. Its been really useful.
You are totally right about the grammar and spelling. I will try to improve it in the future. Also, thanks for telling me in a very detailed way about the flaws on my story. I agree with most of your points and will try to make the necessary adjustments to my work. I appreciated your honest review.
The mayority of your questions about the story and the character would be answered in chapters to come and to reveal that now would be a huge spoiler. However, I can answer some of them.
About the Bob guy
Bob is a kender. The primary trait of this particular race is that is immune to fear. He could be inside the mouth of a dragon and not feel the slightest fear at all. That's the reason because the mc can't intimidate Bob.
There are more reasons to explain the dynamic between the two of them but it would be a huge spoiler.
By the way, kenders are not a creation of mine. They were created to replace Tolkien's Halflings in the Drangonlace Setting of TSR publishing. If you want to know more about them you can check the Dragonlance series.
About the Poison element
Poison has been used as an element of magic in a lot of novels, movies and videogames. It is really a common trope. Final Fantasy and Pokemon come to my mind right away but there are lots of examples.
It is sometimes depicted as the element opposite to lightning, which in my opinion does not make much sense, so in my world is an element that is linked both to water and darkness.
About the mana
Mana in my world is both a medium and an entity. You could think of it to be similar to "the force" of star wars except that in this case mana is sentient and very much alive. Mana can weaken and strengthen magic elements while the oposite is also true. While they can function separately on their own, mana and element are more powerful when combined.
A magician in this world is someone who can "convince" or "force" both the living mana and at least one of the elements to do what the magician wants. The mc is exceptional at this, to the point that he is able to manipulate dead mana, which is almost equal to living mana but is considered more powerful, dreadfull and harder to control. Also it is considered taboo in most places of this world.
As an analogy, if you consider the living mana a normal being, then dead mana is an undead being. Or if you a star wars fan you may prefer to see them as the force and the dark side.
About the character
The mc is mentally unstable , and will sometime act pretty similar to what you call a typical goth kid and also like a kid trying (and failing) to act tough. His actions will not match his words because the way he perceive himself is not how he really is. He does not understand himself. But he is the one who is telling the story so what you will know for now is just what he says and what you can deduce from his words and your own jugdment.
So at least in that part I have managed to produce pretty much the impression of him that I desired. So, I know that I am the right track. Again, thanks for your feedback!
About the wench.
Because she is really a wench. Not really sure what you find strange here, can you please elaborate about this particular point?
I suppose I could have used prostitute instead, but that would leave away her day work as the waitress of the tavern. I could have used waitress but then the reader could have a misleading impression that she is having sex because that what she liked to do instead of her night job.
While it is accurate that she is a woman, is not the appropriate word to use to describe what she does for a living. I feel that wench is the perfect word to describe her, as it is the word that has been used for decades in novels or movies to refer to a person who offer this kind of sexual services while also working at taverns as a waitress.
Hopefully , this would answer some of you concerns. Thank you very much for giving me the detailed feedback that I wanted! You surpassed what I usually expect of a reviewer! kudos to you, my friend!
And also thanks for the powerstone ! If you want feedback or a review from me, just tag me and I will do it after the contest ends.