Important update for Webnovel!
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@WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Webnoveldeveloper I have a question about the reading time. Does it only apply to mobile readers or does reading on tablets and laptops work?
Why free novels are now charged too?? 'Murder the dream guy' and the beautiful time spent of Yi Fei Yi were free and now ss are charged for it ...WHY???? I didn't like this new system at all
Its not the new system, its just the novel entered premium
enthu_reader it's not because of a new system, just bear in mind that any translation novel/comic will enter premium. for the original novel, it's between author and webnovel.
Webnoveldeveloper If i have a elite subscription and read 10 premium book and after a year I cancel my subscription will does 10 book have there chapter unlock ?
The membership is 12.49usd = 877 IndianRupee then why is the price showinh 1050inr? Is there a reason for extra price ?
Finally! It’s available for iOS! Thank you guys
After buying elite membership will our bonus spirit stones expire if we didn't use it
Hahh, too late. Spent like hundreds dollars in the past 2 months.
Webnoveldeveloper I have update my profile why does it still on completed? Mine is at 90%
I want someone from the legal 'law ' department why my published book was stolen and re posted by someone on webnovel? I already sent millions of reports and emails but I get no reply at all!
I do own the copyright and I'm the original owner of the novel that was published on webnovel under the name ' arrogant lover ' and he or she dared to write it under fanfiction and wrote down my name as the original author. I didn't give him/her an written permission to publish my work. And I informed my publihsing company 'stary Pte Ltd ' dreame and ficfun by that issue. The company reserve the digital copyright already.
I want that book to be taken down now!
How do you read locked chapters now? There’s no unlock button there. It only says the amount of spirit stones to be paid. There’s only the membership button at the bottom of the page. I’m trying to read (spare me, Great lord) Chapter 305.
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Dark_cloud47 sorry to ask, are you using android or ios. for Android, I saw it either "subscribe to read" or "unlock(cost 7ss)".
Dr_Zombie Wait?! Oh yes! It's easy for the company to act like that! I sent the evidence to that email already even so he or she Wrote down my name as original author. if you take a look at that being published under fan fiction and asked him/her if she had a written permission from the author or not. You will find A BIG NO! ... BUT yes, My publishing company would love to deal with that legally.
he didn't stole one book only, but two.
the link below anyway...[-Completed-].html
Yuki_Qing I’m using iOS.
Yuki_Qing I’m using iOS. It say 7SS then there’s a button saying (Subscribe to read free).