
  • May 2, 2023
  • Joined Nov 21, 2017
  • Idk I really love the idea of Webnovel. And i need to say i was willing to spend something like 30-50€ for unlimited reading.

    I ranked in the top 10 of contributions which is basically who spend the most money, and I did spend 100-200€ per month in the beginning, until they brought out the unlimited premium membership for ~25€ (which they cancelled I think a half year ago, or so), after that I stopped reading on Webnovel for most of the time.

    I just came back to see if they changed their prices, but they didn't and that drove me to make this post.

    I dont really want to argue about, why they decided to scrap the monthly subscription (unlimited reading) or why it wasn't good for them/author (in webnovels arguments why they decided to scrap it)

    I think the prices atm are beyond reasonable, if you want to read more then read 3-5 chapters a day.

    I can go deeper into the math, but most of you probably looked at the prices and decided nope no buying this.

    100€ = 250 - 450 chapters depending on chapter length

    With the novels usually going for 1000+ chapters this is a lot of money and the quality is arguably not as good as most published books (yeah we can argue about that, but not now)

    Obviously you can't compare apples to oranges, but for the whole collection of the published game of thrones books (7 I think) with about 70 chapters each, so a little bit under 500 chapters, cost 50€

    50€ = 500 chapters

    And that are hard copys, not digital.

    So you can argue, that webnovel has a higher variety and some books are even better and if I truly want to compare them I should use the top 10 novels average the word count per chapter + price, then do the same with the hard copy books in the fantasy genre. That should probably be more accurate.

    But still this is just a rough estimate of how much a chapter is worth and the prices are beyond reasonable, if you want to read more then your daily 3-5 chapters.

    So that was my little rant.

    Have a wonderful day

    PS: I don't mind being proven wrong, but when you do try back it up somehow, so we have something to discuss

    • Did they add ads again because the revenue was so bad ?

      • Pizz if u have the original app u can send it via Bluetooth to friends, I got my version from my little brother, that's why I said u need someone who already has the app to get it (maybe/probably there are other ways), but at least I know that this method works

        Got it right after my subscription ran out and I only come here from time to time to check for a few new novels to read

        The only thing I would like to have would be the synchronisation between two or more devises, but that's the only bad thing I can say about the app

        • Pizz replied to this.
        • Try to get the wuxiaworld app from some who has it, if u Google for it the sites are a scam

          • I quit webnovel after my subscription ran out, and wait for the pirated stuff I spend probably 750€ on this site and that was because I hoped it can transition to something like netflix

            Especially after I saw how coiling dragon changed the translation scene and I hoped webnovel would do it again, but sadly they just dissapointed me

            Now that they removed the subscription model, I'm gonna quit and go back to novelupdates, where most translation are either add or patreon supported (yes I know nu just collects the links, they don't translate themself, and it also shows webnovel updates, but I will just exclude them)

          • Well after the elite subscription was cancelled, yeah
            Just wait for the piratet epubs and pdfs and u should be good to go

            I'm talking as one of the people who spend 100€ a month on this site, willingly in the beginning, because I wanted to help it grow, until the subscription model is available.
            Well now that they cancelling it, I probably go back to novelupdates, exclude webnovels updates and support the novels I like through patreon)
            This spiritstone alone model is way to expensive for way to many people (my little brother can't afford it and just go to pirate sites and I can understand him)
            I don't know what they thinking and tbh I think their shouldn't be that many premium novels

          • Pizz same the only reason I'm still paying Is because shortly before my limit was reached and I go pirate the novels (seriously if ur prices are shit idc and tbh if u don't lower the cost soon I doubt many people will continue to pay for 3 simple reasons

            1. They simply don't have the amount 25$/€ is actually a lot if u consider u get Amazon Prime for 60€ a YEAR and the benefits are way more then what u can offer, yeah but Netflix is still 15€ or so ... sure I think 4 ppl can watch in 4k or so (not like it's that difficult to share a webnovel account, it's just ur last chapter and reading list will probably fucked up)

            2. There are enough alternatives (like the pizz(a) guy said either u go to kindle unlimited some pirate website, or wuxiaworld) if u really just like 2-3 novels u can simply read them with the free spirit stones and just don't care and read more books for way less money on other sites

            3. Let's be real, the quality of webnovels and translation is usually not that high, the only thing that make up for it is sheer quantity ... and if u really expect ppl to pay the same price like a hardcopy book for a webnovel ur really dumb ...

            The only reason I'm willing to pay atm is my beliefe u care a little bit and make affordable entertainment in the future and make people happy

            So I will watch this for 6 more months and after that I probably spend a 1000€ on this site, and if the prices are still shit I just go and pirate, because although I believe u should pay for ur services, if someone tries to ripe u off and keeps being greedy af, I don't really mind ...

            And I'm speaking as one of the people who get their account through a code from an author ... so I'm here since the beginning and saw the whole fiesta

            • CKtalon well that subscription is pretty new and tbh I don't think the prices are actually decent, but I'm addicted and got money so ... fck me
              at least they only take 25€, instead of 100+€ every 1-2 month

            • I got 2k bonus spirit points, because I cashed in shortly before the monthly subscription so they expire soon and I kinda wanna gift that Crown
              I just really don't care which novel so I'm just gonna leave it here and pick the reply with the most votes

              Edit: I just realised u can't gift every novel so I only gift those where it's actually possible, I don't make the rules

              • Well that's it
                That's the only thing I wanna know

                Cuz I set my profil pic
                Vertify the email
                Set my gender to whatever cuz according to gender studies it's a social construct so it doesn't matter
                Set my land to global, because why do u care where I live, u already got my iP ...
                Set my motto (baby turtles are the very best )
                And I forgot the last shit (i think it was tags or something like that I don't bother checking )

                So why am I at 90% ... I did every thing that's there

                • Android app, and i never cleared my cache
                  I think god of slaughter was the latest around chapter 500+ it started

                  • I dont know why but a lot of the chapters, i read the past weeks, that are not properly formated in the app (didnt check with the pc site, so dont know if its just lazy editors or if there is something bugged)
                    Its really annoing to read, i stopped several novels, cuz of this shit
                    I mean if there is a conversation going on and you actual dont know who is talking and you have to carefully look where a " starts and end
                    + who dafuq wanna read a fucking block of text you ......

                    (I just wrote this while half asllep idc about grammer splelling or other shit, just so atrocious, i forced myself to make a fucking post )

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