Idk I really love the idea of Webnovel. And i need to say i was willing to spend something like 30-50€ for unlimited reading.
I ranked in the top 10 of contributions which is basically who spend the most money, and I did spend 100-200€ per month in the beginning, until they brought out the unlimited premium membership for ~25€ (which they cancelled I think a half year ago, or so), after that I stopped reading on Webnovel for most of the time.
I just came back to see if they changed their prices, but they didn't and that drove me to make this post.
I dont really want to argue about, why they decided to scrap the monthly subscription (unlimited reading) or why it wasn't good for them/author (in webnovels arguments why they decided to scrap it)
I think the prices atm are beyond reasonable, if you want to read more then read 3-5 chapters a day.
I can go deeper into the math, but most of you probably looked at the prices and decided nope no buying this.
100€ = 250 - 450 chapters depending on chapter length
With the novels usually going for 1000+ chapters this is a lot of money and the quality is arguably not as good as most published books (yeah we can argue about that, but not now)
Obviously you can't compare apples to oranges, but for the whole collection of the published game of thrones books (7 I think) with about 70 chapters each, so a little bit under 500 chapters, cost 50€
50€ = 500 chapters
And that are hard copys, not digital.
So you can argue, that webnovel has a higher variety and some books are even better and if I truly want to compare them I should use the top 10 novels average the word count per chapter + price, then do the same with the hard copy books in the fantasy genre. That should probably be more accurate.
But still this is just a rough estimate of how much a chapter is worth and the prices are beyond reasonable, if you want to read more then your daily 3-5 chapters.
So that was my little rant.
Have a wonderful day
PS: I don't mind being proven wrong, but when you do try back it up somehow, so we have something to discuss