biblio1011 They are using this privilege chapters in exchange for monthly subs, that is for sure. We can no longer hope for a monthly subscription now since quidan's/webnovel's top priority is profit.
【Important Announcement】Monthly Elite subscriptions adjustment
i usually making a save for novel that i read in words. (for my private file, not for public use. i don't share it to anyone). i realize, today i can't do that anymore. WN making new feature with their web?
Maybe they don't want people to steal the chapters.
Well Privilege is an obvious money grab by Webnovel/Qidian
Just realized privilege might be why I'm getting error msgs on wuxia. Those novels with privilege wuxia can't get the chapters and gives u an error message to wait for updates lol.
Angko true. but i can't find the original works at other web.... TT__TT i just don't wanna can't read the original novel online, afraid that it will lock again. cz with the current issue, WN doesn't even try to give explanation.
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This first purchase challenge is another marketing strategy by these guys to trick their customers into spending. Rule 5: "Webnovel reserves the right to the final interpretation of these rules".
The ambiguous wording of "Only available for the First Purchase" was on purpose.
It means first purchase (ever) of the account you have or you wont be getting your bonus SS from this challenge.
People who bought the 2500 SS are screwed if they were relying on that bonus 2500.
You only get the usual +750 bonus SS when you purchase 2500 SS.
This company is so manipulative. Careful ppl.
Trash company using manipulative unethical business practices. I will now go out of my way to never pay any money at all. Soon I will never again use this app and webnovel's services. So bye bye everyone here
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This company is a legitimate scammer through and through. Hopefully people stop supporting these ridiculous schemes.
Also, Qidian, "privilege" does not really have a good connotation nowadays. If you're gonna keep this terrible system, maybe change the name to something that sounds less discriminatory.
Gamercat wait, does that mean what I think? That if you have your acc for like over a year and have purchased SS before, you won't get the double of what you pay for at this event bc it's not the first purchase on this acc? Phew, I'm lucky I haven't bought any as it sounded too good to be true. Guess it really was.
And no reply of quidian...
Yet another downward plunge for this app. Was good before pity its turned into this
I wander why they don't just answer us... Even if it will be negative for the monthly fee, by answering us it would seem that they do care for feedback or at least seem like they are active here.
I mean I don't see any legit reason not to reply to us...