• Qidian Official
  • 【Important Announcement】Monthly Elite subscriptions adjustment

Yep there are a lot of "free" sites out there ,it's a shame but I will need to be finding them . Because 1000 chapters at say 7 ss a chapter is a lot more than most people can afford, especially when you find out it was just a filler.

    The subscription itself was overpriced as is, but now you're stopping it because a small portion of the novels saw less income, so what? Surely the many novels with more income should counter that?

    Stopping the subscription service is going to cause authors to lose money while the few top authors make more, is that what you want lol>


    "due to how income is split through monthly subscriptions, a small number of authors have suffered a drop in income. This impact on some of our authors' income runs counter to Webnovel's goal to increase every contracted author's income."

    This is what i take issue with, you're fucking over a large number of authors whose income increased, for the minority who were already making more money, there is no way to increase everyones income without charging retard rates which will encourage piracy.

    All chapters that I have read with monthly elite are now locked.... what is wrong with you? Why must I pay for something that already paid for.

    Pls quick start membership option...you can't do this to us....😌😌😌😌🤤🤤🤤

    Is this another marketing ploy?? Hungering the market (users)?? Give them a taste, then take it away. I am pretty sure there are some people who can not wait. Ending up buying SS to continue reading. First they advertisement for chapters, then introduce spirirt stones with premium, when people started bulking up there SS stash to bulk read they then ADD expiration limits on the free and purchased SS which mostly hurt the free SS forcing some to purchase. Then add gifting SS which i think was a waste but another bait for users to buy more SS to gift. Which was to make preperation for the new subscription which is good, because they do not need them. Now they remove the option to subscribe causing some to purchase SS. WOW good job Webnovel who ever is in charge or the brains of the marketing team REALLY GOOD JOB.🤣 what will be your next MARKETING SCHEME???

      i'm disappointed in the fact that the subscription service has end because i read a lot on my free time. I read at least 50-100 chapters a day and now that i no longer have the subscription i now have to spend more money to read the books i like to read everyday. its starting to seem like a waste of money now i was happy and willing to pay for the subscription but now i don't know how to feel. please bring it back......

        WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL As a reader, I’m totally agree that we have to pay for the author that has given us many great novels to read. However, if you think that 30 us dollars is not enough for us to pay for a month and insist us to buy the SS. It is indeed too much! We have novels to read and each chapter cost us like 5-8 SS. It is 3 times more than what I’m paying for netflix !!!!! I think u should keep the elite subscription as it is and not change. Well if you guys change it dont increase the price.... Its too much for us, some of us are even student :( We apreciate the author that’s why we willing to pay not look at other website to read, but also give us a fair and worth price to the loyal reader !

        I'm so disappointed I read a lot I read so many that I am reading about 20 Storys because there's not enough chapters out and now that I have to go back to SS instead of the membership I'm gonna have to read less and I do all my reading here I don't even buy books no more this really sucks

        WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Because of the inconvenience of author we the reader cannot even satisfy our daily read.i thoughts we the reader come first how about you bring back the elite for now and then when you guys figure something out you change that how it always work for others viewing platforms you incorporate the changes not take it out all together.i see so many of my book there that is updated but I can’t read any it making me reallly mad.plus most of the book here are the translator not the real author

        WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL is it okay if i purchased it like now? Because all i read is people who complain things about it all the time. I do love webnovel and i want to read it everytime. so being one of people who complaining about their subscription or things like that make me sad. I am a bookworm so i do feel lost if i cant read my favorite novels..

          Isn't it a lil bit unfair to lock away all chapter that have been read while we r in elite membership?

            DeportedKami Webnovel should reimburse the entire amount of subscription money to all elite subscribers, since it violated the terms of contract. This is breach of contract by Webnovel, since they did not state that subscription would be withdrawn in 2 months while asking users to subscribe. Also, the mass spirit stone gifting events, just before Webnovel withdrew subscriptions, show that it was all part of a plan made by Webnovel to fool users. This is just not acceptable.

              DeportedKami Webnovel should reimburse the entire amount of subscription money to all elite subscribers, since it violated the terms of contract. This is breach of contract by Webnovel, since they did not state that subscription would be withdrawn in 2 months while asking users to subscribe. Also, the mass spirit stone gifting events show that it was all part of a plan made by Webnovel to fool users. This is just not acceptable.

              I could not find a way to cancel the subscription. So I guess it is already solved automatically?

              And please, try to reintroduce a plan with different payment models, maybe based on chapter (length) read. Currently your prices are in no way compabel to e.g. Amazon Prime

              Feng_Sha comics unless you are on a monthly plan are a scam anyways. you can find em on any mangasite for free.

              stefeman To true i was the exact same when i was binge reading a few books i found (roughly 3 novels) when i first started on this site but i was actually spending nearly 90 euros per month so when i found the elite subscription i was elated as i cant be spending that kind of money no matter how much i like these novels

              So your data shows the subscription program was working as intended, why cancel it then? The only reason to cancel this program early is that you were either not making enough money as you thought you would or you thought up a plan to make even more money and don't want people too hooked on this subscription plan. If you actually cared enough about your customers there is no need to cancel the program until you could implement the new "better" changes. I am not going to purchase any SS until there is proof that you are not trying to screw over your customers to get more money.

              My suspicion is that the revenue of the top ranked novel authors/translators went down substantially under the subscription program. if I'm any indication.

              I occasionally bought SS to follow 2-3 top novels of interest, keeping up-to-date with them. Now with the subscription I still follow those novels, reading the 10-15 new chapters/week/novel that come out, but I also read 500 chapters of medium ranked (10-50 ranked) novels that don't interest me nearly as much (I wouldn't pay any extra for them). So when it comes time for webnovel to allocate my $25 for a month, 80% to 90% of my chapters are lesser ranked novels so they are going to get 80-90% of the $25. The top novels are getting less money from me than they used to.

              If this is indeed the problem, webnovel does indeed have to change things, possibly weighting new chapters much more heavily when allocating to authors.

              If everything read under sub stayed unlocked I would have no problem with this, but now wtf is this, if we have to suffer due to a dip in authors income they better realize what they do is a job and to actually treat is as such, otherwise I'm done.

              Also wanna get my voice out there to say that I think the move you did was bad. I am going to have to rethink how I will go forward before I decide to spend irl money on SS again here.
              I am sure that this desicion will make the authors loose more money then what they did with the premium subscription.

              Please add a replacement as soon as possible. An idea is to buy full access to a specific novel, all chapters unlocked forever, for a price similar or cheaper then a book irl. SS can still be used by readers as a trial reading, both for reading the entire novel, but for us to get a chance if we wanna 100% support the novel

              They need to say something speak Webnovel everyone who use this you is asking questions . SAY SOMETHING ANYTHING JUST SPEAK

              Meh, guess I have to take a break from most of premium novels in my library now. Subscription allowed me to read these "premiums" that had subpar translation and/or editing. Good thing I have hundreds of free chapters to read as well in my library. So I don't have to go looking for other sites. If you don't implement new subscription based solution soon I guess I have to start reading western books again. At least I can easily find those in sites that doesn't fk you into a*s dryly like this seems to be doing, with expiring bonus ss and now this.

              You won’t see me buying or spending any SS until you get the subscription service back and working. Even though I would prefer a cheaper price, I’m willing to pay the same I was paying for quality novels, I guess I’m taking a break from Webnovel for a couple of months until you get the sub back... very disappointed

              Another suggestion. No more meaningless subscription. No need to lower the SS price for each chp. Just lower the price for buying SS, coz i refill every 3-4 days depends on is there any mass release or not (now i don't wait for any mass release anymore 😭). if it not getting cheaper, my poor wallet will scream. I'll be gladly refill my SS and start reading other novels in my library.

              I hope this comes back because otherwise I’m going to have to drop like 5 or 6 novels

              WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL maybe the new subscription will be broken down to VIP levels?? Bronze silver gold platinum?? With differing prices too?? Hmmmm..... whats the next great money making idea be?? How will they suck us dry this time???

              I almost gifted my ss. I'll finish all the ss i have then ill take a break from WebNovel. I have a few novels from a different website that i have not read in a while.

              I'm just gunna do some math here based on my own reading habit while inbetween work shifts and on break which gives me about 7 ish hours per day to read I personally work 6-7 days a week however I read roughly 1000+ chapters a week anyway due to being on nightshift and having no life xD but that means i would spend roughly $140 a week or $560 dollars a month to enjoy some books(If i could read all I wanted without a tight wallet lol,does not include free spirit stones that can be earned). Now here's the math a 9 spirit stone chapter has about 1,625 words in it which mean in a 1,000 chapter book that would cost me roughly $140 I read about 1,625,000 words and according to the average cost of a 50,000 word Ebook on Amazon $2.99 (amazon takes roughly 30% writer gets $2.09) in total for all 1,625,000 words or roughly 32 Ebooks off of Amazon it should cost around $97 however we end up paying $140 which is roughly a 43% increase from the average cost based on word count alone now there are factors I don't know such as time spent per chapter or how many people are working on each chapter or how much web novel takes per chapter purchase but with the information i have available to me this is what I noticed just thought I should jot it down and share with y'all 😀😀
              However now its back to just a select few books on here while Google helps with the rest which kinda sucks cuz id much rather help the translators/writers out but at the current prices I can't allow my self to.
              Have a good day/night everyone

                Didn't hear about this until I was suddenly asked for SS.

                Do I have to use the app even to get notified about pending updates to my subscription?

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