- Edited
I put them an awful 1 stars on Google play, Please all of you down-rate them on the app providers, that may help them to change their mentality
I put them an awful 1 stars on Google play, Please all of you down-rate them on the app providers, that may help them to change their mentality
LordKBX I would gladly do it on apple store too however, the last comment available on apple store is from end of March. I HIGHLY doubt that no one wrote a bad comment on the different App Store available after the monthly membership was cancelled, as such they are most probably « deleting » these comments and ratings... Morever, there are only 83 grading shown ~ sooooo ..... ಠ_ರೃ
I will say this is probably the worst / best thing that has happened to you and us readers in a long time i whent from reading about 1200-1500 minutes a week over to barely reaching 60 since last reset atleast i have alot off free time now and its all thanks to author that complain about us readers not getting enough money when the are putting forth badly edited chapters thatcarent worth paying for
Are you guys referring to those author's that didn't get anything in first place or those who are at the peak. Probably the later one. Doesn't really matter, I'll stick to my handful of novel, don't need overpriced sub nor extra SS, got tired of cn-novel a while ago. Thanks to crappie author's and translators....
Dante_The_Immortal I gifted out my SS too to my favorite novels since I subscribed to elite membership.... now i need to buy to read
geeiein You said it right!
When will you have the new program ready?
well, I'm just going to stop reading till they put the service back. It'll be a nice break from reading. When the subscription comes back, I can at least binge read and not get caught in cliff hangers!
I was looking for Elite member button when I arrived here. Just curious why my subscription is ended.. Please release the program early!! My SS is zero now >..< Struggling between reading my novel or gifted the author
I don't mind buying the SS (eventhough it was freaking expensive) BUT it keeps charging me when I want to go back re-read previous chapter, which I have brought T-T Please, bring back the subscription~~
Can I just buy the books I’m interested in?? If it’s completed why can’t I just purchase the entire version? If the subscription doesn’t come back and no reasonable options pop up then I will unfortunately have to quit using this app. I have spent over $50 in ss in the past two weeks alone on one book(and I was trying to read slowly). I understand that authors and translators should be compensated for their work but this is kind of ridiculous.
If you do the math, the story I was reading has over 2000 chapters (this is more than the average on this site usually), on the cheap end let’s assume that each chapter is 4ss (pretty sure that it’s at 11ss, but let’s pretend). That means it costs 8000ss to read the novel. At 1200ss for $20, that’s a little over 6 payments (you can do slightly more ss for $50 but that’s besides the point). This means that if I want to read the entire novel, it will cost me over $120. Sorry, but as much as I love to read, that is not ok. Especially when I am reading multiple novels at once.
Sad to hear this. Any format except "subscription" is doomed to fail. I hope you reinstate this program. Also, have a pricing which matches the country.
Wow, didn’t know about this at all until I tried to read my chapters this morning. I have no idea where this info was posted, there should have been a large window pop-up to tell me. Guess I will be like others and have to cut down severely on my reading here.
@WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL @Webnovel_Staff I love how many negative comments there are here and yet no response of reassurance by any staff members at all or update on what's going on. Idk about anyone else but I'll be recommending everyone i know away from this app and I am uninstalling I cant afford this shit.
LGND you right
The funny thing is that on Google play they still say you can subscribe for elite subscription. Also the newest feedback is from march I wonder why...
@WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL @Webnovel_Staff i hope you can give a satisfied answer for everyone and make a solution for this.. This decision really make me disappointed cause i can't read my favourite novel anymore.. Please at least answers our questions..
That is the equivalent of 6, 15sec long adds in a 5 minute read... Seriously, way too much
Please reintroduce ELITE Subscription as soon as possible it is the only viable option for fast readers that lack the income for SS purchases i am pleading on my knees.... PLEASE
In just the last 4 months alone i have purchased 25,400 SS... Well. That is over 500$, i also had the subscription which saved a ton of $... I am done spending money on excessively over priced materials