【Important Announcement】Monthly Elite subscriptions adjustment
Dont let it die! We demand answers!
CinnaSugar boxnovel is good lol
Its suprisingly easy to find "alternative" sites to read the same novels here not proud of it but @WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL forced me to it
Let me know when you decide to bring back premium
Up ist goes
Angko same here. I read 1 storg here because it is only here. But it updates so infrequently that it hardly counts
Time for the bump again
When will a new system come up?
I think à found the reason why they use prohibitive prices
the value of their market share(the main company) have greatly fall since their market introduction in 2017
LordKBX wow, it has been losing value ever since it started up.
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LordKBX wow! Interesting trend after the end of subscription announcement
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priceless. Bleed consumers of their money and lose them. Great business tactic. Note complete sarcasm
Still waiting, but no good news.
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL I really hate the administration of this site they just probably cancelled it bc they were making less money but say it's bc authors are the ones taking the hit
They have plenty of rich fans who buy more that 10k spirit stones every month. So long as these fans don't stop buying, they have nothing to fear.
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LordKBX but the biggest problem is the totally bad customer service and forum admins plus the novels, so many have stopped releasing at all or only one in a month like ssm ..it was huge then from 660ish went done hill and now is rotting and only has less than 200 chapters left a group of users were gifting a min 1000 ss a week each , VM was left to rot on gt, but at least after the huge delay in movement to here and replacement of the moroniclly bad lier of the tl'er we at least get 2 releases a day each week , and to be blunt the management here have and still have no clue on how an open market works coming from a closed off firewalled one ... WW and Vola, WN's main reveals don't have to any of these problems in making money and gt which is 90% qi owned is rotting away as well, they need a real management change to people that in fact understand the market works , damn i own and run a it company , qi could give this company and i could get more money returns in 6mths to a year then they do at the sec , I say this bit as I run an 8.2k readers group + 2 smaller ones and 90% will not bother reading on qi at all , I'm about the only one that does and buys stones and I use mine wisely as i only read 2 main ln's here 3-4 use free stones on and i read 10+ on the other sites for a lot, lot less or free and that isn't even inc my jp light novels/manga or USA comics plus anime i buy