Veronica8 I meant what u said in third paragraph, this is just my general idea of a 'what rank is my book at', lije different genres have more readers etc. Like FanFic argueably the most traffic heavy of genres in WN, which correlates to my ratio, however that is my ost recent book, so its also my best book currently.
While horror has lesser niche in WN so has less v/c. I also improved from my last two novels, but I tried slower story line to lay uto more info, but I feel like I lost a lot of readers that way which both correlate to the poor ratio, plus my first time writing horror stuff while I don't have much interacrion with thegenre other than video games and My House of Horrorsm which was what made me write the book as I cant marathon anymore. The horror still better than other originals I tried in the genre though which were about ten-twenty, just ones that looked horror focused.