Nehesa Yeah... that’s exactly the problem and the point I desagree with. I know english. I know what I want to read about. But I also know my limitations. I rather leave it in my mind than try to express it in a crappy novel. Have you seen the influx of novels based on mangás and & mixing it with webnpvel elements? Reincarnated as ccccc char, bbbb char with a system, gggg char transmigrated and loves me, yada yada yada. That’s the kind of delusional fanfic that’s invading webnovel. And honestly, aside the fanfic events like the RTW and BTS ones I don’t think fanfics should be allowed to freely proliferate like this. Unless there’s some type of quality check in place.
My mention of fanfics is due the fact many just put themselves in the place of a char and go crazy on it and that is a very well known not to do when writing. People do so on originals too, but is easier to see in fanfics.
The point is: if you don’t have and structured idea and enough confidence in the plots, chars, grammar and that you be able to write a decent novel and just want to get the idea out of your system then just make a blog for it. If every reader here went with your advice and started writing because they think like that can you imagine just what will become of this? Aint the originals section enough of a mess already? u.u
I know your intentions are good, but just pumping more novels there won’t help.

    Nizze Fanfiction belongs solely on sites like, Archive of Our Own, Fanlore, etc. Not Webnovel, not even Wattpad should it be seen. And there are supposed to be filters for certain things (like 18+). I hope Webnovel does a good late Spring Cleaning and sets certain parameters for Original novels. Or maybe rankings on the author itself to show what their quality of work on average is. Some people might feel offended by all this, but this is a company from the People's Republic of China. I'm already shocked they're running it so liberally when I expected they'd want quality over quantity. Maybe because it's Webnovel International

      Nehesa I think you're doing the wrong call to action. You really should say, "Edit, my friend, edit!" Because terrible grammar can be fixed with good editing. Although it doesn't solve terrible plot... but that's what power stones are for. It's too bad they can't be used to vote down, but they can at least be used on any of the rare good originals.

      Nizze In regard to contracted originals, I agree with what you say regarding quality of some stories. These stories aren't show casing the quality originals that are here.

      Believe it or not, there are stories here with impeccable grammar you can read for free in its entirety, no spirit stones lost. I've listed some below based on grammar quality and solid storytelling (nb: some are BL), which I feel is at 90% - 99% top quality.

      There are a lot more on this site, which carry high standards. I have a whole library filled with quality hidden gems.

      All the books I've mentioned are well written, and most are from anglophones. However, what they all have in common is none of them are contracted. I feel they are more than worthy enough for one at any site.

      In short, it's a hunt for a good quality story, and especially those freely available. Some contracted books need revision for technical quality improvements.

      Not all contracted books are badly written by the way. Ball of Nothing was a story I didn't spot many technical issues. Edit: I found The Hitting Zone was also a good read and I didn't spot too many grammar issues.

      So, my complaint to @Webnovel_Staff, improve your search function and give non contracted Originals a proper recommendation slot on your homepage. None of this daily update BS. If the story has over 50K worth of words (novella length) and screened for basic quality (e.g. filter out/flag grammar errors, NSFW content...), it should be enough for a feature, so readers can find new quality works and enjoy.

        Veronica8 it's too bad that those who don't have contracts aren't making Webnovel money, so Webnovel would lose the opportunity cost of advertising uncontacted works over contacted works if they did advertise them. Additionally, I've encountered negative feedback from non-native English speakers that they don't care about the grammar; "they only understand about half of what's written anyways, so why should the author's waste effort when the underlying meaning is clear." And because Webnovel is an international company, it seems this is a more prevalent sentiment than expected for those who do enjoy proper proofreading.

          KoraL Yeah, it's a catch 22 with revenue opportunities. They used to have a Featured Originals slot that had a healthy mix of contracted/non contracted works, this changed to Trending Originals.

          There's not much take up of non contracted books to these slots now. I think one or two here and there. Since the theme is trending, it looks for daily updates, over 20k words, views, votes and reader activity. For non contracted works, this is a hard ask.

          If Webnovel had a robust AI search function to promote a variety of stories to readers and grant greater discoverability to writers, it will be far ahead of the game over Royal Road and Wattpad. This is their opportunity to take advantage. At the moment Royal Road wins on this aspect.

          EmpressSK most of the comics on webnovel are taken up from other platforms. Then they change names nd update it super slowly here. Also they make it premium asking 13 ss per chapter.
          Whereas on other platforms the same comic is super cheap with a better release pace.
          For example, the comic u named as CEO's replacement bride is available on webcomics under the name CEO's Substitute Bride nd it is already completed.
          Also they ask for 30 coins per chapter but they also let u earn 60 coins per hour login, 10 coins for being online every 5 minutes , 150 coins for daily check-ins nd 30 coins for every free ad watching.
          Also other examples are :
          1. Dont be too harsh(webcomics) as dont be too rough master(WN)
          2. Pure girl(webcomics) as flaming hot desire (WN)
          3. Adonis next door (webcomics) as Piss off prince charming (WN)
          4. Love like cherry blossoms (webcomics) as Primose Love(WN)
          5. Love between you nd me (webcomics) as Toxic Love(WN)
          Nd many more...........
          All comics are going on the webcomics way earlier than WN picked them nd the update stability is much better than webnovel

          In short, WEBNOVEL is a COPY-CAT in terms of COMICS cuz the content is exactly same just WN CHANGES the NAME.

            Ruyi26029741 lol, those comic is belong to Tencent, Qidian parent is Tencent. Other comic translation publishers seek their authorize approval to translate that comic into their platform, that is why they always mention got authorize ..... in the description. Of course, the content is the same but the way their translate is different.

            Yes, the stability in webcomic can't be denied as they also compete with other publishers who translate with the same comic too (can check Webcomic with Mangatoon with same comic, can see they compete with each other for fast translating). So, can't say who copy-cat with who.

              Nizze First of all thx for replying. Second, love the way you put it :-)

              Veronica8 yup, same thing happens with novel adapted into comic or drama, the title might be the same or not. Most comic in there is adaption from the novel that we have read. That is why we see people argue plot jump here and there or title not same.

                Still the main point is that other platforms cater to the needs of the readers. For comics there is a regularised release of chapters nd we can communicate with the authors nd editors of that comic. Also they give ways to earn their currencies(like ss here) in adequate amount unlike here.
                So even if WN is not a copy-cat, still it should pay heed to the needs of readers. But thats not the case.
                Also if WN has the original rights then why the frequnency of updates is very low comparitively to other platforms when the content is same???
                Eg: pure girl on webcomics has given out over 400 chapters while the same comic under the name flaming hot desire here has given out not even 100 chapters????
                Even the tranlation quality of it is better at webcomics than at webnovel......
                Also if u google the mentioned comic then u can see that on most of the platforms it is available under the name of pure girl nd not flaming hot desire(only at webnovel) even though each platform has their own translation team nd different launch dates nd update schedule????
                Why is only webnovel different from the rest while other platforms have similarities ??

                  Eliza_Thornberry i even doubt their ranking system.
                  Trial Marriage Husband is always on the top of those ranking lists while according to its discord channel nd comments section so many readers have dropped it in past few months owing to repetetive plot nd other reasons.......
                  Also there has no mass release for it atleast around 9 months yet it is on top ???? How come???? 😑😑

                    I know as also read comic from there and how or when all reader in there know too.

                    Ok, this might be a weak excuse and assumption, but can say other platforms are more focusing on comic, their group for translating comic might be a big group of people or even 2 or 3 peoples who are professional on their profession can do translating, editing, typesetter, cleaning faster than others (which it takes a longer time for an amateur). In term of translation quality can't say much, some of it good and not.

                    Yes, they update on calendar scheduled (either in 2 or 3 days or even a week) but not all comic are frequent update too (some comics is already few weeks or months not update), some of them will notify reader but some are not. Another example, webcomic give upspree / mass release for certain comic (till chapter 100), but other platform also do the same with 100 chapters. Currently, they slow down for update but other platform already translate more than them. We can see in webcomic, reader has mentioned they already read or complete read bla bla at other platform. For sure other reader will jump to that platform which comic price is 1 coupon but daily check-in only received 1 coupon per day. This situation is vice-versa. This is competition. This is a fact and not because I'm biased.

                    Yes, cant denied every business need consumer a.k.a reader.

                    In term of translation name, can't say much cause it depends on the translator, they are the one who understands Chinese. For example, that comic is recognized as Pure Girl, but others might be recognized (either in comic or novel) it as 纯情丫头火辣辣 / Chunqing Yatou Huolala / A Naive Short-Tempered Girl / The Sex Contract / Thuần Tình Nha Đầu Hỏa Lạt Lạt / Pure Girl / 纯情花嫁 / 복수할까? 연애할까?. Most people recognize it as Chunqing Yatou Huolala. So when translate it can be almost the same or different meaning/name.

                    here too:

                    Don't be too harsh(webcomics) as don't be too rough master(WN)

                    or some call it Don't be too fierce but all these meaning are almost the same but only different presentation. So can we blame them on a different name?

                    Extra: Example, translation novel. Not in WN but other authorize platforms, we all know that the sources raw are in Chinese, and character name also in Chinese. But when translating, they change it into English name example Cindy/Ethan/Mike/Linda (it because can attract a western reader and comfortable to pronounce or can easily remember their name, all this are business). Of course, for those who don't care or don't know the original name was changed will not complain so can we blame the translator for that too? This also happens in the comic (Aaron/rich guy/Wendy/Beatriz etc).

                    Fun fact, another example, webcomic has start translate comic title "Ceo Above, Me Below" in May 2019 while Mangatoon already translated it since last year but with the different title "Bossy President", readers complain in Webcomic and comparing each other but in the end still accept it.

                    For WN, we don't even know who is the translator in here (yes, cause don't have a comment section and cant communicate with each other). We don't even know either it a big group or not. Info that we have is Publisher name is "group/studio/ bla bla" but we don't know do people work there are professional/amateur or only 2 people who do the job (translating, editing, typesetter, cleaning - not an easy job). In term for update schedule in WN, some have improvement but some are not, don't just focus on a comic, even for novel we all know it well.

                    Since WN is more focusing on the novel, maybe they want to spread/expand their business in comic too or revenue. Can't blame any business who want to expand, right. Even Mangatoon who focus on the comic earlier are now expanding their business with publishing novel. But because WN inconsistent, response, lack here and there (we all saw many complain and sorry to say this cause I don't know what their struggle/problem is), that why it gives a negative impact/impression for both parties.

                    Extra: We can judge (including myself) all platform (either it in comic or novel) including WN is a big company with assumption many people work with them, but we don't know their difficulty / how many people actually in the group / how they keep up with the project with the time constraint/people in out from the group / how professional are they in their profession / how their editor do their task / can say everyone wants to be editor or translator but when new people join, do they can keep up with the job given, they were motivated at first but for sure will slack somewhere later on (well not all of them) / are they full time or part time doing this job / real life situation. In terms of Grammar or good English for translating, they might also good/fluent/bad. [ I mentioned all these does not focus on WN or becoming a fanatic supporter or bootlicking them, saw it at other authorize platforms but not all have the same situation]. For WN, yes, we blame them taking too much novel but it how business do. Since QI and subs only authorize them to translate their novel in here. To satisfy others need sacrifices some, for example, quantity over quality. Lack of communication also hurt readers.

                    Extra: Can we compare the WN with other platforms? some are yes and not. We only hope that WN can do more research/ learn from them, listen to suggestion, be firm with the decision (no more trial testing etc), stabilize their apps and website and helping to promote novel more in this platform especially original novel, there are many hidden gems in the sea of many new novels, filter the new incoming novel as saw many spam, even in forum too. (me -> it's easy to talk than do it).

                    Extra: These all I know with my little knowledge, sincere apologize if all I have mentioned above are wrong and broken grammar. Sorry to be a rude and sincere apology for saying this to anybody, if anyone is boss/leader/CEO for certain business, don't talk business or how many years does your business being publish or operate, success, etc -> with me (as my knowledge is little and only a worker) and as not all business (either your company with my boss company) is the same business nature and might be different with SOP etc, so you know your business better and I know my boss business is. Come here for enjoy reading.

                    This might be a bad suggestion, why not all complain or any suggestion direct email to WN. If not mistaken, in faq or help center has mentioned can email them any suggestion etc.


                    Hello Webnovel.
                    At least for PC users the TGIF banner disappeared at 12 noon GMT+8, so we have no way to see the list of books on discount this week. Could you please provide a link or post the list here, so the PC users can have access to the discounts.

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