A pay wall after a pay wall? Really?!?
It's actually a paywall after a paywall after a paywall as technically there is actually another paywall after privilege paywall. Once you get past privilege paywall you then need to pay to unlock the chapters...
This is why there is not Toilet paper in the public bathrooms in China. Greedy bastards take anything that is free. Just youtube no toilet paper in china. And you will understand.
What did you expect? They are here to milk you dry. That is why I will never pay them.
I wish more people voted 1 star on the app. I signed up because the app had a 4.5 star rating ..
This is just a typical chinese people a bunch of conceited greedy pigs okay. They say american was the greedy pigs and hey aren't you much worse than that?.
HaulferBleu Your comment will get removed, but i agree whole heartedly.
Welcome To Webnovel a new way of scamming people!
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Daoist_N The funny thing is that NO ONE has noticed the REAL issue on this. IT only works ONCE. Once you have read all the future chapters you once again ONLY get normal chapter release rate. You get nothing extra. You end up paying an extra LARGE amount of money to read these few chapters and then get nothing EXTRA for it. Also, from what I have read on the forums some people are saying IT only works on ONE LN.
SorcererCat yeah your right.