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Although not sure about writing, I always have the confidence to say that I'm actually a very good reviewer--genuine, honest but in the soft way, knowledgable enough and I'm so proud of my reviews that, I'm gonna open a thread to put them on, to let every author have access to direct samples of my commentaries before they attempt challenging the dragon∠( ᐛ 」∠)_XDDD
This thread also serves as an invitation to anyone who wants to do review swap: welcome to be my victims! But because I intend to keep this thread a clear collection of my reviews with few other posts, anyone who wants to do swap with me shall follow these steps:
1. Publish a GENUINE review (at least in your own standard) on my book first and mention the book title you want me to review
2. Wait for me to immediately notice your review (yeah I keep close tap∠( ᐛ 」∠)_) and put you on my review list
3. Wait for me to @you, put your book link and my review for your work in this thread when I finish
Now I know some of you guys must be like "OK you arrogant bastard how can you demand someone to review your book first"∠( ᐛ 」∠)_, but note these: 1. My reviews are just of such high level of quality (I have the reviews in this thread to back it up) that since I can't get rewards for them on WebNovel, a small gesture of reciprocity shouldn't be too much to ask; 2. My own book won't be too bad to read∠( ᐛ 」∠)_at least no one yet calls it garbage
The next post would be...well let's say a statement of my principles of reviewing that I'm gonna quote from my another wordy post. Though here I don't put on any limits of the book types or the authors, and you can just skip the statement if you find me flibbitty-gibbitt, but after reading the statement anyone who expects an all-5-star should think twice.∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
The invitation is long-term effective until I stopped using WebNovel totally, and my reviewing speed should be one book a day∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Finally, this is the link to my book:
(Wondering if anyone would care enough to go through a trouble like me to get a review)