@veinglory https://www.webnovel.com/book/14240071106802505/The-Reluctant-Necromancer
A so surprisingly well-written novel that I don't really have much to say (considering usually how wordy I am in reviews, if the author has checked my reviews for others), because I don't really have any advice to give. You don't give advice to professional, really :D

The writing style is also unique--authentic, old-world English style(at least to my foreign eyes), beautifully matches the story background and the plots are progressing just in the right pace so far. Maybe a little bit difficult to read, and I saw some said you are skipping a lot, but to me I think it's more of a matter of personal taste, instead of a disadvantage or a problem needs to be fixed.

But at the same time I have to pity that this work, if the writer intends to publish it to win a contract, is a much better fit for paper media instead of internet. As a web novel writer with 6 years of experience in China, I'm fairly aware that on this kind of platform it's very hard to find a proper audience and gain the appreciation of editors it deserves for a work like this, because its fast-paced, leisure-focused, commercial nature.

Nevertheless it's still great work, one of the few books here I'd genuinely like to read after finishing my own novel simply because it's so good. Considering how picky I am, it's the highest compliment I could offer right now :D

P.S. Love the cover

    (Sorry about missing this one, It's actually my 1st review here XD)
    @Rxel https://www.webnovel.com/book/13967974605689305/Curse-the-Mainframe!
    A very well written fiction in general, you can sense the maturity of writing quality from the texts, simple but great fun, completely compatible with the story itself without lagging the pace using excessive polish, something that can only be achieved by abundant reading and practice. There are some minor grammar mistakes but they are mainly out of overlooking (which I completely understand as a writer, believe me :<) and don't bother me at all.

    And there's elements of originality, too, changing the usual MC for system fictions into a grumpy system who hates stupid transmigrants (which is extra funny XDDD and I completely feel the same about mainstream MCs, too), and the author know clearly how to build up the suspense to keep the readers curious. I won't say the world background, OCD and plots are so unique like they've never been seen and will not be able to be copied/applied by others, but there are plenty enough complexity and drama to support the story and make it enjoyable.

    The only reason I'm not giving all-5 is probably very personal--just like System No.00290596, I'm not very good at dealing with kids, and until Chapter 08 not only the MC is still a 1-year-old (if I'm not mistaken), he's surrounded by kids, too >:( , kinda makes me worry how many chapters will I have to read to see him become a proper *****. Of course it doesn't mean the pace is too slow or these chapters are boring. Like I said, purely personal.

    The first novel I encountered on this website that I intend to collect and read after finishing my own work (which is probably until forever XD). You can feel that the author was trying to make the story better, instead of stuffing it with disgusting, wanton cliches to appeal to some losers' vulgar tastes and childish fantasies(I'm not talking about guys like Xi Kai at all), and just for that, it's already better than 99% percent of the contracted books on the front page. Good job, Rxel XD.

    thank you very much.I so much appreciate your reviews for this is what I needed since its my first time to write here.

      @FattyBai https://www.webnovel.com/book/14330023806076305/Alma
      Reading this book really gives me hope to some degree :D For most of the time I was worried after reading for either the various major problems the writers have in their works or the pity of knowing that the book is too niche to be appreciated on WN even with its good quality. Now I finally encounter something that has originality, quality AND the potential for contract and commercial success (at least on this website), the world seems much brighter XD.

      It is just a wild guess but I feel like the writer is from an English-speaking country or at least familiar with it in daily life, for the way he organizes words is natural, easy-to-understand and rather colourful, whereas the novel itself is written not in a typical western literature style, but like a Japanese RPG in my opinion--I was constantly reminded of games like Zelda and Final Fantasy series when I read the plots and the way the author presents his world and characters. Not to say he's borrowing stuff from them, of course--the world settings and plots are very original--just a bit similar in styles.

      The only thing I can ask the writer to do is to further refine his writing style and the presentation of characters and world-setting through practice, though they are not some problems that would sound a alarm and damage my reading experience, simply something that would make an already good piece even better. For example, though I do love the colourful simplicity of writer's language (if you can convey the same thing in a more reader-friendly way, why use those riddles? :p), some usage of language (in my opinion) is a bit too "casual" for literature work, and the author will really need to practice to connect the bits of narratives and the parts about MC's thoughts in a smoother way--right now I always feel a little bit out of the place when the pov switched from "he" to "I" :p

      Other than these two problems I would say the quality of the book is quite mature, just some more vivid, small details (emotions, facial expressions and gestures) can maybe make the characters more vivid, and try to scatter the info about world settings in a more fragmental fashion throughout the story. The plots are progressing in a very good pace and tbh if it weren't for me being too busy writing my own book I would really just go on and finish it XD.

      In fact, though I act all cynical and contemptuous to contracted writers in usual occasions, I actually encourage the author to try and win a contract (if it is a good one) with WN after he reaches the 50K-words requirement (if the editor hasn't spotted him yet before that), because the book is both worthy and very easy for the majority to appreciate, so it should be well above the standard of WN contracted works based on my understanding :D

      Still, should that time come, the author is welcome to come to me for advise. I've been doing this for years now so I would have a general idea of whether the salary they are proposing is reasonable and the contract terms are good etc.. Best of luck on that, author∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

        @Kasaix https://www.webnovel.com/book/11070379206248505/Legacy-of-Forgotten-Times
        A very typical light-novel style work, somewhat reminded me of the Japanese anime RE:CREATERS but I don't think they are the same except for the part they are all about fictional characters trying to break the fourth wall and get in touch with their creators (Didn't watch the anime myself only heard about it so I'm not really sure).

        There's a maturity and a degree of completion in author's writing style, so I assume the writer either read lots of light novels like the MC or practiced writing them for some time already, and the language is simple and very easy to read--though may lack some sort of characteristic/personality in there and seem a little plain, but it doesn't dampen much of the reading experience so it's not really a big problem, the writer may work on it if he wishes to better his writing than just "light-novel style". There are lots of casual and daily usage of language like abbreviation in the text, but in this case since it's a light novel whose MC and most characters are of young generations, this I would rather call a merit instead of a disadvantage, for it adds some realness from life into the fiction, same for the details of how otaku people like MC form up together in a club, organize those RP activities and interact with each other, showing that author is clearly someone in this circle.

        As for advice I don't really have much to give, because clearly the author positioned his work to be a light novel and in this sense it is already rather well-written: the writing quality is above the standard, the plots are progressing in a very proper pace, the characters are presented...well not to say very vividly but in a very comic way. Though for people who are already very into Japanese light novel/manga/anime for a long time, the story, setting and characters won't be that original, but still because it's fairly written, it should still be enjoyable to read.

        The only thing I could ask--besides double check some minor typing mistakes--is to step beyond the light novel circle and add something more unique and unseen into the work. It is only an impression I got intuitively from the text so not necessarily correct, but it seems that the author is the type of people who's very much in-in in one circle (or one type of circles) of hobbies and social contacts, and that kind of feature also reflects in the text--it seems to be created solely for the light novel circle and doesn't really show any intention of doing anything else.

        Of course it's not a bad thing--it is something everyone has an "expertise" would do and only people who have some sort of "expertise" are interesting, but to stay in one place for too long will make it harder to think outside of the box and create something of fundamental originality.

        P.S. A boy I'm having a crush in college right now is called Max XD

          Fiona_Singer thank you for your input. I will try to improve on my writing to be more than just light novel style. And again sorry for the issue.

            Fiona_Singer Thanks for your review. It was interesting ... thanks for the advice. It is a pity that there is no genre - fictitious documentary)) But there is a new goal, try to write more lively, less details, more emotions. It is difficult, it will be rebuilt in a new way. But we will try different options.

            With appreciation,

            P.S. If you have time, could you look at my second work and give your opinion about it - https://www.webnovel.com/book/13140161806891105/Stories-about-merchants-or-cunning-merchant

              Gourmet_DAO I would say these two works have some quite similar problems so I won't repeat it🤔Still, I personally prefer this one because it was actually written on a historical background and about a famous historical route, so your writing style fits in with this kind of story better.

                @PoeticPenguin https://www.webnovel.com/book/13276920906343905/Not-So-Confident
                Ah! Finally some romance that doesn't involve bloody cliches and dramas like multi-angle relationships and all those frigging CEO/President rich-family stuff∠( ᐛ 」∠)_Very refreshing.

                Personally never a pure-romance reader, but I love this work. Again I will do my old habit of deducting what author is like through the text: A person who is at least familiar with the language enough to write like a native and also very into East-Asian culture--because despite the writing style is very American, the way the story begins is just giving me such a strong deja-vu of those Mainland/Taiwanese/Japanese youth romance tv series/anime...except for the one-guy-looking-gay part maybe (laugh), that is more commonly seen in typical western romances.

                Though the book is overall very good, the biggest shining point in here is the character building--everyone with a name is vividly portraited, especially the MC. I somewhat grew up very similarly to her (though now it's my turn to be the "mysterious cold beauty" in this European college∠( ᐛ 」∠)_Karma's a bxtch) so I can totally feel and sympathize with her emotions, that's the proof enough of the realisticism in the character design.

                The only reason I'm not giving all-5 is that for a Chinese girl who pretty much saw all types of high-school romance every day back in my time, the story itself wasn't really THAT original--but still because the plots are well-paced and every other aspects are good, it's enjoyable to read nonetheless, even for a non-romance lover like me.

                P.S. I don't know if the author knows but there's a really famous celebrity in China who goes by the name Lu Han so I keep placing him in the story and can't help laughing (I'm not a fan of his, though). And Unravel XDDD I'm guessing you are a Tokyo Ghoul fan, yes? I've watched some of it and I know the song back and forward because it's so famous. But personally I still prefer Glassy Sky and yes I learnt this song∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

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