@FattyBai https://www.webnovel.com/book/14330023806076305/Alma
Reading this book really gives me hope to some degree :D For most of the time I was worried after reading for either the various major problems the writers have in their works or the pity of knowing that the book is too niche to be appreciated on WN even with its good quality. Now I finally encounter something that has originality, quality AND the potential for contract and commercial success (at least on this website), the world seems much brighter XD.
It is just a wild guess but I feel like the writer is from an English-speaking country or at least familiar with it in daily life, for the way he organizes words is natural, easy-to-understand and rather colourful, whereas the novel itself is written not in a typical western literature style, but like a Japanese RPG in my opinion--I was constantly reminded of games like Zelda and Final Fantasy series when I read the plots and the way the author presents his world and characters. Not to say he's borrowing stuff from them, of course--the world settings and plots are very original--just a bit similar in styles.
The only thing I can ask the writer to do is to further refine his writing style and the presentation of characters and world-setting through practice, though they are not some problems that would sound a alarm and damage my reading experience, simply something that would make an already good piece even better. For example, though I do love the colourful simplicity of writer's language (if you can convey the same thing in a more reader-friendly way, why use those riddles? :p), some usage of language (in my opinion) is a bit too "casual" for literature work, and the author will really need to practice to connect the bits of narratives and the parts about MC's thoughts in a smoother way--right now I always feel a little bit out of the place when the pov switched from "he" to "I" :p
Other than these two problems I would say the quality of the book is quite mature, just some more vivid, small details (emotions, facial expressions and gestures) can maybe make the characters more vivid, and try to scatter the info about world settings in a more fragmental fashion throughout the story. The plots are progressing in a very good pace and tbh if it weren't for me being too busy writing my own book I would really just go on and finish it XD.
In fact, though I act all cynical and contemptuous to contracted writers in usual occasions, I actually encourage the author to try and win a contract (if it is a good one) with WN after he reaches the 50K-words requirement (if the editor hasn't spotted him yet before that), because the book is both worthy and very easy for the majority to appreciate, so it should be well above the standard of WN contracted works based on my understanding :D
Still, should that time come, the author is welcome to come to me for advise. I've been doing this for years now so I would have a general idea of whether the salary they are proposing is reasonable and the contract terms are good etc.. Best of luck on that, author∠( ᐛ 」∠)_