Has anyone else has issues with the privilege program like it’s making you repurchase chapters that you already read and bought I’ve already spent more than 2,000 points trying to get my chapters back
Privilege program
Yes which is why ill be seeking legal action. I paid 60 dollars for privileges less then 2 weeks ago plus the cost of each chapter unlocked.... this app is a scam/rip off
Same thing happened to me. I wasted my spirit stone as well. There should be a chat room for help with issues like these if possible. I tried to search for help on refunds but nothing is found. I wonder where all our $ goes when there are no access to its own customer for assistance when things are related to $. If they want webnovel to have more customer satisfaction, I suggest a better customer service through webnovel apps.
They don't understand the meaning of purchased...once we have purchased those chapters how can you lock that again...if every month we have to pay then they should mention that we are renting those chapters not purchased....I wouldn't have paid 4000ss on those books knowing that I would be stuck again...oh no not stuck but backtracked
Moon_Rise Same problemes for the privilege chapters for Super Gene
Same here. Already had privelege for 15 chaps and come Aug 1, I bought another 5 chaps for 250ss but cannot access. Keep getting a server error. Gggrrrrr
Also encountered this, purchased additional chapters and now I can't access them suddenly.
In the fine print when you purchase privileges it breaks most of these concerns down for you. I recently purchased some myself so I know that as of 2-3 days ago the fine print prompt that pops up when you go to unlock privileges explains most of your concerns.
You pay to get the privilege to unlock a certain amount of chapters (depending on the stones spent and the popularity of the novel) for a month. That time is measured not by a month timer but by the actual calendar. So if you buy privileges on July 31st you will loose those privileges on August first. It’s in the fine print, not super clear but it’s there.
After your privileges run out you are no longer allowed the privilege of reading ahead any longer. The chapters are still unlocked and will become visible to you at the rate the novel refreshes normally. For instance I purchased 5 chapters worth of privileges of the lord of mysteries. I read them and then lost my privileges on Aug 1st. I can no longer read 5 ahead and will have to wait for 5 chapters to release normally until I catch up to where I skipped ahead to with privilege last month. In my case it’s 2 chapters a day so in about 3 days I will be able to read new chapters again.
In the interim while I wait if I was to go out and buy privileges again it would only unlock what is in the queue again. So I would get mostly chapters that I have already payed privileges for last month until more are released or I buy more privileges. This is also stated clearly in the fine print.
I know that for me as the chapters I unlocked with privileges have come available to everyone they are still unlocked.
I am not defending the policies because I can see issues with them myself. The policies at least when I purchased privileges recently were fairly clear if you took your time and read through them slowly. I thought I would share what I gleaned from my experience and study of the policy, feel free to correct me if I mistated anything. Hope that helps clear some things up.
I demand a refund. It said I could read 50 advance chapters and so I bought it and now I could only read 1, i am contacting my lawyer tomorrow if Qidian has not messaged me directly with a refund or releases those 50 chapters.
BigMike72 tks so I will not read new chapters for super gene for a month.
DarkPriest I know!!!!!! You get ahead in the short term but are froze out in the long term. It’s the unfortunate reality of the system. If only we were super wealthy and could stay in “privleges” every month. Then our impatient and consumer selves could be as up to date on our favorite books as anyone who reads English! #shorttermgains=longtermpains
I'm renewing my privilege just today since my previous privilege are expired I think. Because, if not expired I'll just upgrade it. But the problem is, when the new chapter are released I can't even read it and I need to upgrade my privilege that I just purchase a moment ago. Is anyone have problems like me?
CKtalon i did provided with screen shots but you left me in the dark cktalon senpai... btw i am 70 ears old man cktalon senpai how old are you
- Edited
This program seems really jank. Qidian has been sketchy since the beginning though guys. I watched them screw over translators when stories came from different sites from the very beginning before chapters were locked.