
  • Feb 5, 2023
  • Joined Dec 3, 2018
  • Actually it is 22. 1 each day for voting on the upcoming novels; 1 for a power stone vote: and 1 for a check-in (that is 21). Plus I for the weekly gift (on Sunday click on the present box on the daily check in).

    Then you can buy 2 each week (if available) using points. You can earn 300 per day for reading (depending on the rate it accumulates per 2 minutes - if at 5 points per 2 minutes that is 120 minutes of reading). 200 points each day for reading any book in the daily recommended reading (remember to claim it). Then the weekly accumulation of minutes 120 minutes is 100 points, 600 minutes is 200 points and 960 minutes is 500 points (to get that you need to read 140 minutes per day). Again you need to claim each of these.

    That comes to 4300 points, and you only need 3000 points to purchase the fast passes.

    • Undead_behemoth sometimes. Most of the time they are for something I will not read, but occassionly they are for something I started, or I look at the novel and figure I will read it so I get not pass, add the novel and open the chapters.

      But there was a couple of times that they were for my novel so that gave me a smile.

      But I have noticed that the novels change daily, so unless it is Sunday, wait until you get a novel you are reading or will read to get them.

      • Aston_9065 fyi the minimum guarantee in a contract only kicks in in the 1st 4 months after the novel turns premium if you meet the requirements. But I understand that things are being review in that respect.

        • Clowniac I thought long and hard about the offer of a contract when I received it. Circumstances meant I accepted it, but I asked a lot of questions and clarified the terms with Webnovel. While for confidential reasons I will not disclose the content of the contract I signed, I am quite happy with it.
          My assigned 'editor' is always helpful with my queries, and despite all the concerns about interference with how my novel progresses I have had no problems. The webnovel staff are great with attempting to deal with illegal posting of our work (A weight off my shoulders), and are supportive of us.
          While when I started my novel I never expected I would make anything from it, the fact that I was contacted about a contract, not applied for it meant someone saw potential in it.
          My only advice, whether you apply or are offered a contract is ask questions, clarify what you need, get proper advice if you think it is necessary and consider your circumstances. Most importantly stick to your schedule when you go premium but if you cannot, let your readers know as mist are understanding.

        • Loving that there is a variety. Not many that I read but a good selection

        • It depends on each author/translator. If the release rate is 10 chapters per week, the release that into the system which are new privilege chapters and it pushes the oldest of the chapters out for general release (ie not privilege), but that move relies on new chapters being added.

        • Sticker I get where you are coming from and as a reader I can understand the frustration with it.
          I seriously debated about the privilege system, and dipped my toes into it on one novel at 5 chapters ahead. I saw it as support for the author.
          The frustrating thing as a reader is seeing novels with so many chapters there and knowing there release rate is how long at a level it would take to get there.
          When I decided with my contracted novel to add privilege access I decided that there would be two levels, one half a week ahead and the other a week. Given in the first weekend of the month I release bonus chapters the worst a privilege access reader will have to wait to see new chapters is 6 days if they opt in the following month not to renew their privilege access.
          But I each month my privilege access readers will have something for them alone, if they want to take it up. This month I gave them an email address to use and towards the end of the month the will get the chance to read the synopsis for my new Novel and some chapters from it. Next month it will be something else.
          I looked at Patron and decided that as an original author it was too messy to use but this is easier for me, who is time poor as I have to work full time and dreams of becoming a full time writer to manage as I only have the one platform to manage.

          • With the new update, comics in library will NOT open or load

            • Rosie32 I can see your point, and hopefully it is an easy for for Webnovel to keep you as a reader happy and authors, who work hard to produce their stories, happy and rights protected.

              Maybe have a proactive suggestion for Webnovel to look at?

              • Cantiara sensible suggestions to be respectful to customers. Hopefully someone reads this and is proactive at Webnovel.

                • Sticker I can see your point. You do not loose the chapters you had accessed at the end of the month if you do not rebut, it is just keeps ahead.

                  Question if you look at Privilege as being like a Patron account where you could get early access for a time to chapters does it change your view? That is how I interpreted the system when I read the information.

                  • klmorgan I forgot to add, paying a premium price for something over and above the normal is not exploitive. You get something they don't. The logic would be premium economy, business and first class seating on planes is exploitive. You get more than economy so it is not illegal.

                    • KingDerp I have read your other posts. We have similar provision in Australia plus I had a brief look at the EU laws so I could understand what you were arguing (but I am not an expert in this area of law).
                      Yes it is designed to protect consumers for exploitation, but it also protects companies who realise consumers may have been misled if the are proactive. Webnovel were when they realise the issue. They provide a rebate of a percentage of the cost for the privilege access without you being downgraded and reworked the disclosure information to be clearer and installed a warning.
                      Your complaint is more that you have an interpretation aand as it was not delivered so it is exploitive behaviour. That is not exploitive behaviour, it is simply a difference of opinion.
                      It was always clear to me that privilege access was to see chapters titles in advance of that released to people without that access and you had to pay for the chapters themselves. Plus it was clear that it was for a specified time frame.
                      Stop, look at the situation and consider have they acted to protect consumers. They have. Just because you do not like the cost do not complain, as authors have some role in this. Do you blames them as being exploitive. I would guess not.

                      • KingDerp Yes consumer law protects people, but companies who act to address issues are protected, in fact applauded as they are seen as responsive to consumers. Webnovel did that when the confusion occurred two ways, compensation plus corrected the information to be more clearer.
                        Your constant complaint seems to be you have an interpretation and as your interpretation is not delivered then it is exploitive behaviour. That is not.
                        I wish you luck but hope you lose as you can only think about yourself not all the other users around the world.

                      • KingDerp
                        We have a similar provision in consumer law here in Australia, but the if the compensation takes steps to address issues they are protected.
                        Webnovel have done both through updating the explanation and warning as well offering compensation to everyone who purchased privilege access before the clarified things.
                        Yes the confusion would have been better not to occur but, I could see even at the outset that they were saying you can get access to X number of chapters (in fact it meant chapter titles but is you were not certain on the nuances of English language you missed this point) ahead of those without the same access for the nominated time frame (again not totally clear at least initially for those not use to nuances of the English language).
                        That is what you pay the premium for. That is not exploitive. Nor was it ever said to be continual. It is no different to Pareron where people paid for stuff in advance. It makes things easier for authors and translators now as it is simply in one place.
                        I hate to say it to someone as I always try and be respectful to people both in person or on line but your attitude sucks. You only interpret things the way you want rather than looking at everything. Plus I would suspect you did not tell your lawyers about the corrective actions because that does not play into your narrative of being victimised by this evil company.
                        And on a personal point, it is this attitude that makes me question whether I will continue to writing with a hope to make a career change to be a full time writer (pipe dream but we all have to have them) some time in the future. It tells me that you do not appreciate the effort people have gone through to write (original works) or translate. It is hours of work. And if we see comments like this which criticise us for taking an opportunity why do we bother!

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