Roses are red, Violets are blue, what is this, and wtf are you?
Diss me if you have what it takes! Use your best insult you dumb reader!
RekiChan People are like paper mache, purple platter pitter paper, posted and parted, so whats your deal with ripping others, does no other person have no rights, people should be partied, stuck stick clung together, so as paper mache, why can't I like those in the platter?
Im a nerd for reading? You are an illeterate trying to bully, does the ignorant have no shame?
RekiChan Its ok to mistype, but its a whole another problem when you cant even put the present tense of your sentence.
Why is there no challenger? So much wusses! Can't even think of a single insult? What are you! You are the definition of a cowardly ingrate.
iWish_iWasA_Cat Liking your own post is like high-fiving yourself (in public).
But then again, so is clapping.
iWish_iWasA_Cat Your a salty noodle fish full of income tax you purple carrot
iWish_iWasA_Cat big gay
shelwyn What are you to assume my gender! I might be a girl, I might be a guy! If I am a guy, than that means I also am 'big'. So its not that I wish to be, its that they chase me from the locker rooms!
Eslyna What are you butting in other peoples busineses for!
177353 Im a cat! You are literally complementing me! I love fish, and full of income tax means Im f*ckng filthy rich! And purple carrots are healthier and more rare than normal carrots, so everything u said is a compliment!
Cantiara So are those the people who dont applaud for others? Cause I clap for everything means I can give my congrats? Than every single one of u r trash! Cant evem love yourselves or your family!
KoraL I've already gained a like u filthy ingrate! Not shamelessly applauding one's self goes against the hidden rules of Webnovel account users! Why is it common to see originalnovels with author 5 star reviews? It is because we love ourselves, while you even hate the family which brought u up!
iWish_iWasA_Cat That's your best comeback? Dude, it's so lame it doesn't even comeback
Cantiara Your mom is a comeback by itself
iWish_iWasA_Cat I only see the first post (which is completely innocuous) with a like. All other posts by you only have you liking them. And must be delusional to think you're even close to Webnovel's level of shameless. Tell me when you're able to delete unflattering posts because that's how you get a 5 rating.
iWish_iWasA_Cat How rote. If that's your best comeback, then what's the point of asking for our best. You're not even insulting her, but her mother instead. You have no skill and no class.
Oh wow, you had the whole day to come up with a good one and that was the best you could do? Looks like your mind is not merely twisted, but actually sprained. You're lucky I'm exhaustipated today. Meaning, I'm too tired to give a shit. So Imma put you on mute. But hey, since I'm still a nice person, let me just wish you a day that's as pleasant as you are.