LonyeiMagi they would not get first 40 chapters or first 100 000 words premium, cause they need to bait customers into the novel
Introducing the Premium program BETA, giving you advanced chapters!
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL lol repeat this again
Two words, too much
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Seeing that a lot of chapters are locked and no longer can be unlocked by watching ads. Plus if I bought some chapters and I don't receive free unlocked chapters until the free chapters gets to where I ran out of SS. I need to wait a lot. Days, weeks, maybe months. With novels having 1000+ chapters, maybe years? For full-time translators. Not waiting for the authors to write their books. Your current business model is good for you, good for the translators, maybe the authors, but it is very bad for the readers.
Gralorn I have stopped reading RTW in the beginning of august and still no free chapter have being unlocked since then so yeah i think free chapter are gone or i am so far in advance with the chapter i have unlocked that i still need to wait to for the free chapter to catch off... If it's the case i think it's pretty stupid because i am close to 100 chapters behind the last one released at the moment...
what i want to know is why is it every time a new novel goes premium dose all the chapters i paid to unlock re-lock and i have to pay for them again
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carfat A thousand times this. I have had two books that I had unlocked /MANY/ chapters only to end up relocking all of said chapters with no warning what-so-ever. Before I would pay to unlock again I would just read them elsewhere.
Also, I just noticed a new problem, things I have unlocked on the mobile app are not unlocking when viewing from PC, same account of course.
KoolAid I'm having the same problem, but I'm talking to CKtalon about it in this post ,
he has asked dev's to look into this
can I suggest you do as I did take screen pics and post them as to me this now seems to be a site-wide problem
can i suggest you do as i did take screen pics and post them as to me this now seems to be a site-wide problem
carfat check my comments out as i added screen pics / snippets using win's 10 tool
can i suggest you do as i did take screen pics and post them as to me this now seems to be a site-wide problem
"Read in advance" apparently means "Block stuff that has been out for years already because money"...
carfat Because they want your money.
I'm honestly not surprised, they even locked down translations that have been out for a year or so, possibly even longer. Novels I've come back to catch up on have suddenly lost half their chapters behind a paywall, leaving me with less of the story than I had a year ago, even after I put in stones.
Long story short, just skip this BS and pirate it from elsewhere (though don't do that for independent TLers!)
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL I would happily support you, if not for the fact that every time I come here, even more chapters seem to be locked away while the ones I've unlocked are back behind a paywall again...
I've read 700+ chapters of RTW and yet I can now only read 350 or so...
Translations are supposed to go forwards as time goes on, not backwards.
RussIsWatchinU You also have to wonder how much the authors actually get payed, because you can watch ads to get stones ( and you get daily free stones) qui Dian would essentially be printing money for their authors if they got nothing from you buying a chapter. This makes me hesitate to buy SS because I would be basically paying for chapters and even more money than the initial "tax" that quidian probably takes off the top, is still ending up in quidians pocket, you would essentially be paying once to quidian to buy a chapter that the author won't even get the full value of the currency off. The free SS would also cause inflation resulting in more expensive chapters.
now, i know. based on mixing all the stuff i gound out, i think webnovel promised that they will translate for free but readers were the ones who suggested the premium stuff?
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I have problem witch cost of this program. I'm not living in USA, Canada or France, so because @WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL don't change price depend of region it's cost 2 times more than Netflix. I don't thin that you have enough content to justifie this price. Think about less wealthy countries. If @WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL change the pricing to around 20-30PLN I would buy this service.
Ditt frankly it's uh super cheap as tjey premium member ship for a month is 24.99 usd thats right not 7.99 like everything else not 12.99 but a whole savings of 24.99 a month it's a freaking frankly cheap deal. I'm disapointed in the price and gonna continue to use the app to find novels and then read them some where else till they fix there bull*** its cheap prices. 33.99 CAD for 1 month id just way to much 12.99 is already a big limit for a sub of imo i mean not even anime subs are that pricey.
I can't believe their premium is $24.99. I forgot to cancel it after the first month special deal so I'm stuck with it for another month. But you best believe I'll be cancelling asap! Like damn! Other sites similar to webnovel are around $9.99-$12.99 monthly. Amazon also offers kindle unlimited for $9.99 a month and they actually have a lot of translated Chinese novels too.
i had premium for 2 months, paid at the app with google playstore, now because i want to catch up with my library. But now i got the Notice its not going on any longer.
Naka The premium program was the beta version, although nobody knew that, and apparently the translators/editors weren't making enough money from the premium. They said a new premium version will be back soon and it has only been a month, so I'm just waiting to see, hopefully it won't be too expensive.