Flezxy This is what casinos do. You see... this is not really a paywall because you are not directly paying to unlock chapters, you use our own imaginary currency. But because you can get a few stones everyday then it makes it OK.
Introducing the Premium program BETA, giving you advanced chapters!
Yudi Why are you leaving! come! Pay us 50 dollars and read all you want for a few weeks! its not that expensive! You will get to read all of these machine translated webnovels that are edited by people who don't speak the language! You will even get a special badge to show off that you paid us money for this!
anlie It is not worth it, because the quality of the translation is low. Doesn't matter how many chapters they release, it is still unreadable garbage. They expect us to pay real money and this is the quality we get? They are delusional if they believe that.
Heavenly_Ant Don't give them any ideas and especially more don't give them your money. Are you really going to pay for this? This money is not going to the translator, or at least the vast majority of it isn't. If you really want to read ahead and support the translator, then donate to their patreon. Don't give your money to qidian.
Yudi ...you can still read the chapters, no? There are just some advanced ones for readers who support the editors, translators, authors, and QI. You don't get to read normal books for free in real life... so why would it be any different for here? How else would an author be able to have an income?
le sigh
Positive_Lullaby ahh I see you work as a core member of QI so you know how all the money is distributed? Mhmm I see now.
lol was only a matter of time. Their take on patreon.
What a fantastic argument.
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i can't understand the negative comments.
authors, translators and editors needs money for daily necessity.
with steady income they can focus on this job and gives us steadier release rate, otherwise they'll find another job to get better income and this job will only be side-job in which they won't focus on and we might not get steady release or worst, it stop .
do you know how many authors didn't finish their novel (or slowing down their release) because of real life problem (mostly financial)? how many loose translators disappeared like a thin air before finishing their novel because of the same problem?
give the authors, translators, editors and qi what they deserve as they gives us what we deserve. lets be fair.
if you can't or just don't want to pay (by purchasing ss) then don't, we can always read the free chapter anyway.
to be honest, i can't participate in this premium program simply because i can't open paypal account (due to my country policy). but i still support my favorite novels by clicking those adds because they deserve it, and they deserve more.
i support fully any programs qi's made for them (authors, translators, editors and qi) to get more money. of course qi also have to give us free readers our dose regularly.
*just my opinion
Positive_Lullaby Actually you get +5 for power stone daily vote and +5 for energy stone daily vote + the random daily checkin. This gives 17 to 22 SS per day so you might be able to read 2 "premium" chapters a day on top of the free one.
Guess I should use these spirit stones to become an immortal to learn Chinese faster.
ihateqi Haha loves your name there. How many novels are you reading to run out of SS?
can't find any information on how to become a premium member...
the price of ss doubles from 4 to 8???
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AreYouTheEye You can't understand because you are willing to pay for a service that used to be supported through add revenue. I don't want to create a paypal account in order to read my novels. In addition, the quality of this translation is nowhere near the quality of what you find in a book.
Translators already receive from patreon and add revenue. This is all greed. Reading 100 premium chapters in this website costs as much as a book in a bookstore.
Supreme_Idler dude you can read normal books in real life for free. You know there is a thing called library, maybe you don't know it exists.
Let me tell you a library exists and is free to use. You borrow a book and then you return it after reading.
Why the fug cookies would I give money away to make a multimillion dollar company more rich.
I'm sure the translators and authors get jack shit out of it. They are prob contractual locked so they can't say anything negative otherwise you lose ya small bread that qidian gives you.
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL cheap? not compared to the free ones on novelupdates!
you really disappoint me yet again. you have so many stories where they mention killing the chicken for the eggs.
watch your revenue of videos go down, by your own doing (1 daily video instead of 1/chapter) and watch the pitiful amount of people stupid enough to pay for something they can get for free, and maybe that'll put your greedy little ass back in a rational mindset...