If it was a monthly prem payment membership then I’d understand. But this is truly milking the addiction.
Introducing the Premium program BETA, giving you advanced chapters!
- Edited
I'm going to condense this in a manner that is easy to understand instead of using corporate talk.
The novels that are chosen for "premium" have all future chapters locked behind a Spirit Stone payment, based upon word count. The chapters that had been placed in this premium pool are made available to non-SS readers at a scheduled rate. This means that those people who have been enjoying 14 chapters a week on their favorite novels will now have to pay Spirit Stones to do the same, as they will only be given access to 7 a week for free. Although the pool of premium chapters is current ten, it will continue to rise as long as the translator outstrips the release schedule, and I would not be surprised if you find triple digits before long—especially for the more prolific translators.
Hmm maybe free reader like me can survive with the ads
But ultimately the stones that can be got from ads to thats needed for chaps will be low.
Well I can't say to qidian to give everything for free .
They are a company and their goal is profit .
What pains me is that it all used to be free . its like colonist coming and taking the freedom from the natives.
ihateqi For premium chapters, there is no more ads. We will give you guys another feature in few weeks to allowing you watching ads to get bonus SS rewards.
LiZhiEr Its okay atleast they didn't remove the free spirit stones
kishenkp But it is actually everything for free. The only thing you need to pay is TIME. You can still paying nothing to read everything by just wait a bit
Reading 1hr ago cost 4 stones now 12 lol look at another book each chapter is a different price 12 17 18 13 lol come on you just want micro transactions and not even adds to skip lol best thing log in each day get random ss from 4 to 10 lol well back to lnmt novels i dont mind broken English. And you can always steal work like desolate era like you have done
VirtualFrappe You are right. I would very much prefer the old method. View ads then read. I bet once they implemented the paywall, watching an ad = 1 spirit stone. Basically you need to watch more than ten ads just to read another chapter. Way too different from before wherein you only need to watch 1 ad to read a new chapter.
I almost read all novels translated on this website. So, each new premium chapter will cost me at least 10 SS. Let us say i read 5 novels, some of them release 2 chapters a day. Then it will cost me around 100SS/day.
JrExceed S'all right. Hopefully, the video ads will give a lot of SS. @.@
Clone There's more way to get some SS.
Hyper_pumpkin buying ss.?
ActiasLuna Thanks for simplifying this post bro, it cleared up alot for me. I was about to ask why legendary guardian chapters cost an average of 15-16 ss to unlock while rtw is only around 8-9 ss. Looks like the number of chapters I’d be enjoying every week just dropped to about half
I think this will cure me of my addiction in reading translated novels. Hahahaha.
Change from 4 to 8 ss double, does it mean the premium chapters also will be unlocked in weeks or mybe month?
At-least there is some option for free way
I understand the idea of the business model, it's just a shame that the price is doubled. Sure, it's only for a few, but our daily check in bonus can be for LESS than 1 chapter like that.
If there was an additional pay model similar to "Unlock all chapters for XX novels," I'd be much happier. If you've raised the prices per chapter once, there's no telling if you'd do it again. I wouldn't want to buy a large quantity of spirit stones knowing there's a chance they'd be worth half as much again in the future, as unlikely as that may be. Honestly if I had purchased stone before you raised prices I would have called my bank and issued a chargeback, unless the amount of spirit stones in my account increased to balance out the change. It's very irresponsible to not even have a warning before hand.
All this is doing honestly is telling me to pick up novels from other sites until the ones I'm reading on here finish. Who knows, maybe I'll have to log in and use the spirit/fire stones just to read 2 chapters a day. Waiting two days or whatever to get the chapters isn't the problem, it's that the novel trackers show there are more chapters released, but I would have to check every once in a while to see if they were actually accessable. (Yes, the watch video options is a thing, but how long until that gets implemented? A few days? A week? Two?)
I don't mean to rant, but I feel the additional pay model would greatly help.
I don't get it. Does that mean those novel included in the premium program are no longer accessible for free? Or they are, but only on certain days?