Introducing the Premium program BETA, giving you advanced chapters!
Copy pasted from thread, creds to /u/marksteele6
Ok people, lets stop spreading misinformation. THIS IS NOT A PATRON KNOCKOFF, and here's why.
With patron, you pay for advance access to a set number of chapters. For example, $5 a month and you will always be 1 chapter ahead of free users.
Now let's look at the QI system.
Let's say we have a novel that releases 2 chapters a day, HOWEVER, free users only get 1 chapter a day.
The first day, free users get to read their one chapter, paid users get to read their 2 chapters. Paid users are now one chapter ahead.
The next day, the QI releases another 2 chapters however BOTH those chapters are locked behind spirit stones, only the second chapter from the FIRST day gets unlocked for free users. Paid users are now two chapters ahead. Now let's go to day 3, not only are both of the day three chapters locked, but even the second chapter from DAY TWO is locked. Paid users are now three chapters ahead.
Now, let's fastforward a year from now. I find a great novel and I start reading it. I get to the end of the free chapters and want to keep going because I love the novel and it's fun to read. I now have to pay to unlock THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY chapters.
Again, this is not a patron, a patron does not have an expanding pool of advanced chapters to read.
Locked chapters in a patron program:
Day 1 - 10 chapters (example number)
Day 2 - 10 chapters
Day 3 - 10 chapters
Day 100 - 10 chapters
Day 300 - 10 chapters
Locked chapters in the QI program: (assuming 2 chapters a day with 1 chapter a day for free users)
Day 1 - 1 chapter
Day 2 - 2 chapters (remember, free users still need that second chapter from day 1 unlocked)
Day 3 - 3 chapters (because free users are only now unlocking the FIRST chapter from day 2, the second chapter from day 2 is STILL locked)
Day 100 - 100 chapters
Day 300 - 300 chapters
i am little worried as i am seeing an increase in consumption but no increase in production except by adding cash but if i spend cash why would i waste it on this or any translation site (quality control is obviously not implemented as stated many times above by different people so why pay money for something that used to be a passion project but now is a machine needing to hit quotas what happens when translators burn out do they just get dumped and a new comes along with a pen paper and poor grammar and more importantly well i am too tired now to think of anything else a little miffed so ill let myself rant here maybe i mean maybe i just needed to vent but if i have to burn all of my stones and i only have like 400 just to keep up and need to pay ill have to drop this site because it would be not worth it i have over 400 bookmarks to several stories novels and web novels that have been accumulating but i chose here cause it had the least obtrusive paywall and decent rate of updates and OK quality but it seems things are changing to a more mainstream model of story hosting so ill stick around for awhile but i might as well catch up on the story about the slime who kills a draon and had nothing to do with any sort of chinese cultivating in any form whatsoever (ya i am definitely burning out on the cultivating thing that why i love RTW)
let's say a novel release 3 times a week. would it go up to 17 times a week? bc if not there is no point and a waste of money if they keep releases the same amount
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL this new system is not too good and might need improvement... i have unlock some advanved chapter (about 4 or 5 chapter) and then next day i realize today free chapter is the one i unlocked.l yesterday... so i lose one free chapter here by unlocking it... maybe some small compensation... maybe partial stones returned??
Also the cost is too high... i have seen 18 stones one for one chapter... if you reduce the cost to earlier (4stones)... or max 8 stones... it will silently drain people pocket without they realize it... since it's cheap... but when the stones req is high per chapter per day... they will feel it and rebel to your system... you might not realize small leech sucking your blood... but when tiger bite you... you will feel it and flee...
Hope this system reviewed and improved...
Dragonheck i only sort of understood your rant because it has no punctuation, anyway hi i'm the TL for RTW, if you spend money on this site you support me and last i checked i wasn't some machine, i TL this story because i like it :)
derangedlol i've always said. patreon is a gigantic scam that milks readers for craptons of money and gives them very few extra chapters. this is waaaaaaaaaaaaay better for readers.
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL so im sitting here wonder when and how can i purchase this premium i needed, just take my money and give my premium or create premium ++ for more chapter im goinh to buy it right now!!!
I can understand why they are creating these premium accounts, it's like when i read the stories in the Chinese novel apps, I need to spend money to "purchase" those locked chapters after I had read through the free chapters. You have to understand that some of these authors are full time authors who practically spend all their time writing novels and they charge a small amount for every 1000 chinese characters. So for each chapter, I may need to spend like maybe 6 token or something like that, depending on the number of characters for 1 chapter and normally I can spend like 1.5k or more tokens for 300 chapters. In a sense, we are "buying" the novels to read, similar to buying a book form the bookstore. The authors needs to eat too, just like us.... If the premium accounts are at a price that is reasonable to me, I really won't mind supporting them. Just think about it, nothing is free and the translators time and efforts should not be free too.
Meh lol what the fuck are you on. The only person that this benefits is QI. Translators on QI get paid per chapter, meaning they get none of the spirit stone money. Example (copy and pasted from /u/baoluvba, translator for Emperor's Domination)
I'm copy and pasting some of my comments on NU.
If there is no change in regular schedule, then it is just Patreon. If some series are purposely lowering the weekly free chapters for premium chapters, then that's a different story, but I'm sure we need to see the actual implementation before making any judgment.
Some people have said that certain series will lower the free weekly rate, and use some of those chapters as premium. That will be a net-loss for free users, but this is all speculations.
What does that mean? For example, I would be releasing 7 chapters of ED instead, and 7 would be going to premium each week.
Overall, the changes are fine unless the free rate is changed. It is just like Patreon except translators are much worse off.
As for how much translators get from this, it will be much less than before, unless the scene has a new influx of readers. Imagine this, this is essentially Patreon with a huge % going to the site and authors instead of just to the translators. Now, I'm not saying that there is a problem with giving money to the authors but 50% is a substantial amount unless the pie gets much larger.
From my own experience and the reader amount for QI, translators will make much less money unless the model has a high initial price and more are willing to pay on the website versus Patreon, which I don't see happening.
Patreon is fueled by people with disposable income for the higher tiers. This will remove those options, unless they keep the tiers the same for the on-site chapters.
This is Qidian's way of taking back money from the translators after seeing that the real money is in Patreon. Noted, they were going to do this regardless to match the Chinese mode.
It's hard to say that as the scene grows, this model will outstrip the earning that translators got from Patreon, especially with the 50% reduction. I don't think any translator should be happy about this move from a financial perspective, but I can't predict the future.
LordFourth they'll keep it but stop releasing extra chapters (it'll just be literally donations to the TL )
Daoling i mean lets be honest, patreon is way worse than this. costs soooo much more money for way fewer chapters.
Will join if my favorite novel on premium list.
Meh yes becoz based on word count... the cost become too big... i have seen 18 stones one... reduce the rate per word perhaps... try to lower it below 10 stones... people mighy freak out when see double digit... 9 stones max sound feasible...
Btw... if QI still insisting on high price like this... the "real reader" might run away... what's left will be some small community of rich guy AND people who buy stones, unlock advanced chapter, and post it in their pirated site. a.k.a PIRATES... and they get ads revenue to pay back the stones they bought and gain more profit... since you are translator of Release the witch.... first of all that is a great novel and thank you for translating it.... but let me be frank and tell you one thing... the latest locked chapter of RTW in QI... already hosted in some pirated site... basically they just do what i said above... this also make people go away from this site... even paying reader might feel not paying anymore...
And by having 10 advance chapter advantage becoz those pirated buy it and host it in their site... no one will read free chapter which is 10 chapter late in this site anymore... most reader will read it in pirated site...
This is a big issue and i think QI should rethink about this model... my suggestion is reducing the stones cost... since most reader read more than 1 novel... making the cost high will repel them... like i said... you won't feel leech biting you and suck your blood a little... but taking huge bite will scare you...
btw i hope this constructive critics is taken without salty feeling... i just want the translator also did not getting bad impact from this...