the price of ss doubles from 4 to 8???
Introducing the Premium program BETA, giving you advanced chapters!
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AreYouTheEye You can't understand because you are willing to pay for a service that used to be supported through add revenue. I don't want to create a paypal account in order to read my novels. In addition, the quality of this translation is nowhere near the quality of what you find in a book.
Translators already receive from patreon and add revenue. This is all greed. Reading 100 premium chapters in this website costs as much as a book in a bookstore.
Supreme_Idler dude you can read normal books in real life for free. You know there is a thing called library, maybe you don't know it exists.
Let me tell you a library exists and is free to use. You borrow a book and then you return it after reading.
Why the fug cookies would I give money away to make a multimillion dollar company more rich.
I'm sure the translators and authors get jack shit out of it. They are prob contractual locked so they can't say anything negative otherwise you lose ya small bread that qidian gives you.
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL cheap? not compared to the free ones on novelupdates!
you really disappoint me yet again. you have so many stories where they mention killing the chicken for the eggs.
watch your revenue of videos go down, by your own doing (1 daily video instead of 1/chapter) and watch the pitiful amount of people stupid enough to pay for something they can get for free, and maybe that'll put your greedy little ass back in a rational mindset...
yeah, it's like, hey you don't pay for the chapter,
you pay for the money (spiritstones) that you use to pay for the chapter!!!
yaaayyy, it's (technically) not paywall!! hahaha you take us for stupid assholes!!!! hahahahahahahahaha... fuck you
How about a badge for accumulated SS for users who haven't bought any? Just to show how much us hoarders can make :P
4U6U57 yup, 1 a day, so, like, half a chapter a day? if you count the fact that they'll pay in spirit stones for you watching, and they're greedy little fucks?
they'll give less and less, maybe just one stone after a while?
Rokuman_24 ah. .you're right. .
Yudi They are contractually bound to share profits equally with the authors. So after the translators/editors take their cut, whatever is left is split between the authors and Qidian. This results in a win-win-win situation between TL/Editors-Authors-Qidian.
So for instance, if the TL/Editor team gets 70%, authors will get 15%, and Qidian gets 15%.
I honestly would've preffered some sort of flat fee per month (Netflix basically) rather than this pay per chapter with spirit stones system that's coming...
My personal problem with this "premium"progam is not as much about the paywall as it is with the fact that if you stop paying for chapter you get stuck, after all, if I pay SS to read the next 10 chapters before schedule, that means that I won't have any chapters for the next week because those chapters that I have already paid for are the ones that will get unlocked next week, so there will be there nothing for me and i have to pay once again, aside from that huge "flaw" i am not that concerned about this new method (for now).
Honestly, I find a bit exaggerated the fuss about the amount of chapters released per week getting reduced (If it actually is reduced in the first place, I have no idea) (at least for now), because even if it is reduced from, let's say, 14 to 7, it would still be pretty good for a being free release (However, I would be preocupied if they did that to the chapters of less frequently updated novels (can't give examples because I am kind of new)
Ze0ns You have right to not pay them any, and they never force you to pay anyway.
you said that i can't understand but can you understand?
Ze0ns Translators already receive from patreon and add revenue.
Then how about QI and authors?
QI pay their translators a fixed rate even before they started their website. To put it simply, they INVESTED MONEY. They didn't earn anything at the start, instead, they gave their OWN money to pay the translators and editors, hoping for them to provide work that will gain them profits in the future. Qi is not a fan translation site, it is a business, owned by a company, IN ORDER TO GET RETURN OF INVESTMENT. To put it simply: Qi sends money first, then they wait for the ads to let them earn back what they give.
About adds thingy, look at the announcement, Qi is operating at a lost. What does it mean bro? The money they are investing is SO MUCH MORE THAN WHAT THEY EARN BACK. The fixed payment for the translators are still there, BUT THEY ARE NOT EARNING ANYTHING BACK. Why would the investors or the people behind Qi continue supporting or pouring in money on something that will never provide them profits or even RETURN OF INVESTMENT (ROI)? -copied from Arch's
QI also said they pay (royalties) to authors (both them and QI don't get any from patreon), so its only natural for QI to find a way to get more money so they can avoid bankcruptcy and pay their workers and authors.
Even if all of that reasons are lies and they're just being greedy like you said, i don't see anythings wrong with them wanting to earn more money.
They respect us by giving us free chapters and free SS regularly (they actually don't have any obligation to satiate our greed for free chapters), can't we show some respect by supporting them? we don't have to pay money for that, just respect their commercial programs would do.
Idk about u guys I'm reading atm only what I want and let the other novels stack up (currently at 408 spirit stones and they keep rising :D even though I just check in and read only Library of Heaven's Path atm)Ofc I have other novels in my library but I let them stack so I can read them all when I feel like it.
Noire The way I see it, Flaffy is bringing a good point about ensuring quality as an important responsability of qidian if they want to start a premium program, and also, the fact that most people (including me) are having a lot of problems trying to understand what is qidian even saying with their first post, was it intentional or not it is not something I know.
Noire I am answering posts here because its been annoying me for the longest time. From novel updates up to this announcement. Instead of people interacting genuinely with fellow readers, we have dozens of other people just maliciously bashing on it.
About your critisism about the comunity not liking this premium system (and according to how I understand your stance: demonzing iti) and complaining about it are not exactly wrong, this premium program already shows a few problems for the comunity, if it will ruin qidian to some people or not will be shown by time and will depend of everyones opinion, but if they found problems they must show them as fast as posible because is this thread gets buried or forgotten by them in a few days, those problems will stay, and then it will be close to implosible to change it.
Noire You will smile when SS and future chapters are forever behind a paywall? That means you're either a sadist or just gloating of how smart you are and figured everything out. :D
Oh sorry, I misread that part. Why would you tell me to be grateful? I will be grateful, at least now there will be no people like you :D That keeps spreading fear even in the only place where people can escape their apathetic and cruel reality.Noire Seriously, good job guys, good job. Support your favorite website instead of maliciously hanging around here
whichever good point you may have about why the premium progam it is not as bad as some people make it sound is lost by writing stuff like that because, at least from my perspective, it is not as valid becuase I feel more grudge instead of a problem with the argument itself
how much?
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Just want people who are willing to pay spirit stone to understand this, you're actually paying for a release rate that was free, just a day ago... okay? do you guys even understand this is the worst premium system in freaking existence?
It only benefits one side, again... this "Premium Pool" crap was already free, they really didn't add any more chapters, they just halved their production chapter rate production and bam, now you get "Premium" it's more like, this website was a free trial for 6 months, so we benefited this website for months watching Ads being interactive..etc..etc, and this what we get at the end..
Thanks, if they were being transparent since the start, i would have not wasted my time watching all these ads.
And don't tell me "ADS ARE NOT ENOUGH REVENUE" blabalaabla, ever heard of Youtube?..
Ever heard of youtubers which make millions out of the "Ads"? no? living in a cave much?
And again, this running gag on this website "Support the Author"?
I don't even.. what support? do they get enough spirit stones to break through the next level of cultivation or some crap? or do you take us for 12 years old, how many people are actually going to pay for these "Fake premium chapters"? none, because they're not dumb, you're making them pay for something that was already free? really?
Create a genuine premium service which actually benefits these people, just like pateron, where they actually get advanced chapters, not this very high handed method, "We let you enjoy the fast release rates, of your favorite novel".
Then we halve the production, and now you need to pay up, to enjoy something that was already free. Marvelous!
And don't tell me "Well uhhh.. they pay in china", well you said it "CHINA", where they got, like what? 50-60 million readers, they can afford a move like that, and how much you think they pay? 50$ usd package is probably 6x times what it would cost on the Chinese website.
Anyways from the comments, anyone could obviously say.. this is just not accepted by the community, but obviously it's going to be implemented anyways.. simple as that.
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL I bought some spirit stones does this mean I don't have to use them to get new chapters?
MIcrotransactions but novels
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Basically this is just patreon system made by Qi right ?
but I like Patreon because I know it was directly support the translator and I doing my best to support the web
will the patreon made by translator deleted or they will keep it ?
Lol they're basically saying "Don't donate on the translators patreon anymore because we dont get their money "