Flaffy His sentence was already broken english, I cannot decipher his meaning so I use what is literally put since there was no should, there was no I think, nothing there for opinion, just blatant factual , incomplete statement?
From his opening post alone we can comprehend the fact that his English is bad (He mentions it as well). We also know that he tried his best to communicate his concerns regarding Qidian's future policy across. True, there were a couple of misunderstandings here and there, but this comment is honestly a low blow:
Flaffy If you really think the translation quality is always good then yes, your english is really that bad.
He clearly states in a previous comment regarding translation quality here:
Frk_ozbk I did not say anything about translation quality.Translation quality always come first.
And you simply chose to ignore the tidbit and go on to say that you cannot decipher his meaning? That his sentence being incomplete means that you have to go and "selfishly" interpret his broken sentences as you please? Honestly, a person of your "stature" shouldn't stoop to such levels.
As for your DICTIONARY, he clearly defines the two terms, quantity and quality, in a later post. (With = symbols too I might add my dear math student!) TL quality being unaffected, he defines Quality as having more releases and Quantity having more stories available to read from. Just like how a businessman might decide between funding multiple projects at the same time, or sticking to the ones the person already has and making them better. True, the terms were used in a bad situation but he already says it here:
Frk_ozbk i am not good at english but i think you should be understand
He trusted us to understand him. With our levels of English, filling the gaps and inserting missing words is a piece of cake. Fixing the sentence I just quoted is a breeze. (Remove the "be") When trying to correct him, he doesn't act like a douchebag. He accepts it! It honestly pissed me off to read that DICTIONARY.
EDIT: I seemed to have gotten a bit too spirited there. My bad.