Quality or Quantity
Quantity and quality are both substantial
Quantity and Quality?
Hhm reminds me of my research.
Anyway I think both of them are important
Kingfisher yeah MTLs make selectively see and unsee things.
Frk_ozbk honestly your English really isn't that bad.
Even native speakers when they type will have a lot of typos. I figure if you're missing a word or mangled another it's probably because of autocorrect or fat thumb syndrome. Because let's face, it most people are on here not through a desktop but through their mobiles devices.
Positive_Lullaby sometimes, grammatical error is very obvious in the eyes of grammar Nazis, but at least he can construct a sentence.
Frk_ozbk Well I seems like, the reason why they put premium account on this, because of great consumption of chapter every week I guess, where I can see now its good.. cause translators take some time to translate.. did you get my point? so quality for me instead of choosing quantity.
Frk_ozbk I guess it was impossible for them to release their tactics cause its a matter of keeping the best strategies of the company to avoid attracting possible attacks from other competitors. we do not know if there is something who spying here from other company right?
Both of them are important (Period)
i believe we should have both quantity and quality, although your post might be implying that they are going a little bit slow. I'm gonna argue that it's important to find a balance 'cause you don't want to overwork both the translators and the editors.
i don't think readers realized this but it takes a lot of time and effort to translate a chapter, this is spoken from experience. The reason is because when you're translating, you always want to preserve the original meaning of the passage (the author's voice, his tone, his language usage as much as you can), but that means that translators always have to pay absolute attention to their word choice. Otherwise, they'll misrepresent the author's original intentions. it doesn't help that english is such a difficult language to learn. too many words, and too many synonyms that differ in the most minuscule, and the most significant way. Also, Chinese and Western cultures are vastly different, and that's very obvious in these translations. There are expressions, words, phrases, metaphors and even proverbs that aren't available in english. That's why there's so many descriptions and explanations for every little detail. And it's somewhat frustrating to see readers demanding more and more release without taking the time to understand why the translation rate is what it is.
Positive_Lullaby If i had to rate your English then i would give it a -3/10. You understand the words, but you lack grammar. For example, you don't add s to verbs. You should study grammar, it is essential. Also reading on this website will only make your English worse.
i agreee
'tis very true
Positive_Lullaby Most of the translations you read here are butchering the language. If you really enjoy reading then try reading some published western books which are properly edited by professionals.
"some translations" not most.
but yeah, your suggestion is a good idea
Positive_Lullaby Since you don't understand the language much, you don't see how bad some of the translations are. But it is a huge issue on this website. Some translations are unreadable to anyone who understands English.
still better than machine translated works, only slightly though. some translations i found on novelupdates is simply atrocious. i haven't ran into that kind of problem here though. the bad grammars are mostly from comments i read.
but if people wanna learn proper english grammar, this forum is the last place you'd wanna look
Frk_ozbk okay, but they might have to reply to you again 'cause initially i think they might have misunderstood you, along with the rest of us.
as to your actual inquiry, i believe qidian should focus on releasing more new novels. but it really depends on who you ask. with the novels i follow, i think they all have constant and reliable release frequency so i'm not concerned about them trying to increase their release rates.
i believe i want qi to work on new novels 'cause recently, the novels on webnovel no longer appeal to me. all the themes are somewhat repetitive, and i guess i'm just looking for something new
Miya It was fine before, but now Qidian is charging money for the same translations. If they think people will pay for this crap quality then they are mistaken. When it was free i wouldn't complain much unless it was really unreadable, but now they put up a paywall and expect people to pay, i just cant believe they could be so delusional as to believe anyone would pay to read such low quality translation.
Positive_Lullaby you'd be surprise, some people do pay to read those low quality translations, that's because you're paying for more than just the translation.
you're paying for that badge that show you how much "cooler" you are compare with other peasants without the badge.
you're paying to be the top 100 people on the wall of fame, the wall that will go down in qidian's history as those that first sacrifice their lifeblood for the good of the website. They're the forefathers, the founding fathers of the premium system, and without them, the premium system would have ceased to exist.
I think quantity is a quality in itself btw