I can only multiply mine intermittedly. It seems to reset the continous read every week? but did anyone else have it try and say you missed a day!? i clicked out of it and it reset to check in but tried to make me pay SS when i hadnt missed a day.

    LittleIfrit Same thing with me 😭 I had continuous check in for more than a year and now it keeps mentioning that I lost the check in and I should pay 15 stones to make it up while I can’t use the reward multiplier 🤔 So I end up paying for the daily check in while I gain nothing. What upset me the most was that I lost the more than 365 continuous check in 🥺 This is so unfair and frustrating. It used to be 24 hours to do the daily check in. Now you have to do it within the hour????

      Antigony I noticed a weird bug: every time you log in a message will appear, telling you that you missed a check-in. Apparently, there is some bug with that pop-up on login (if i guess why is that, it's like that pop up appears too early, before app loads actual information about you, so it's just showing default message). Ignore it and close. Go to your library tab (or profile) and click Check there, there will be no mention of missed check-in.
      And looks like timer now will reset every week, from 1 to 7, indicating you check-ins for current week only.

        The multiplier won’t work for me either. I run iOS. This is the first day that this problem has happened for me, which seems weird because everyone else has been having problems for a few days, but not me. Just today. I check in every single day without fail. But today, for some reason, it’s trying to make it seem like it missed my check-in, which I didn’t. And because the new rules say that if you missed your check-in, and pay to make-up a missed check-in, you don’t get a reward or a multiplyer, I missed out on that too. And that’s fine for those who have to pay to make up for missed check-ins, if they truly missed it. But for me, that’s not fair! How could I have missed my check-in if it’s still the same day. Still the same 24 hour period. And on the check-in window, it says something like “It’s late, rest early...yada yada, something something.” As if it’s saying that I’m not allowed to check-in during late night hours because I should be sleeping. What kind of bullshit is that. I’ll check-in when I want to check-in. That’s my prerogative. Anyway, this isn’t the first time my check-in day has been screwed up since the new update. It’s frustrating. Please help.

          Multiplier has stopped working for the past 2 weeks for me.
          Why they leave the button there if they're not going to let us get more SS.
          So tempted to give 1star rating at Google Play.

            Hope it can help you.
            Last week i can't multiply too. I checked in at 23:58 (my device time) and tried to get multiply reward a few minutes later, after reading of fresh king's avatar chapter, but wasn't able to do it. I've changed date and time on my tablet and it solved this problem (I've set date/time to 23:00 of the day when i'd checked in).

              Little_B thanks, I tried but it doesn't work for me.
              Did you have to log out and log in back for it to work?

                When I tried to get my multiplier yesterday I got an error warning for a failed check-in attempt, and that I should try again later. But even when I tried later it still didn’t work. Today I managed to get my multiplier somehow (I think because I entered the app by redirect from a notification). Anyway, when I was trying to get my end of the week bonus, it said the same thing (or at least I think it was the same thing) about failed check-in attempt, try later Error -116009.

                Is it possible to be reimbursed for the days that we either miss the multiplier, and/or had to falsely pay 15 SS to make up a (supposed) missed check-in? I didn’t get the check-in reward or multiplier yesterday, for instance, which is a weekend and therefore when the check-in reward and multiplier is worth a lot more. Plus, I had to pay 30 SS to keep my flawless check-in record, even though I really, seriously didn’t miss any days. Thanks for your time and help.

                  I can’t even click the multiplier button lol..
                  After I checked in, the button which supposedly change to [multiplier button] turned grey (checked in)

                    Little_B I got a chance to multiply rewards at around 23:00 as well, but this shouldn't effect that at all consider that we check in everyday. And I can't always until midnight to multiply rewards. The devs should make new version easier for users to use not to make things more difficult or complicated for us like that.

                      I had the same problem, sign out then sign in and it will be resolved

                        Djamila Nope not for me. Every time Webnovel updated to new version, it always sign me out, but after I sign in it still is the same.

                          Qwertg I think to solve this issue is for you to figure the time zone of China. I meant I could multiply rewards at 23:00(the time zone of my country) that equal 00:00(time zone at China).

                            Hi all, the check-in service time is computed based on the server time (UTC+8). So if you live in those countries with a different time zone , it might have a few hours gap.

                            And we’ve solved the multiplier rewards issue and please update your app to the latest version.

                            Maybe it‘s a little confused. Here is the rules of the new check-in rewards system. You can find it by clicking the “?” on the top right corner of the check-in window and it will keep updated if the rules changed.

                            Check-in Rules:

                            1. Daily Check-in

                            Every check-in, including making up of missed check-ins will receive the corresponding random rewards.

                            Checking-in consecutively from Monday to Sunday allows a reader to receive additional surprise rewards on Wednesday and Sunday.

                            The Mon-Sun week is computed based on the server time (UTC+8). After every Mon-Sun week's consecutive check-in ends, a new week for the consecutive check-in will begin on Monday.

                            1. Multiplier Reward

                            After checking in every day, you can click on a Multiplier Reward to watch an advertisement to receive a random chance of multiplying your rewards.

                            1. Make Up Check-in

                            Every Make Up Check-in costs 15SS. There is no limit to the number of times you make up a missed check-in, but can be applied only for the present Mon-Sun week.

                            If Monday's check-in is made up, and one checks in for Tuesday and Wednesday, one will receive the additional reward on Wednesday.

                            If one checks in on Wednesday, before making up for Monday and Tuesday, or begin making-up for the first three days on Thursday, one will not receive the additional consecutive check-in reward on Wednesday. Likewise for Sunday.

                            Make Up Check-ins are ineligible for Multiplier Rewards.


                              Smokescreen90s And we’ve solved the multiplier rewards issue and please update your app to the latest version.

                              What version are considered last for iOS? Because atm i have 4.0.2 and Multiplier rewards are still not working. They worked on Monday (i was able to do it) but since then - it doesn't work. I see a yellow button with "Multiplier rewards" in my Library tab, but when I click it I see a grey "Checked In".
                              Here is a screenshot: https://www.icloud.com/photos/#0NE3MJM0wvNLIrYbv0Qxn5n1g

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