40fantasy I think the point is that it adds unnecessary stress to the author. A simple "I love this chapter" or "I can't wait for the next update!" might be a lot more positive and less stressful than "more chapters!" and "mass releases!" Gratitude/appreciation is a lot more palatable than demands/requests.

    Tomoyuki Well, it’s unfortunate cause you can’t control how readers feel or react to your novel. So, if you’re going to be pressured and stressed by every demand for chapters, you should probably choose a different medium to expose your writing.

      DarkRay You guys (authors) can over rationalize and overthink all you want. Bottom line, without readers, who needs authors? You’re as good an author as the number of readers who demand for your book. But I guess that doesn’t apply to the authors on Webnovel since you’re not professional authors and, probably, don’t aspire to be so. Otherwise, you wouldn’t start a whole thread whining about and dissing the very people you want to appreciate work for appreciating your work!

        40fantasy Without authors, there wouldn't be readers either. What kind of circular logic is this?

        Whining and dissing? yaoyueyi was raising a valid concern. 4 chapters a day? Don't you think that's too much? I'm sure she's happy to have such a passionate reader, but there's a difference between "I love your book!" and "Update 4 chapters a day!" There's a difference between "I really appreciate what you've written!" and "when will you do a mass release?!"

        One comes across as thankful and appreciative, the other comes across as...quite entitled, actually.

        You are right in that authors need readers, and authors should treasure the readers who love their books. But that doesn't equate to readers having the right to make demands of authors. You may accuse authors of overrationalizing and overthinking, but in the same manner, the readers altering their comments to make them sound more appreciative and less entitled will go a long way in helping both parties.

          40fantasy Oh, I see we have a contender. I just can't wait for others to roast you. Either way, to address what you actually wrote. I somehow don't see myself whining on this forum... I find it weird you do? But alright.

          On the subject of professional authors. ??? I have no idea what you are actually on about? What does author's struggle, health and such, have to do with professional authors... No idea what you are on about there. By the way, how do you know who aspires to be what? Mind reading? Looking through a mystical orb? Tarot cards? Please share, I'd like to know lottery numbers for this week.

          As a last thing, in more seriousness, I would like to address that bottom line of yours. It's true, we need readers. What we don't need, is people who think they are privileged to do anything they want. Trolls (such as you? or are you serious with that?), people who spam, who constantly harass authors whether with one 1 star reviews, or comments or whatever. We don't need such people. But let me also add this, if there were no writers (authors), what would you read?

          Both authors and readers are needed. And what the OP wrote, was an open piece to all, to respect their authors, and the work they put out. Because, I haven't heard of authors abusing readers. Readers don't experience stress, health issues and so on, just because they get one less chapter. We are stuck with what we write, while you as a reader, can chose 10, 20 or 30 other novels to read. Of course, you are entitled to think and act however you like. I'm not your parent, to tell you what you can and can't do. But at least, a lot of other readers understand authors, and that is already a success.

          40fantasy Lady, a piece of advice from me. Grow up. Oh, and before you get worked up about it. See ya!

            40fantasy Of course we are not professional writers. If by professional you mean we get paid for our work, then the vast majority of writers here are not professionals. We write for free! We get absolutely nothing in exchange for writing! What use is it to us if people demand for our books when none of them actually pay us anything? Furthermore, many of these readers are making demands, knowing that they are reading for free. If you get what you asked for, you get to read 4 extra chapters a day, maybe under an hour. That's about 12-15 extra hours of unpaid labor on our part. Why do you think we're so riled up for? Because these readers under the pretense of "appreciating our work" is essentially demanding extra stuff for free. You don't go to a bakery and then ask for an extra free bread under the pretense of "you should be flattered because if I want to eat more of your bread it means I really love it and appreciate the skill you put into baking it!" Never mind that you're asking for an extra loaf of bread for free.

            Is it so difficult to say something as simple as "thanks for the chapter" or "I look forward to the next update!" as opposed to "mass release when?!" Keep in mind, there's nothing wrong with saying "I want more!" (or "I want moar!" as most readers affectionately type). What yaoyueyi is talking about is the entitled demands like "release 4 chapters a day!" or "mass release when?" as if we're obligated to give a mass release. You might claim that it's a show of appreciation, but if that's so, why can't they simply type, "thanks!" or "appreciate it!" instead of demanding for more chapters?

            Also, I notice some kind of double standards here. You tell writers not to whine because it's annoying. Yet, it is writers who have to put up with the most whining. "Why so slow?" "Characters so retarded." "Story is garbage."
            "Writer is trash/an idiot." "Nothing but useless filler!" So readers are allowed to whine, but authors aren't because it's "annoying" and you don't want to read it? You think we want to read about readers complaining, insulting and whining about our stories too? But no, readers should be allowed to whine, writers should not be allowed to delete their absusive comments or reviews, and should not be allowed to whine either. How very fair.

              Tomoyuki And what is your logic? That authors only have to consider their feelings and their efforts while totally disregarding readers? I’ve been following the thread here and I’m yet to see an author who’s spoken for readers. All of you have consistently used the word ‘readers’ in general. I’m a reader, I don’t make unnecessary demands of authors (and there are many like me) but somehow I’m lumped into that. But it’s okay.

              Back to point - demand for more updates, big deal! So readers want more chapters it’s either you can or you can’t. I’ve seen many cases where authors explained why they couldn’t release more than 2 chapters daily or weekly and it was well received by readers. Most readers don’t mean to put pressure on authors by asking for more chapters - it’s just a reflex reaction to good book.

              While it doesn’t take a lot of effort for readers read, it does take effort for them to buy spirit stones since they cost money. Now, I’ve seen several cases where authors commented that readers only use free ss to read; while that may be the case for some readers, it’s not the case for all. So I don’t appreciate authors looking down on readers as if you’re doing us a favor by writing your books.

              I’ve said it before, if you publish a novel on this platform it means you want people to read it; if it’s an interesting one, they’ll want more (sucks but that’s the reality) so if you can’t handle the pressure, don’t publish!

              Reading on a platform like WN isn’t like reading on Kindle in that it’s designed to make you addicted to reading - this is what fuels the demand for more chapters.

              And yes, readers need authors too which is why we support you guys by reading and voting for your novels. The highest appreciation I can give you as an author is to READ your book. So frankly, I don’t need this tirade of complaints for wanting to do that.

              I hope you can be more objective about this.

                Tomoyuki Yeah I’d like to continue this back and forth but a novel I’m really interested in just updated for the first time in 6 months so... good luck with the tirade.😀✌🏾

                  40fantasy I am being objective.

                  And you, on the other hand, have consistently used the word "authors" in general. I'm an author (actually I'm not), I don't look down on readers nor have I ever once thought that I am doing you a favor by writing you a story, but somehow you lump me into that. On the other hand, you come across as saying that you are doing authors a favor by reading our stories. But it's okay.

                  You completely missed my point. The point isn't that they can't demand for more chapters. My point is that they could at least change the way they comment. That if they truly want to show appreciation and gratitude, they could simply comment, "thanks for the chapter" or "I look forward to the next update!" instead of "mass release when?" But your attitude seem to be, instead of us suggesting a better way of showing appreciation, no, we should suck it up and deal with it because we're "overanalyzing" or "overthinking" it, or that we should just give up because we can't handle the pressure. It's not even the damned pressure I'm talking about, I'm merely pointing out that they can word it in a better way because frankly, "mass release!" or "4 chapters a day please!" sounds entitled. I'm suggesting that they can word it in a less entitled way. Is that too much to ask, or are readers the only ones who can make demands and writers can't?

                  Additionally, you claim that you buy spirit stones, but most people write for free. We don't receive any spirit stones at all. It takes you effort to buy spirit stones? But the vast majority of writers here don't receive any spirit stones. We write for free.

                  By the way, I am not an author. I have no right to call myself one, so I don't know why you're assuming that I'm an author, but okay. I assure you, I'm being objective. You're the one who needs to chill instead of jumping into conclusions and making hypocritical remarks. I see a lot of double standards in your statements, despite your so-called objectivity.

                    Tomoyuki Btw I’m a premium reader which means I use paid ss to read. So if you’re not getting paid, that’s not on me.

                      40fantasy Only premium authors get paid, so maybe you should just read premium stories instead of assuming all of us are professionals or that we receive spirit stones.

                      And I'm pretty sure the premium system works differently from the way you describe it. You pay x amount of spirit stones for premium stories individually as opposed to having a singular subscription that covers all stories on Webnovel.

                        Alright guys, I think that's enough of a shit show. Cool down your heads, and return later perhaps? Everyone will have their views, no need to further try and prove something. We each said our piece, alright?

                        DarkRay Yeah, I believe you. She has a contract and is a premium writer, but her story is still free. She lives entirely by donations, I guess?

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