Tomoyuki yeah, thanks. For a couple of weeks, I started timing my writing and forced myself to go to sleep early (7hrs of sleep), I go out for walks and meet friends. Screen addiction is not healthy. Please, dear authors, take care of yourselves.
An Open Letter To All Readers - From Your Dear Authors
Helena_Seryma That's great!
At the moment I do it full time and so of course I have the time to dedicate that much time each day on writing. If you are already studying or working, then of course you should rightfully treat it as a hobby, side job, extra activity or whatever put firm limits on how much time you spend on writing. Spending six hours a day on writing when you already have an existing full-time job or study is insane.
The only other thing that I can say is that readers aren't interested in your own circumstances. Like audiences of a theater, they only see a carefully crafted show. They don't see what happens outside the performance date and off the stage and how much effort the actors put into practicing and mastering their performances.
This is the nature of art and the entertainment business. Readers are only presented with a finished product that is the culmination of our hard work. It is unfair to make a comparison between a novel written by someone who writes fulltime to a novel written by someone who is writing part-time. Yet readers don't know any better or don't care and make those comparisons anyway. This is the reality all authors have to live with and it is best not to listen to these kinds of voices at all.
All I can say is that passion and enjoyment are vital to sustain writing in the long term. Write as much as you enjoy and your free time allows and no more if you want to keep it up for years. Writing is not a race nor a competition to be the fastest writer or the best earner, though all the comparisons and jostling for power stones something make it seem like it sometimes.
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL I am impressed with all of the authors work! Why rush good content! I would hate to ask for more. I would hate to force more content and cause writers block/ fatigue/carpal tunnel. Let them evolve their stories naturally. Everyone wants instant gradification. There is a beauty in being patient!
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL I am impressed with all of the authors work! Why rush good content! I would hate to ask for more. I would hate to force more content and cause writers block/ fatigue/carpal tunnel. Let them evolve their stories naturally. Everyone wants instant gradification. There is a beauty in being patient!
I admit it, I'm one of such readers you made a definition of. But I already stopped being like that after I became an author.
At first, I thought writing stories, plots, scenes, etc. is easy, but it's not. As an author (even not a famous one), it's hard to squeeze outputs out of our minds; for example, I'm imagining a certain scene in the book that I'm writing, but I need to thresh out the feelings, emotions, and aura that the scenery is emitting in my mind, which is actually very hard considering I'm still struggling to do that until today. What more in writing a whole chapter? What more if you have studies and extracurricular activities in your school that you have to accomplish by the end of this week?
To all readers out there, if you're experiencing the pressure being on a cliffhanger to your favorite story then it goes paused for a week, the pressure on us authors would more or less twice as that.
I'm not scolding you guys, I'm just expressing my feelings about this issue, because I've also been like you.
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Sounds like we've arrived to an understanding with this thread? That is to say, people write and people read. So, cordial respect is the ask from both sides of the story coin.
Mainaka although i do agree with this, you're slightly wrong. martin is different. the process of publishing a book physically is different. First the draft, let's rather assume that he took 30 months for the draft.
to not offend anybody, they have to edit and revise which can take a really long time. and usually not just once. but i'm not sure with george r.r. martin, after all, he's one of the most famous authors out there. maybe one revision is enough for him.
Gourmet_DAO silk road... ;-; brings back my of memories of my failing grade on social science
yaoyueyi Quoting Dilbert, what the customer (reader) really wants is top quality product for free. I would add that readers would want all chapters till the end, right now.
I bet the one asking for four chapters a day was already (mentally) making a concession.
With all this I mean that that's a sign the reader is really enjoing the story, which is good for the author.
I would also advice author to relax and don't take those demands too seriously, just pretend to listen to them (us) and do what you can. Author should worry if the readers stop caring and complaining about how many chapters they get a month.
Elise_Elleneth Next is, I noticed that (some or more) readers complain a lot (as said above) about characters or the story they wanted to flow as they wanted.
That is what really worries me as a reader and I really hope you authors don't listen to this kind of complains. I see that a lot as a basis for bad reviews on NU and this just reflects the reader immaturity. You should only listen on these kind of issues, to a professional editor (if you have one)
Luiz_H Hi! When it comes to this, I saw that it's not only we contracted authors are pressurized... but also those new ones that have potential. But as they could see what stories are click too many readers, some will follow and some choose to drop their novel.
I must say, I just make myself flexible to these outcomes and survive in this career I choose for myself.
I believe both (readers and authors) should enjoy... Us to write, and them; read something we wrote passionately. We do our best to create something the readers would love, at the same time, write more to release regular updates. Unless reality will hit us hard with problems (like me, but forcing to release daily updates).
In this matter, I believe we all learn something; from both sides. From then on, we began understanding each other more.
Reinesse Here everyone has their own preferences, mindset, their interests, I like the history of the Silk Road, trade, spies, the Big Game. And someone likes romance, fantasy.
It is all the more interesting to live in the world, meeting different people and learning something new for yourself!
Readers in general can be very generous and understanding towards their favorite authors but that is on the premise that authors properly inform their readers about decisions, events, reasons etc. but most important is that they are honest towards their readers. For instance if you promise 5 chapters a week and don't make it than don't just gloss over it and post the next chapter but properly explain why you were forced to miss your promise. There is always a good reason but if you don't give that information to your readers than to a reader all that they know is that this author has missed a promise (and if that happens often some readers will label that author as unreliable and start treating that author with less respect). My point is that some disrespectful messages can be avoided if the author is honest and clear about what their readers can expect from the author. We're living in the social media age and is a perfect example of a site that heavily relies on social media interaction. The key to social media in general is that readers/followers feel that they have a close relationship to the person they follow and that close relationship is at the same time the reason why people are willing to give money and support others but also the reason why social media can turn toxic. Just think about it, if you have someone who you think you have a relatively close relationship with ignore you or not acknowledge your existence than how does that make you feel? And whenever an author makes a promise and does not keep those promises than your readers are going to feel betrayed. And I realize that it is absurd that some people think like this but this is how social media works. What I noticed is that the people who have the least amount of angry trolls demanding stuff from the person they follow are the people who are very clear on what their followers can expect from them, be generous in the information you give.
And one tip for authors who have trouble with demands for more chapters... don't see those messages as a whip urging you to work harder but see them as encouragement from people who like your work enough to ask for more. This change in perspective is probably a better way to look at these kind of messages from a mental health perspective ;-)
I've seen a lot of argument about "look at the demand for updates as encouragement!! :D"
but tell me how I can look at "MASS RELEASE OR I WILL DROP" or "why are updates so slow??? author stop being lazy!!! other novels are updating twice daily, but you don't even update daily!!!!" or "I like the story but 1 star for updates, it's so slow that I'm going to drop" or "when mass release???????????????" as kind encouragement.
just tell me how.
there's a clear difference between "can't wait until the next chapter!", "hope you update soon!", "thanks for the chapter!! excited for the next one", and pure rudeness.