Tomoyuki I agree that the harm done by inappropriate readers or trolls to the author, rude and boorish remarks, they harm two people. First, the author, bringing him emotional and heart trauma. And then spoiling your(reader who scolds the author) karma as a person, having done evil, it will return to the one who created it. So readers be kind, and you will be helped in difficult times, karma will work for good and not for evil.

    Gourmet_DAO SinB Thank you both. I will do my best to continue writing, and I am blessed to have quite a few kind readers who encourage me. Which is actually the reason why I didn't give up and persisted. I don't want to disappoint the people who like my stuff.

    Sometimes people make fun of other people in what they think is a harmless manner, and I don't think they mean any real harm or had any malicious intent. But their amusement sometimes comes at the expense of others, and it is the victims that I really feel for, especially since I experienced it myself and know how much it hurts.

      Ok thank you but we are captivated to you r story so sorry for interpreputed

        How are you author? :)

          yaoyueyi hellos from a fellow reader here. I read your statement above and i do agree with some of your notions but also do disagree with some of them mostly related to what you are implying about us readers. While it is true that we expect a faster uploads or even mass releases, it is not to the point where we go and beg for it or even rant or curse the author about it. If you do it we’re happy and if you don’t we’re just reading on your update schedule. From the way you spoke about your stress, it seems you only read the rants and demands and ignore the positive comments about your story.
          Even as a reader, i can understand how hard it must be to make the readers stick their attention into your book and it must cause a lot of stress, you can just write notices that you’re having a hard time thinking what to write and take a break while having mental peace. No one is coming to raid your house for the next release of chapters anyways. Its your choice whether to upload it or not. There are “some” who curse the writers when they do not meet the expectations they have set on the novel but there are also readers like us/me (whatever makes you happy) who only wait for whats gonna happen next or who keep mum even if they do not meet the expectations. I read novels that does weekly updates and i think im not the only one who has a tolerance for updates like these.

          Up until now since I can’t scroll up i don’t know what i have written xD but you can get the gist of it.
          As a webnovel reader/follower the thing i hate right now is this sh*tty privilege system brought right now. I preferred the elite membership subscription. As for the authors who will read this, please look at the bright side and read the positive comments, not from “some” trashes/dweebs who only try to demotivate people from writing. There are “some” people like us/me who like to enjoy and recreate your writings into a scene. Just treat those rants as a small setback for a bigger happiness.
          Thank you.
          Yours truly,
          Just a fellow reader who has no idea what he wrote at the top since he cant scroll up in mobile 😭😭

          P.s: this privilege system is really a shit system i hope webnovel changes it

            yaoyueyi I love my authors and that’s why I would have my favorite authors healthy and happy before writing their stories. That’s why I distract myself with other stories and save up my favorite author chapters before having them crank out 4 chapters a day or week it’s just so draining and tiring for the authors. I understand the struggles of writing and I wouldn’t want my authors to be hospitalized because they are forced to write so many chapters a day. I’d rather them be healthy and happy. Either way because I love the stories that they have already written that’s why I always consider my authors health and happiness before the chapters. I always tell them take your time I have other stories to read and they’re fine taking there time because I’d rather have them healthy and not healthy and have something bad happens to them I don’t want that to happen. I love the authors and that just that. I don’t want the author to be Burntout from writing. You also have to remember that author are human to and they need sleep, food and be healthy so they can be strong enough to finish your stories. Be kind to your author and show your gratitude of the chapters you do get. Thanks for reading.

            happyjunior I did not quite understand your idea and your slang, but yes we are all people, and we all have our own mistakes and our own opinion about the world, no one is allowed to impose our opinion, for this will already be a bad man from the dark era. If you do not think about others, then you need to live on a desert island and not society, where you need to follow the rules of social dormitory, observe network ethics, do no evil, do not offend people ... otherwise it will all come back. This right is not worth it. On the Internet, people think that they can water everyone with their shit and that they will not get it back, they are mistaken, they may not believe it, but this does not mean that karma does not work for them.

            yaoyueyi It is a sad situation and I do understand that's why I never demand nor disrespect authors, not to mention I am reading for free. Don't give up continue to shine, All the best

            I wish there is a report button for spam. God, I know you're desperate for readers, but there's no need to spam your story link on a hundred different threads, where it's irrelevant in 90% of the threads you post on.

            If you do that, you're going to invite a lot of nasty and mean comments, which kind of defeats the purpose of your shameless advertising in the first place. I don't know about the others, I personally will blacklist you when I see someone pulling this kind of stunt and never touch your story. But I wouldn't be surprised if people click on the link just to leave a scathing comment or two, or spam your story with one-star reviews in the same way you're pretty much spamming the forum.

              Tomoyuki I agree with you, this is really surprising. In any topic, a link to the novel, where appropriate and where not.

                Gourmet_DAO Let me preface by saying that the quality of work on here varies, but it does not in any way mean that you have the right to demand or expect more from them than normal authors. Normal authors often take years writing a book, which ranges from 80,000 words to 120,000 words. People who write 1k words per chapter on webnovel or other sites like it, do a novel's worth of work in 100 chapters. IN 100 CHAPTERS. Most novels on this site go well above that.

                So to all readers out there. Please. PLEASE. Take a moment and realize what you are demanding of people. Even George R. R. Martin's most recent book A Dance with Dragons, clocking in at a massive 420,000 words, took 5+ years to do. That is the equivalent of 420 chapters at 1k words. And if an author does 1 chapter a day, that amount is completed in 15 months. 15 months versus 60 months.

                Here is my cited source for novel lengths:

                  I'm an original author, writing a scifi-romance called Artificial mates. I'm not a native English speaker. I work all week and only have weekends to rest since my job is very physical. I use to update daily of about 1k-2k words. Some times I didn't have time to edit typos or grammar. When I reached 100k I slowed down my updates to 3-4 times a week cause I was cutting into my sleep and other activities. Writing like that is not healthy at all...for the body and for my sanity. So now I don't even update on weekends...except I get very guilty about letting my readers down. I've never been on a platform this extreme. It will drive creative authors away. We are not machines. Writing is an art. Robots don't produce art.

                    Helena_Seryma Take care of yourself. I also fell sick from overworking and struggling to maintain a daily update and produce mass releases. It really is not healthy at all. Prioritize yourself, take weekends off if you have to. Your health and mind are the most important thing, not pleasing your readers.

                      Moron i have to disagree. :( the time & work that goes behind translating shouldn't be ignored either-- the only difference in speed is that translators typically work in groups, while authors are alone. so all content creators are working hard & should be equally treated with respect.

                      Moron Having done both writing and translation work, I can assure you that both are equally difficult and time consuming. Translating isn't as easy as grabbing a dictionary and translating a text. Especially because you're not the original author, you will often come across sentences and expressions that are ambiguous and difficult to translate accurately. Plus, because of the different syntax and language structure (Japanese being subject particle verb as opposed to English's subject verb noun or something like that) it's also difficult to translate word for word, and you have to frequently restructure and craft each sentence from scratch.

                      Mainaka Leo Tolstoy wrote 18 volumes in general, Jack London 22 volumes, but I'm not talking about writers, classics of the 20th century. I am talking about modern authors. It is your right to write ... the level and quality depends on the author to the author. You can write and 100,000 words and 50,000 words and 450,000 words and 1,000,000 words, it all depends on your imagination, skills. Another question will you be read? Maybe there will be hundreds of readers but not millions.

                      If you read further explanations below, you would understand the main point. That the author is not a robot, he has the same problems as the reader. He cannot write every day. The author depends on his health, the health of his loved ones, and inspiration for his work. He has his own pace. If he promised 3 chapters of updates per week, agree with that. Maybe the author will be able to write bonus chapters or maybe not. In any case, network ethics must be respected, which was the message. Yes, and the reader makes the writer, but the reader must be cultural and adequate.

                      Therefore, you need to read everything in order to understand what is at stake.

                      Personally, it’s just interesting for me to write, myself. I set myself the goal of writing 1,000,000 words. It's my goal. And the goal of other authors is their own. Why did I set such a goal? I have a lot of material on the Silk Road, I collected it for 10 years, read more than 450 history books, I have thoughts, I want to share with them. I want to popularize the Silk Road theme. Maybe after reading 1,000,000 words, someone will be interested in this topic and write a great novel, which I will be happy to read. I myself am a technician, not a writer, my novels are not so magical, English is lame, difficult to read, but the content is high-quality, interesting and useful as reference material for the authors. Therefore, my idea with 1,000,000 words is an attempt to inspire new authors to write (for me) a new and magical novel about the Silk Road ... so that I can read it!))) This is the main goal. Thank.

                        Gourmet_DAO actually fun fact. Historical content is one of the main influential factors of my literature. Everything from war, to culture, philosophy, civil development and demise, my styles aims more towards developing a life story. While questioning certain aspects of belief. Morality, justice, right/wrong, reality etc. Everything percieved through the eyes of a particular narrator or character.

                        Working on two stories right now one a lighter side and one on a darker side. One reflecting war and death, another reflecting corruption, poverty, and survival.

                        Looking closely bits and peices of history can be noticed.

                          Rak0 And links can be thrown off to your novels, does the abstract sound attractive? Corruption of the effect of poverty, poverty from the fact that a lot of money is being stolen, embezzlement, this is not stopped, the population is also involved in this process, it would be interesting to know what methods the author offers from the point of view of history to solve these catastrophic problems for society in his fantasy world . Although in the real world, Singapore is the best example, simple and very understandable laws were envisioned, corruption was defeated, Singapore is one of the most successful countries in the modern world! With interest!

                            Gourmet_DAO haha. I'll look into it but yeah you got the idea for one story. XD I would love to pick your brain some time.

                              I'm taking a cliche approach towards black market generalizations, child trafficking, and the fluidity of economic commerce from the realm of third party contributions, inspired, by mafia's involvement during the war

                                I have in short a philosophy of story telling. So I tend to look at everything through the eyes of a reader and observer. So the more I experience, read, see, observe, learn, feel, then the more I'm able to contribute to my text. But at the end of it I don't really expect anyone to read it. It's just that I like to have a collection of worlds within reach. And maybe strike a few readers emotions along the way. But I still have a long way to go. And these two story are just a fun side project which I dont care if anyone sees. Hence publishing here. Also hopefully mature as a writer with this experience. I have a style and approach set, but I still have several kinks I need to work out in my writing. I'm like a baby turtle taking its first steps into a harsh reality. But fail once fail a thousand times it only matters if you learn from your mistakes and grow

                                When it comes to writing, the author should stick to what they are comfortable with and only push themselves to write more if they are prepared to stretch their limits.

                                I'm one of those authors who write 6,000 words a day, 3 chapters a day, for several months now. This isn't the most as I know there are a couple of people who pump out even more words a day.

                                I can speak from experience that it is extremely difficult to maintain quality standards. I have trained myself to write 1,000 words per hour so I spend 6 hours to write every day. I don't do any proofreading or editing though my English writing skills are good enough that there aren't any grammar or spelling errors. Nonetheless, if you write so much all the time, you definitely won't be able to plan out things as much.

                                I didn't get to this point immediately, of course. Over the course of 1,5 years since I started writing, I started with an update rate of 2,000 words a day. Then 4,000 words a day. Then 6,000 words a day. Increasing your daily writing volume is a skill that can be trained, but it requires dedication, time and a willingness to work hard to increase it. The novel also has to be able to accommodate it and the author's imagination also has to keep up with the pace.

                                Not every author has the time to dedicate this much effort into doing such. If they don't have the time or don't feel motivated, it's better to stick to what is sustainable to them. I have seen too many authors break because they tried and failed to push their limits when they weren't ready for it. Listening to reader feedback and responding to their demands is only useful if it benefits the authors.

                                Is it exhausting? Yes. But no more so than a full-time job. The earnings I've received for writing my novel this way has made it worth it for me to write in this style and at this pace. The novels that Webnovel offers are different from published books. They don't have the best quality, but they leave you coming back for more every day.

                                Many authors are amateurs and don't have a lot of writing experience and that reflects in their quality of their work and their update rate. If they were pros, they would have probably brought their novels to a publishing house or Amazon instead. Webnovel offers a lower barrier to entry for authors and while there are many works that are disappointing, the charm of this platform is that there is always a gem in the rough or a particular flavor that you like from the mass of novels on offer.

                                Ultimately, writing is a passion and the best stories are written if the author is on fire. I write a lot of words a day, but I enjoy it and that keeps me going day after day without any depression or mood swings. Authors should pay more attention to their mental and physical well being and their financial situation to decide how much they want to write. Just responding to pure user feedback is not always healthy because usually the loudest and most extreme voices are amplified in the comments and reviews.

                                  Exlor Are you writing as a full-time job or are you writing in addition to any full-time (or part-time) job you already have/in addition to being a student? Because it's tough for most people to spend 6 hours a day writing when they have a 9-5 job, or are a student with classes, homework and things to study. And I'm a student with a part-time job on top of that, so spending 6 hours a day to churn out 6,000 words is just not practical or feasible for me.

                                    Tomoyuki yeah, thanks. For a couple of weeks, I started timing my writing and forced myself to go to sleep early (7hrs of sleep), I go out for walks and meet friends. Screen addiction is not healthy. Please, dear authors, take care of yourselves.


                                      At the moment I do it full time and so of course I have the time to dedicate that much time each day on writing. If you are already studying or working, then of course you should rightfully treat it as a hobby, side job, extra activity or whatever put firm limits on how much time you spend on writing. Spending six hours a day on writing when you already have an existing full-time job or study is insane.

                                      The only other thing that I can say is that readers aren't interested in your own circumstances. Like audiences of a theater, they only see a carefully crafted show. They don't see what happens outside the performance date and off the stage and how much effort the actors put into practicing and mastering their performances.

                                      This is the nature of art and the entertainment business. Readers are only presented with a finished product that is the culmination of our hard work. It is unfair to make a comparison between a novel written by someone who writes fulltime to a novel written by someone who is writing part-time. Yet readers don't know any better or don't care and make those comparisons anyway. This is the reality all authors have to live with and it is best not to listen to these kinds of voices at all.

                                      All I can say is that passion and enjoyment are vital to sustain writing in the long term. Write as much as you enjoy and your free time allows and no more if you want to keep it up for years. Writing is not a race nor a competition to be the fastest writer or the best earner, though all the comparisons and jostling for power stones something make it seem like it sometimes.

                                        yaoyueyi i understand your plight and support all the writings all the way.
                                        Take your time creating vivid novels that would entice your readers more.
                                        God bless

                                          Exlor That's a relief. I thought you were telling us to follow your example, sort of a "if I can spend 6 hours a day writing 6,000 words, why can't the rest of you? Stop whining!"

                                            WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL I am impressed with all of the authors work! Why rush good content! I would hate to ask for more. I would hate to force more content and cause writers block/ fatigue/carpal tunnel. Let them evolve their stories naturally. Everyone wants instant gradification. There is a beauty in being patient!

                                              WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL I am impressed with all of the authors work! Why rush good content! I would hate to ask for more. I would hate to force more content and cause writers block/ fatigue/carpal tunnel. Let them evolve their stories naturally. Everyone wants instant gradification. There is a beauty in being patient!

                                                I admit it, I'm one of such readers you made a definition of. But I already stopped being like that after I became an author.

                                                At first, I thought writing stories, plots, scenes, etc. is easy, but it's not. As an author (even not a famous one), it's hard to squeeze outputs out of our minds; for example, I'm imagining a certain scene in the book that I'm writing, but I need to thresh out the feelings, emotions, and aura that the scenery is emitting in my mind, which is actually very hard considering I'm still struggling to do that until today. What more in writing a whole chapter? What more if you have studies and extracurricular activities in your school that you have to accomplish by the end of this week?

                                                To all readers out there, if you're experiencing the pressure being on a cliffhanger to your favorite story then it goes paused for a week, the pressure on us authors would more or less twice as that.

                                                I'm not scolding you guys, I'm just expressing my feelings about this issue, because I've also been like you.

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                                                    Sounds like we've arrived to an understanding with this thread? That is to say, people write and people read. So, cordial respect is the ask from both sides of the story coin.

                                                      Bivind bruh... you can scroll. i can scroll >.> if it's not scrolling that's a bug

                                                        Mainaka although i do agree with this, you're slightly wrong. martin is different. the process of publishing a book physically is different. First the draft, let's rather assume that he took 30 months for the draft.

                                                        to not offend anybody, they have to edit and revise which can take a really long time. and usually not just once. but i'm not sure with george r.r. martin, after all, he's one of the most famous authors out there. maybe one revision is enough for him.

                                                          yaoyueyi Quoting Dilbert, what the customer (reader) really wants is top quality product for free. I would add that readers would want all chapters till the end, right now.
                                                          I bet the one asking for four chapters a day was already (mentally) making a concession.
                                                          With all this I mean that that's a sign the reader is really enjoing the story, which is good for the author.
                                                          I would also advice author to relax and don't take those demands too seriously, just pretend to listen to them (us) and do what you can. Author should worry if the readers stop caring and complaining about how many chapters they get a month.

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