Dear Readers,

Please try to be understanding of authors on this site.

This is something that has been bothering me since the start of beginning to write on Webnovel. Readers have an insanely high set of expectations for authors. In fact, today, I woke up to reading a review asking me to update four chapters a day.

Here's a fact: just because a few authors can update at certain speeds doesn't mean that all authors on Webnovel can. In fact, I would even say that the majority of writers here can't update four chapters a day. Most already work very hard to bring out one chapter a day. I know for me, I'm already struggling very hard to put out five chapters a week.

I know that it seems like authors can write really fast. A reader can read a 2000 word chapter in a matter of minutes, while for an author, writing a chapter of that length could take hours. If they're really working on quality or are inflicted with writer's block, a chapter of that length could even take days. So, what you're reading is actually the output of lots and lots of time and effort on the author's behalf. Us authors aren't robots. We can't put out chapters every couple of minutes. It's not as easy as that. We all struggle basic human things, like family matters, health issues, school, mental health struggles, and other elements like writer's block. It's especially hard to put out that first word in a chapter when one has writer's block.

Life is already stressful as is for all of us. When readers have demanding expectations like that, it's even more pressure for the author.

In other words, to all the readers out there, try putting yourself in the author's shoes. Perhaps see yourself as a young student who's loaded with extracurricular activities, trying to get straight A's, and working on writing chapters for their readers at the same time. Or see yourself in the shoes of an employed worker who has a job that actually supports them and their family outside of Webnovel. They have to work everyday, and when they finish their day, they come back to their second job, which is writing on Webnovel.

You may be wondering-- "if life is so difficult for you all, why are you writing?". It's because writing to us is supposed to be an outlet of stress. A hobby. Something that we enjoy doing.

So, when readers have too many demands, this hobby morphs into something that weighs down and pressures the author instead.

Ultimately, please just respect that authors are humans too. Respect the schedule that the author puts out chapters at-- I promise you that most authors are putting out chapters at their best speed already. It might be tough to wait for a next chapter after a cliffhanger, but it's better to have stable updates/chapters than an author so pressured that they can't put out chapters for months because of health reasons.

An Author.

    Preach, girl!

    "Rite 4000 words a day nd make your story what I want or else I one star thx" <---- not far off from a review I deleted

    This site is making me remember why I prefer traditional publishing. The sense of entitlement on here is unreal.

    And god help you if you aren't writing a character exactly how they like, or else they'll post chapter comments everywhere trying to spoil the story and throwing around slurs and rape threats (which reporting DOESN'T remove, by the way. I had to manually track down staff and have them do it directly).

    I think once I finish Second Life, I will permanently move to RR or Inkitt. At least there I don't get this kind of disrespect.

      I know one author in China in response to "Moar chapters! Grr" chose to divide each of her chapters in 2. So the reader ended up with more cliffhangers. This was maintained through the end of that series. While I feel this is an understandable response, as a reader, I would prefer authors not to respond in the same manner. Thank you for your consideration in advance.

        Nicely worded. I feel you.

        It's a bitter-sweet strange thing to have a demand for updates. On one hand it's positive validation, yet on the other applies added pressure.

        Either way, quality over quantity is more important at the end of the day.

          To add all that said above:
          As an author like me who's English is not the first language, we don't use it a reason for our struggles to write. In fact, we tried hard to write in English as also an achievement to ourselves. I've been reading translated mangas and comics with so awful wording that it gives me a headache everytime, but I give consideration because I could see it was a good story.

          Next is, I noticed that (some or more) readers complain a lot (as said above) about characters or the story they wanted to flow as they wanted. And this made me saddened because I began feeling that those #deepauthors have no chance of noticing a lot. When the novel going deeper, many readers drop it because they more like revenge and stuff like in many novels here.

          Every time I write my chapter, I always argue with my own self; should I follow what readers like? Or to let myself bring out what I can do more? Where should I lead myself? Suppressing my entire capability or treat the readers what they like?

          Is that enough struggle every day to write and finish a chapter? We authors always think of our readers. Every author has a unique style and way to bring out their talent in writing. If readers looking for something to read, authors also desire the reader to give time understanding the novel and not just, okay I like this, I'll read this. Okay, this sounds interesting, could pass my boredom; etc...

          I'll stop here, it's kind along already.

            WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL changed the title to An Open Letter To All Readers - From Your Dear Authors.

              yaoyueyi This is a view from the side of the author, not from the side of the reader. Each coin has two sides and still has a rim.

              From the point of view of the author - if everything is calm and there is no additional burden, problems in real life related to health and other things, then you can write 3-4 chapters a week. Perhaps even from 2500 to 5500 words each.

              2500 words can be written in 2 hours.

              But this is just raw materials. With one grammar check at best. If you check more carefully the grammar, spelling, syntax - it will take time for 1 chapter about 5 hours. If you add here not just thoughts, but also process the chapter from the point of view of fiction, add compositional techniques, polish the text, then the release of one chapter will take 1-2 days.

              Since the original short story for novice authors is primarily a test - a test to see if the author will be able to develop the habit of writing at least 2500-3000 words a day or not. The goal is to write in 1 year - 1,000,000 words.

              When the short story is written ... then it will be possible to start grinding it, to remove something, and to add something. It is possible to bring to relaxation the novels - corrector and editor. But before you do this, you need to make sure that your novel is generally read by someone, it is interesting to someone, then there is an incentive to rewrite it. In addition, you need material, a backlog to start grinding it. Unformed ideas, you as an author will not be able to grind.

              From the reader’s point of view, the author writes too slowly, 3-4 chapters a week are few, the story is too interesting or you want to know something new. And the author slows down. I understand that he has his own life, but he can exert himself, give up all his affairs and start writing. After all, he himself put the yoke of the author of short stories around his neck, now he is obliged to write for readers.

              From the point of view of the editors - ???? I don’t know, but they, too, probably think something about it.

              On the Internet there are different people those who understand and those who do not understand. Those who understand will perceive your letter as an attempt to constructively explain what the author feels. One who does not understand ... he will not want to understand you.

              On the other hand, as an author, you should be glad that you have readers who comment on you, so your story has interested them, they give their feedback. And do not silently ignore you.


                Agree man I seen some crazy azz people threatening fanfic authors cuz the story doesn't go the way they want it. For Christ sake people write because they like to write as most people have it as a sort of hobby and when people complain about another person's hobby just wow. Anyways big thank you to all those awesome inspiring writers.👍😁

                  Gourmet_DAO you have to consider that not all authors can write 2500 words in 2 hours. I take 2 hours to even write 1000-1500 words b/c of the amount of research and pre-planning that goes into the chapters (plus, I'm generally not a super fast author either). it can take up to 3-4 hours for me to write 2000 words.
                  i'm confused about what you're saying about short stories? your wording doesn't make too much sense to me? 1,000,000 words is definitely... not short story material? :sweat:
                  anyways, I understand that there are people who are not willing to budge from their opinion. however, there are many readers who DON'T know about the writing process, and therefore demand a lot from the authors. there are still reasonable readers on webnovel who can be reasoned with by showing them another point of view that's generally ignored, and that is the purpose of this post. :)

                    Clowniac "or else 1 one star thx" lmao this is so tragic that it's actually hilarious :joy:
                    there definitely is a very biased reader viewpoint on this site, so hopefully as webnovel develops, more readers can become understanding of the author's pov. :hearts: if not, then.................... sweats

                    KoraL honestly, I think besides the "more chapters" demand, authors may also divide their longer chapters in 2 bc of ss costs, and the fact that readers don't understand that they're set automatically by word count, and not by the reader-- then they get mad that a 2500 word chapter costs 13 ss, so the author splits it into 2 and now the reader has to pay 7 ss per chapter (14 ss total). they feel like it's a bargain, but there are definitely much more problems w/ splitting chapters than slower updates/etc.

                    basically, it's never good to split your chapters :cry:

                    Elise_Elleneth yes, I agree that not having english as a native language should be used as an excuse.
                    but readers should definitely let the author do what they want with the characters. it's definitely a constant balance struggle of trying to please readers & writing what you actually want :( i end up listening to what my readers want, but also not altering any big plot points that I've planned already!


                    As someone who has been writing professionally for over a decade, I deeply disagree with your core assertion about how much a writer can write in a day/week.

                    The vast majority of professional authors who do literally nothing but write put out 2k or fewer words a day. Most put out 500-1000. You are considered a phenom or a freak if you can do 2500 or more every single day. And these numbers dont even factor editing, research, theming, and revisions, which collectively take 4-5 times as long as writing. In a list of over 100 well-known professional writers who have sold millions of copies, only two put out more than 2k a day.

                    And these are people whose lives revolve around writing.

                    I've read the "authors" on here who put out 2500+ words every day. The vast majority of them would fail a middle school grammar test, and read like a sugar-addled 12 year old wrote them. They have no coherent plot, one dimensional characters, shit dialogue, bad word usage and are riddled with tropes.

                    If you want quality writing, it takes time, and you would do well to respect the authors process if you want good stuff. This is a craft that takes time and effort to get right.

                    Or you can go find one of the thousands of tripe merchants on here who will gladly shovel walls of subpar gimmicky bullshit in your face if that's what you're looking for. But being rude or demanding to a writer who is striving for excellence, but isn't meeting your entitled whims, is inexcusable.

                    Readers are not owed anything by us. You are receiving what we do in most cases for free, regardless of the countless hours of planning and effort we put into our work. So be grateful. And if you find yourself bored by waiting, go get your instant gratification fix somewhere else rather than taking it out on us.

                      Gourmet_DAO From the reader’s point of view, the author writes too slowly, 3-4 chapters a week are few, the story is too interesting or you want to know something new. And the author slows down. I understand that he has his own life, but he can exert himself, give up all his affairs and start writing. After all, he himself put the yoke of the author of short stories around his neck, now he is obliged to write for readers.

                      "The author can just sacrifice everything else in their lives to make me and the other readers happy. After all, we deserve it, and they owe it to us because they started writing in the first place."

                      This is the most entitled, obnoxious, self-absorbed thing I have read on this site. Full stop.

                      If you feel this way, you are the reason this post exists, and the reason writers like me dont want to write here.

                        yaoyueyi I absolutely agree with you that each author has his own speed of writing the text. Like the quality of his writing. My English is not so good, it is possible that I could not fully convey my idea. This may be an excuse that my stories are not as good as those of authors who have native English. I don’t think so, why, because I have my own style, and it is far from fiction. But not entirely purely documentary. But my English is not so good to read. When I write a story, my English is gradually getting a little better. Yes, this is a hobby. I'm not a professional writer, I'm a technician. But I like to write prose. I have my readers. I have my own goal as an author, there are two of them:
                        1. share interesting material on the history of the Silk Road
                        2. To be able to write 1,000,000 words in 1 year (this is more likely for myself, to learn how to write 2,500 words a day at least)

                        My chapters were 5500 words -3300-2500 words each. Now I write 300-750 words per chapter. But I write.

                        Thanks for your feedback.

                        Clowniac There is a polemic question about the fact that the author owes nothing to the reader. There will be no readers, no writers.

                        I agree with you that the quality of the text is important, but if the plot is crap, then I would rather not read a very high-quality English text but with interesting content. Than excellent English without quality content.

                        It would be ideal - both the text was good and the content. But in practice, there are a million writers in the world, but not many read from them.

                        For example, I am now reading about 10 short stories, they write with some grammatical errors, but the content is interesting. There are novels where there is an editor, the text is smooth without errors, but the content is just water, it is not interesting to me.

                        Exactly as you write, the author does not owe anything to the reader, and so does the reader to the author. Everyone chooses for himself what to read.

                        Another thing is that there is such a thing as ethics, a culture of communication, rudeness, rudeness, is not acceptable. Putting pressure on the author, this is a bad manners. You can create in an atmosphere of joy and not pressure.

                        Thank you for your opinion.

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