Reinesse I will say more, you will learn more knowledge than at school or university, if thousands will improve their education. In particular, just read books. At the university, the actual ones did not say anything about the Silk Road, apart from 2 lectures! I sat in the archives and read more than 450 books of the 16-19th centuries. Here in the books of the 19th century, the whole essence is! Very interesting! How empires prepared, long and carefully for the capture of independent principalities and made their colonies out of them. Pumping out resources from them, but in exchange creating infrastructure, roads, bridges, schools, hospitals, postal stations.
The Silk Road was a system of exchanging data, money, technology, new materials, culture, recipes. But the control over traffic, who controlled it on different stretches of the road, for a short period of time, became, according to the modern concept, a multi-billionaire. But for a long time this did not last; their others again captured and killed.