Clowniac this kind of disrespect is terrebel .
I apolegise in place of people who do such. A thing.

Thanks for all your writing efforts.

    I think the problem is the fact that the chapters are so expensive and when u buy something expensive you expect good results so if I'm buying a chapter I expect it to be a very good chapter not something that is irrelevant to the story I want to know more about the main characters in the story than the family of the girl or guy we don't like upload more chapters too you can't have us reading the book and only having 1 or 2 chapters come out and the fact that u put a particular day for a mass release but only release 3 chapters that's not a mass release if u say a mass release put in like 10 or more chapters that's a mass release I know it's hard for the authors also but if u say u are going to do it I and every other reader expect you do it

      yaoyueyi Those are the ignorant readers. There will always be some of those, because hey, stupid people really do exist. You can take offense at their dumb comments, you can try explaining yourself to them, whatever, but the fact is, they will not get it. They understand stuff only from their level of perception.

      All I'm saying is, be selective with your battles. Again, ignore the ignorant ones.


        If you can't put up with the 1 or 2 chapters release a day, don't read web novels. Go and buy yourself a finished book.

        Because that's just the concept of a web novel, it's like a soap opera where the audience only gets to see one or two episodes daily for many many years. Or like those (Japanese) comics, where you only get to read a volume every month.

        I agree that customers should expect good value from the product/service they're purchasing, especially if the said product/service is expensive. But demand that in the form of, for example, the lack or absence of grammar/spelling errors, attractive writing style, etc. You don't get to tell the authors what to write. It's their novel, their story. It's the product of their creative minds.

        Imagine people telling George R.R. Martin to write only about Jon Snow and less about Ramsay Bolton just because he's a prick triple dipped in psycho.

        hic Dude, most of us don't even charge our chapters. You're reading our stories for free. What do you mean by "expensive"?! A chapter cost 20 to 26 cents for a 2,000 to 2,600 word chapter. That's "expensive"? And what about those writers who don't charge anything and publish their chapters for free? Are we still oblligated to upload more chapters?

        You don't like only having 1 or 2 chapters come out a day? is this sense of entitlement that annoys quite a lot of the writers. What do you think we are? Writing is not our full time job. We have our real jobs in real life, or we have to study (a lot of us here are students), or we have other real-life commitments that make it difficult for us to write one chapter a day. Do you know how long it takes to write a chapter? 3-4 hours. And you guys read that chapter in a matter of minutes, and think it's not enough. To do a mass release of 3 chapters means that we need to spend 9-12 hours writing a day. And you want 10 or more chapters for mass release. Just how entitled are you?!

        So it's better if we don't release 3 chapters on a specific day at all? 5 chapters as a mass release on a specific day isn't enough? It must be 10 (which is pretty much impossible for most writers)? You just want your daily release and us to not say anything about mass releases at all? What nonsense.

        I really cant find it in my inbox the letter of adjustment....

          Cantiara I do ignore them. all I'm saying is that people on this thread shouldn't say "see it as kind encouragement" b/c that really doesn't apply to what I'm talking about in this thread.

          JVenior nope. not seeing that trashcan icon. Where can i access it? I tried looking but cant find it.

            Gourmet_DAO nah. i was thinking that i should have known about your novel before we learned about it.

            honestly, it's probably true that you learn more through the net rather than school.

              Reinesse I will say more, you will learn more knowledge than at school or university, if thousands will improve their education. In particular, just read books. At the university, the actual ones did not say anything about the Silk Road, apart from 2 lectures! I sat in the archives and read more than 450 books of the 16-19th centuries. Here in the books of the 19th century, the whole essence is! Very interesting! How empires prepared, long and carefully for the capture of independent principalities and made their colonies out of them. Pumping out resources from them, but in exchange creating infrastructure, roads, bridges, schools, hospitals, postal stations.

              The Silk Road was a system of exchanging data, money, technology, new materials, culture, recipes. But the control over traffic, who controlled it on different stretches of the road, for a short period of time, became, according to the modern concept, a multi-billionaire. But for a long time this did not last; their others again captured and killed.

                Gourmet_DAO you're reading those books like they're thin...

                Honestly, I don't really like reading about history. I didn't like studying leaders and stuff or their feats during their rule (which usually shows up and their name are complicated). Though the business topic, cultures, hierarchy? and some kingdom building are totally unboring at all.

                  Reinesse History seems lifeless only at first glance. And so it is very interesting, of course everyone has their own opinion. But look at the trade routes, bifurcation points, trade and transit hubs of the Silk Road times and look at the map of modern conflicts, wars, they almost coincide. Why? Resources, power, money, desire to control flows ?! Plus, a game of spies and counterintelligence is added. Big Game, empires with neocolonial ambitions.

                  Small countries act as bargaining chips in the game of large empires. International law? Are you joking? Nobody observes it. The economy comes first.
                  Justice? It seems to have ceased to exist in the 21st century.

                  When large empires put small countries on their topographic maps, this was especially true in the 19th century, which meant their early colonization.

                  Such knowledge is interesting for some, while others are interested in modern gadgets, programming, industrial design. There are no comrades for taste and color, as the Russians say.

                    Reinesse The reality was shown by the example of regional powers - if they have no peace inside, if there is no strong counterintelligence, if there is no deterrence weapon such as a nuclear or tectonic, gravitational or strong ally. That this country is doomed, can it be easily colonized again, annexed territory, and the world? And peace and international law, can not do anything. Reminds me of the time from history, the League of Nations and Nazi Germany. It seems the League of Nations was cool, but in reality it turned out to be just a bunch of clumsy things. If you know historical examples, then you can see how history is often repeated first as a tragedy and then as a farce. Quote from the internet.

                      Clowniac That's so well put. I agree with almost everything that you have written. Quality writing does take time and even though, how much writers can write in one day is an individual thing and we can't put a particular number and generalize it for all - even then, I would say that writing, reading it again and editing, going back again to check if there are any errors as minute as some spelling mistakes, spending time, pondering if you can put the same content in a better way - TAKE TIME. Period. Besides, it must be considered and respected that writers do have
                      their personal lives and it is awful to expect them to compromise with their personal lives to put updates for you. I get the enthusiasm of readers. It is beautiful but calling out writers for not being able to update because of their personal issues, threatening and writing unacceptable stuff for them like I have read here, is not cool at all. Readers expect updates but you guys also need to understand that writers can have a rough life as well. It is not easy. It takes time and at times, it takes patience. Readers - we appreciate you guys. We adore you but please be a little kind with your words, understanding with your gestures and warm with your support. That will be highly appreciated!

                        Gourmet_DAO if it weren't for greed and whatnot, those utopian ideas from historical socialists would have been possible, not to mention very good. though limiting the business and industrialization is not good at all. simplicity is good but i can't imagine life without electronics.

                        the internal conflicts are rather annoying. there's always somebody who wants to take over. some kings who decide to abdicate choose puppets rather than capable descendants. or there are just really no capable descendants. all those...

                        even shared rulership is not without loopholes. a lot of types from historical samples, and only a few worked but it would be hard to repeat them.

                          Reinesse Roman law does not work or works but not everywhere. World law again gives slack, as in the time before the Second World War.

                          Double standarts. Before the collapse of the USSR, the USA and the EU, they vowed to protect those countries that voluntarily give up nuclear weapons. But the most interesting thing is that after the transaction was completed, the US and the EU did not ratify this treaty. Those countries actually gave up their nuclear weapons and in return received only a piece of paper. This is also a story.

                          The middle of the 19th century world empires divided Asia, this is for me, and this is for you. This is also a story.

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