Reinesse The reality was shown by the example of regional powers - if they have no peace inside, if there is no strong counterintelligence, if there is no deterrence weapon such as a nuclear or tectonic, gravitational or strong ally. That this country is doomed, can it be easily colonized again, annexed territory, and the world? And peace and international law, can not do anything. Reminds me of the time from history, the League of Nations and Nazi Germany. It seems the League of Nations was cool, but in reality it turned out to be just a bunch of clumsy things. If you know historical examples, then you can see how history is often repeated first as a tragedy and then as a farce. Quote from the internet.
An Open Letter To All Readers - From Your Dear Authors
Clowniac That's so well put. I agree with almost everything that you have written. Quality writing does take time and even though, how much writers can write in one day is an individual thing and we can't put a particular number and generalize it for all - even then, I would say that writing, reading it again and editing, going back again to check if there are any errors as minute as some spelling mistakes, spending time, pondering if you can put the same content in a better way - TAKE TIME. Period. Besides, it must be considered and respected that writers do have
their personal lives and it is awful to expect them to compromise with their personal lives to put updates for you. I get the enthusiasm of readers. It is beautiful but calling out writers for not being able to update because of their personal issues, threatening and writing unacceptable stuff for them like I have read here, is not cool at all. Readers expect updates but you guys also need to understand that writers can have a rough life as well. It is not easy. It takes time and at times, it takes patience. Readers - we appreciate you guys. We adore you but please be a little kind with your words, understanding with your gestures and warm with your support. That will be highly appreciated!
Rak0 it is really true. I just started with the webnovel. I truly appreciate every one efforts.
Gourmet_DAO if it weren't for greed and whatnot, those utopian ideas from historical socialists would have been possible, not to mention very good. though limiting the business and industrialization is not good at all. simplicity is good but i can't imagine life without electronics.
the internal conflicts are rather annoying. there's always somebody who wants to take over. some kings who decide to abdicate choose puppets rather than capable descendants. or there are just really no capable descendants. all those...
even shared rulership is not without loopholes. a lot of types from historical samples, and only a few worked but it would be hard to repeat them.
Reinesse Roman law does not work or works but not everywhere. World law again gives slack, as in the time before the Second World War.
Double standarts. Before the collapse of the USSR, the USA and the EU, they vowed to protect those countries that voluntarily give up nuclear weapons. But the most interesting thing is that after the transaction was completed, the US and the EU did not ratify this treaty. Those countries actually gave up their nuclear weapons and in return received only a piece of paper. This is also a story.
The middle of the 19th century world empires divided Asia, this is for me, and this is for you. This is also a story.
Sigh* i dont know if im just emotional but i dropped a fanfic that i wrote because of a rude comment and that was the ruddest comment that i have read on a comment in my entire life so i was shocked, i teared up a little because of it. I have thought that i could ignore it but i can't, cause when i click on my inbox its inevitable for me to not glanced at rude comments, so on the same day i decided that i'm still not ready to be a author who just shrugged rude comments. I just wanted to vent this cause i really need to comment this to help me calm down about it.
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Yes! Yes! There are even times when I can't write because I'm out of ideas and it makes me so frustrated and annoyed. I badly wanted to finish at least 1 chapter per day, but Ugh! 2 or 3 weeks have passed, that one single chapter I'm currently writing hadn't even finished till now. T_T
Gosh. I feel so awful that you had to go through it and it was bad to the extent where you couldn't help but drop the tale. it is awful. I wouldn't say that I understand it because I think, I have got a little too lucky with the readers of my stories for over the three years of my writing journey, I didn't really receive hate comments but it is really uncool to write them to anyone. I really hope, that you will be able to let go of it and begin with that dropped story someday. Best wishes.
Tomoyuki I tell myself that I don't get hurt from toxic comments, but then I can't sleep at night hahaha.
Kudos to you sir! Hope we finish our stories not because we are forced by anyone, but only because we want to share our stories with other people. Don't tolerate hate if it's undeserved, good on you for leaving Discord when it bothered you too much. It's not your responsibility to write for them, you do it because you have a story to tell. Let time tell if it's a good story, because people would naturally flock to it if it is.
Helena_Seryma Have you ever read a chapter of your own story and saw an error and you just wanna edit it right away?
Cause I've done that so many times when I tried writing 2300+ words daily. Damn those four weeks sucked hard.
ChuYang Lol, that's the story of my life. I'm doing NanoWrimo right now and I need to write as clean as possible. I don't want my readers to read typos and grammar. I can't help it... I edit my chapters right away. But some times I can't else I'll go to sleep at 1 am and need to wake up early the next day to got o work
yaoyueyi i honestly understand you ms author but you can't blame if we ask for more we're just simply humans like you that commit mistake and forgot to be contented ... i my self truly adore your work and wanting to more and more and doesn't want to stop as i start reading if possible. . But from the bottom of my heart thank you and I'm sorry i was too demanding. . God bless and more updates hahaha
Grimreaperkiller Nah, I think Yao Yue Yi and other authors don't mind if you ask for more chapters.
They are more annoyed by entitled readers who make unreasonable demands and actually threaten writers, such as "MASS RELEASE OR I WILL DROP" or "why are updates so slow??? author stop being lazy!!! other novels are updating twice daily, but you don't even update daily!!!!" or "I like the story but 1 star for updates, it's so slow that I'm going to drop".
So unless you're harassing writers, threatening and insulting them for not doing mass release, I think it's fine. A simple "I hope you do mass release!" is okay. A "if you don't mass release, I will drop your story!" is not.
Just wanna pop in and give my two cents about the matter.
Coming from a background of writing on other sites (like wattpad and quotev)
can I just say that I'm both impressed and weary over the magnitude of updating on this site? I think it's quite amazing that everyone's pushing for like 1000 words daily or even more.
and the fact that apparently updating more than once per-day is also common is also baffling
maybe it's because things are more professional/stricter on here than other sites, but I just wanna say good on everyone for doing these things. And I have to sympathize more towards the writers because accomplishing that many words per day is quite a feat compared to what I'm used to.
you could imagine my surprise when I see people's standards for books having 100 or even 200+ chapters before they read it.
I agree with what people said so far on the forum and I guess I'll just reiterate it
Please give writers the breathing space to do their work and if you want to show support, mayhaps phrase it differently besides the usual "UPDATES NOW OR ELSE".
And writers, honestly take a break if you can.
yo solo copio y pego hasta que me canso; si me tratan mal borro lo que subi y avandono la pagina.... es simple
Tomoyuki estimado te doy la razon por eso yo no cobro nada al final y al cabo solo copio y pego lo que encuentro y me gustaria conpartir eso si ponendo las paginas donde encuentro la informacion.....
jose_angel I don't speak Spanish, so I have no idea what you just said. Lo siento.
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Welp I set a schedule and decided to ditch it. Gonna publish 30 chpts day 1. And afterwards update 1 daily from my stockpiled chpts. So I have time to continue working, so I can finish the peice before hand. Would that be a good amount for reader to enjoy on day-view or should I release less chpts for day 1.