@WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL please change book of event cover more appropriate because in my country it could bring me law problem for lolicon content. I dont want go to jail because of this cover
change book of event cover
Face_Smacking_Dao 15+ years old girl is loli? Seriously?
Buy the way my friend have wife which 151sm and look like 14-16old, but she is 24 olready. They likes to abuse bars and police for "non appropriate attitude, law harrasment and denying to provide services (like sell alcohol in bar) to mature customer "
OldManDuotian What? I am so confused. Who is they? Your friend and his wife? So your friend and his wife like to abuse bars and police by pretending that his wife is actually a 14-16 yr old instead o her showing her ID?
I am entirely confused by this dude.
Face_Smacking_Dao On another note, the girl in that photos age has not been determined, its an cartoon girl....is every cartoon girl gonna be lolicon in your country? I don't see that girl as lolicon at all especially since the age of the character has not been disclosed so you cannot say she is prepubescent. If the law in your country is that serious I feel sorry for you. Good luck.
Face_Smacking_Dao Hmm seems you are from Indonesia. Even in Indonesia, there is no law for 'dressed' teenager drawings at the cover of a book as far as i know. You seem to be exaggerating...
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Face_Smacking_Dao So does that also mean you can't watch any anime or read any manga? Since there is literally no anime or manga without teenager characters like her at this point... No one will suspect you from some obscure informative book cover. Just stop looking at it if you are so concerned...
OldManDuotian what if i say she's 12 years old? You can't deny that. Just want to get out of trouble as far as possible
Flaffy No. Everyone think that she is little girl and do not sell commodity or provide service for mature. It normal reaction to call police if small girl makes rackus about no selling in bar around sexshop, or mature man walking with to sexy dressed lol and flirting. You know policeman "yes. We know that you enough old. Yes. Go home or we will call to your mom. " etc. Only 1 or 2 from 10 of them firstly ask for ID.
As result seller or police fall in hell for mistreating - and yes - possible problems with law. So in 90% she gets discount and very sincere apologies.
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Face_Smacking_Dao what if i say she's 12 years old?
I feel like you are just trolling... You don't act like someone being cautious. What if you say she's 12 yo? You wouldn't even call that character a loli or 12 years old if you were so concerned. That's what can lend you in jail if anything. YOUR OWN WORDS........
N0xiety you are right if no one suspect me but if you get into trouble it will be your guilt evidence. You are too innocent boy, try ask lawyer if you dont believe me
Face_Smacking_Dao for me this character look like 15+. Enough mature body for this judgment.
OldManDuotian but not in court if you get a trouble
I made this because my 3 friends say its underage
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OldManDuotian Sounds dumb. But whatever I have no empathy for people who are that short, I just have never faced any of the same issues, so I don't know how to feel about them.
N0xiety LMAO Very true.
Face_Smacking_Dao I see what your saying, if you get into trouble they will use it as something against you. But you know what in America everyone, almost everyone i have ever known downloads music from youtube or some other 3rd party, that is a petty crime, and anytime you get in trouble with police that is the first thing in their pocket to hold against you. Though truthfully there is nothing in it for them, cops don't go after small fries, if they charge you with possessing a lolicon picture you must have something they want or know something. They wont use lolicon picture on a webnovel site that has random immortal stories just to put little you in jail. Go look up some real kiddy porn on your phone then worry.
Are you hated in your country? Do people have prejudice against you? Who would purposefully want to jail you? For what reason would a cop go so hard for a picture? It must be something else you worried about....
Flaffy just like i said i want to get out of trouble as far as possible. And i make this post because i already ask my lawyer friend what possibility about this cover to get against you in specific case, and he say this cover could against you in court for specific case. Nice to live in america but law in my country doesnt work like that.
Well, I hope that nothing happens. If anything, just don't read it or something... >< Idk...
I'm sorry I can't be more helpful.
How dumb, if anything I thought this topic would ask for her to wear something more celebratory and Chinese themed. Not this garbage.
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guys, can we not get so particular about the cover of the event novel?
my fellow Daoist, if your country is that strict where simply looking at a picture could get you arrested, then you're better off not going online because you'll get arrested sooner or later, for there are worse content on the internet than just that simple picture.
And sorry to break it to you, but you'll have to stumble on said explicit content one of these days, you wouldn't want to risk such violation of the law, would you?
Also, try not to frequent this forum too often either because some people's avatars are very questionable, and I can't imagine what that will do to your country's policy. It would be unfortunate, if you were to accidentally break the law somehow.