Silver12 Not really sure if the things you stated are fiction. Records and data of meridians, dantian and stuff related to cultivation existed in ancient China albeit as fiction as they may sound to you. Harems were not fiction, many ancient emperors had harems and nowadays some cultures and countries still allow harems. In some countries they may be more mainstream than monogamy.
Female Mc With Harem
Harem is both disgusting for men and women..
+1 for female mc
Raoluna u r going places maam, may plz ask u to back up. if not i may be forced to use forced maam, MAAM ARE U HEARING ME MAAM,
lol jk ;) gud idea though i imagine the scene of the bed and think wow just WOW.
trust me u should try imaging or just google it, kids don't do it, remember get hugs not porn
Nayas9 what?!!! so no ecchi? NANI!!!! i take back my support, i wanna see her scenes with different men, i seem to hate the idea but i love challenging myself to do things i don't like to read and expand my horizons, like a female mc but i still do it and sometimes they turn out nice, if they are just lovey dovy the i don't want any of that, there are too many of that.
ChaoticHarmony lol i get that refrence
Flaffy one fact i noticed is most women in my life who were called sluts by my friends or boys i knew turned out to be virgins so yeah, i don't think it makes them a whore, but the sex scene would be funny, hahaha,
will be 2 guys tonight or all 5 guys tonight, will the guys make out too or will they cross the line, if u ever had a threesome trust me u need to tell the other guy u r not fucking bisexual, (sorry just a bad personal experience) or shit will get bad. so will she just have 1 guy at a night, what about the kids, will they know his dad or is it guess who looks like u the most, trust me when i said this, kissing would be the worst part, i don't know how they are gonna kiss their wife with that mouth after last night. flaffy i hope u r above 18 yrs old, if not i apologize for what i wrote.
YouKnowWhat mmmhh you know what, i feel like i know u
zswaleh man and woman are created equally except that each is endowed with different hormone levels and different niche to fulfilled. that's why harem is not equal to reverse harem.
if harem equals reverse harem, then why do we call reverse harem "reverse harem", why not call "reverse harem" "harem"?
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umm first I'm sorry if I sound like a douche or hypocrite, but as I see some are discussing about reverse harem I wanted to speak my opinion
As I also read some novels with "reverse harem" tag, I also noticed that it's not whether or not she ended up with many suitors at the end, just like playing otome games (reverse of galge) there are many suitors to begin with that will fall in love with FMC as her journey progress.
But by the end of the story she stil ended up with just 1 guy and you got his ending. I saw many novels have adapted this kind "otome game"-like stories and the FMC did have many possible suitors, and nearing the end of the story she finally ended with just one. And they have one similar tag, yes it is the "reverse harem" tag..
In my experience of reading these novels, if the novels have "Polyandry" tags, then the FMC did married more than 1 suitor. So I think it doesn't mean reverse harem = women with multiple husbands. It just that the FMC are close with several possible suitors and that possible suitors also have their own story with our FMC which is used not only as a filler but an important part of the story
sorry for the bad engrish
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zswaleh Σ(゜ロ゜) did you manage to protect your... back door? xD
zswaleh hmm feels the same
But where did I see you?
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IMO, all harems are terrible and detract from an interesting plot. This is coming from someone who has been in real-life polygamist relationships before with multiple women and men. None of the harem stories I have read actually capture the possible intricacies of these kind of relationships correctly; instead, they become some sort of twisted Pokemon game of "gotta catch 'em all!" The only difference is that either the ones the MC is trying to catch are either throwing themselves at said MC unrealistically, or the MC uses unsavory means to collect them, which is just deplorable.
In the end, if straight men can have harem stories, so too should straight women. Hell, they should even throw gays and lesbians a bone too. Harems for everyone! But in practice, all a harem ever really ends up being in a novel like these is some virgins' wish fulfillment, and that is not only sad and stupid, it is worst of all, uninteresting.
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