Rak0 i only want to learn how to shuffle quick and only two fancy tricks. i can actually read tarot cards and i wanna use fancy card tricks to look more mysterious hehe

    LostInFictions i only managed to follow my schedule two months in a row. after waking up late one day, it's gone.

      Reinesse you can do it. I believe in you.

      Plus it'll be an awesome experience. A amazing plate of food. Amazing mysterious tarot reading. And to top it off an amazing beautiful you.

      Weak is just a thought you can be strong if you want to. Baby sis. And nieces and nephews I teach them all a little something for there own self defense. And to get them to build a tad bit of muscle so they can do the stuff I do if they want me to train them.

        amanasci aw, if there's one, it will open at around september and you would know the results next year.

        Rak0 i really meant it when i said i was weak. my bones are even thinner than those who are thinner than me. plus i have a not major asthma (but my lung capacity is still weak). i'm tryna improve my stamina first.

          Reinesse lil cousin has a Similar issue with thin bones. Don't worry you'll get the results you wish for with proper effort and approach. I believe in you.

            Rak0 it happens if you don't move around a lot and washing dishes as a kid.


              Which sources have you learned Tarot from? I deeply recommend "The Qabalistic Tarot" by Robert Wang. It's dense and pretty challenging stuff, but my ability to read Tarot went through the roof after studying it.

                • Study and learn more programming skills
                • Try not to die
                • Stop reading machine translated novels even if its good
                • Try not die horribly (just for sure)

                I usually get the same tarot reading. lol

                the cards always telling me the same thing. whether it's my grandma. bored strangers. or people practicing that kind of thing lol

                  • Learn a new language. French, maybe? Wanted to pick up Mandarin since two years ago, but that isht is whack; learnt it a bit when I was younger but now I am completely illiterate and can only manage basic convo.

                  • Try not to fail any subjects. Study more.

                  • Get a (seriously overdue) checkup.

                  • Eat healthier, I guess.

                  Clowniac my roommate has a set of basic level tarot cards and there's a booklet along it that tells the meaning of each card. i was just taught about the spreads.

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