MotivatedSloth You keep replying though
Important Notification: There will be no more SS given away after Jan.13th
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL why coins from reading did not add up to current coins? Where did it goes then?
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL why coins from reading did not add up to current coins? Where did it goes then?
Please revert back to spirit stones rewards.
You should ask some better versed in this, but I myself I'm sure that all the spirit stones that I got as a free user were expiring. It's just that I was using them faster than they could expire.
But as I said, it's better ask someone else on this point. I can only say from the limited perspective of someone who was here for like two years in total. (If you can check exactly when did RtW migrate here, you can get the exact date when I joined)
So do you.
MotivatedSloth i am not doubting on you... But this new thing about expiring coins was definitely not there before this fast pass system... I also have been using this for very long time time not 2 years but a year I guess and I have been saving my SS/coins for very long time and I did even saved them up to the last month but not anymore... So this expire thing is definitely from the new version ... Well we can't do anything about though.. and also there no use to ask someone about it as no one is going to get me back my coins now...
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL this version is so frustrating cause it is very hard to earn coins
Jeshmin It's not new. I've been here since July 2018, and they have always expired for me b/c I never used them. Whatever SS/coins you claim that have never expired for you can't be real. (It could be as a result of your usage of them despite saving them up so that the ones who are about to expire get used, since each one expires in 30 days, unless you don't read weekly/monthly)
Here is an entire thread of proof that SS expired since a long time ago (I'm pretty sure since the start of this currency). This thread has proof from all the way in February 2018. Expiry notifications may be a new thing (but not too new either, they have been there months before the current update) -- I can't recall if they used to have them in 2018 or not-- but SS/coins have always expired.
MotivatedSloth Coz it's fun watching you contradict yourself.
I can attest that coins expire. I never use mine, so I get periodic notifications that they do. Have since I first joined 6 months ago.
Nah, I'm just baiting you into dancing just like I want you to.
But well, if I were to care about the opinion of other people that represent the same approach, I should be earning money for making threads longer? Hmmmm
MotivatedSloth Guess you're not too good for my rhetoric after all
Webnovel I don't care. There are other websites/places I can read novels. Is not a most it has to be webnovel. Why all this role just because webnovel is an app.
Webnovel I don't care. There are other websites/places I can read novels. Is not a most it has to be webnovel. Why all this role just because webnovel is an app.
ace_cap I'm still waiting. And please, stop with the jokes. They are just as good as your rhethoric. (I bet you will have to thing quite a bit to understand it here, so small advice, try quantifying the logical value of this sentence and looking for a way to make entire sentence logicial.)