Addressing Your Complaints (Coins, Fast Passes, etc.)
Then you can give this one a try
Entangled by Misfortunes: The Girl Who Remembers the Dead
Hello... I would say sorry for I am pissed off... I paid in 199coins in accessing privileged chapters which is not expired yet... and since I was done reading until chapters 349 in other websites which is FREE but I want to read more advance chapters starting chapter 350 to 359 which is 10chapters in all (though as I said the 199coins that I paid before still in effect.. but I didn't unlock the chapters 349 and below because I am done reading it FREE of charges from other site.. so what I did, I click the 15 chapters privilege (for 300coins) that supposed to be totalled to 499coins... and did pay for that 300coins thinking that I can start reading chapters 350 and so on without unlocking the chapters 349 and below since as I said I read it already in without charges... so now I was thinking I can read starting chapter 350 since I paid 300 coins.. TOO BAD FOR ME THOUGH I CANNOT READ IT UNLESS I HAVE TO CLICK AGAIN THE NEXT PRIVILEGE STUFF... IN WHICH THE 300COINS THAT I PAID JUST FEW MINUTES AGO WERE WASTED! I think this is my last straw with your website.. because this is not the first time that this happened to me... now.. I think to avoid of being riff-off I just need to wait for my remaining coins to run out again and just deactivate or turn off my account with your site... I just hope you can fix this issue because as I can see and noticed, I am not the only customer of yours as the victim of this... :(
Hello... I would say sorry for I am pissed off... I paid in 199coins in accessing privileged chapters which is not expired yet... and since I was done reading until chapters 349 in other websites which is FREE but I want to read more advance chapters starting chapter 350 to 359 which is 10chapters in all (though as I said the 199coins that I paid before still in effect.. but I didn't unlock the chapters 349 and below because I am done reading it FREE of charges from other site.. so what I did, I click the 15 chapters privilege (for 300coins) that supposed to be totalled to 499coins... and did pay for that 300coins thinking that I can start reading chapters 350 and so on without unlocking the chapters 349 and below since as I said I read it already in without charges... so now I was thinking I can read starting chapter 350 since I paid 300 coins.. TOO BAD FOR ME THOUGH I CANNOT READ IT UNLESS I HAVE TO CLICK AGAIN THE NEXT PRIVILEGE STUFF... IN WHICH THE 300COINS THAT I PAID JUST FEW MINUTES AGO WERE WASTED! I think this is my last straw with your website.. because this is not the first time that this happened to me... now.. I think to avoid of being riff-off I just need to wait for my remaining coins to run out again and just deactivate or turn off my account with your site... I just hope you can fix this issue because as I can see and noticed, I am not the only customer of yours as the victim of this... :(
littleArz So, you're saying that you read on a pirate site, which is very much illegal, and now you're... complaining about having to pay for something that you should've paid for in the first place? And you are saying that you're being ripped off even though you're the one who technically ripped off the author/translator/editor that you read the pirated version of?
Well, okay.
yaoyueyi 4) Membership?
Hello! I purchased the membership however, I didn't check in on Jan. 18 & 20 since there is no signal at where I was at however, when I checked in at Jan. 19 & 21, it says membership (10 coins) = check/claimed but when I went to see my coins history I only received 5 coins. The same happened on both days and it was also really true and no mistake because my coins balance today only totalled to 7 coins.
I should receive those 10 coins in total because even if I didn't check in for 2 days, I still paid for it and was expecting it especially since the coins now are very expensive.
yaoyueyi 4) Membership?
Hello! I purchased the membership however, I didn't check in on Jan. 18 & 20 since there is no signal at where I was at however, when I checked in at Jan. 19 & 21, it says membership (10 coins) = check/claimed but when I went to see my coins history I only received 5 coins. The same happened on both days and it was also really true and no mistake because my coins balance today only totalled to 7 coins.
I should receive those 10 coins in total because even if I didn't check in for 2 days, I still paid for it and was expecting it especially since the coins now are very expensive.
Sorry I assume I've misunderstood or missed this somewhere but I thought Members still got bonus coins on top ups, is this no longer the case?
iml0stinbooks which membership coin did you purchase? does it 500 coins membership or 250 coins membership? Both have different bonus coins i.e 500 coins + 310; 250 coins + 150.
[unknown] I just leave my phone on and idle on a chapter while doing chores and whatnot, changing the chapter every 10 minutes or so. The yield is around 2-3 points per minute including half hour bonuses. If you get an hour of "reading time" in a day, that's 180 points minimum. It's not great, but it's better than nothing because it's not impossible, and it's not even necessary to watch ads. I'm sure if you actively did ads too, you would be able to purchase the free reading vouchers before they run out, but you do you.
My membership supose to work by now cause it's already past 24 hours but it still didn't
My membership supose to work by now cause it's already past 24 hours but it still didn't
What is farming mode
Oh, so you're it's my fault that I read it free from another website that I subscribe to?????? I paid more even of what I have due in this web novel site okay? If I read some of your novels free of charge from other sites just because I subscribed to that site....? Are you the customer service rep of webnovel? Your reply is somewhat... well never mind.. thanks and no thanks... it's my fault for spending too much I guess...!
Oh, so you're it's my fault that I read it free from another website that I subscribe to?????? I paid more even of what I have due in this web novel site okay? If I read some of your novels free of charge from other sites just because I subscribed to that site....? Are you the customer service rep of webnovel? Your reply is somewhat... well never mind.. thanks and no thanks... it's my fault for spending too much I guess...!
- Edited
littleArz Oh, so you're it's my fault that I read it free from another website that I subscribe to?????? I paid more even of what I have due in this web novel site okay? If I read some of your novels free of charge from other sites just because I subscribed to that site....?
Well, yeah, it is your fault. If you use something that is given to you for free by someone else, knowing that the thing is stolen, then you are at fault because you are responsible for your own actions. Those pirate sites take Webnovel's contents and publish them on their website without permission. As a user of those sites, you're depriving not only WN as a publisher but also authors and translators of income and royalties, benefits that are rightfully theirs. In some jurisdictions, you'd even be counted as liable and could be hit by a civil lawsuit.
And had you bothered to read the fine prints thoroughly before you purchased the service, you would have known that the Privilege service doesn't work in the way you thought it did. It is Webnovel's duty as the service provider to provide you with the information about their service, but it is also your duty as the customer to read and inform yourself about it before you use the said service.
Webnovel has provided the information about how their Privilege service works on their fine prints, but you didn't even bother to read them before you purchased the service. So this, too, was your own fault. So stop the victim mentality and start taking responsibility for your own actions. You lost some money, but it was nobody's fault but your own. Lesson for next time: Always read the fine prints.
And no, I'm not a WN's rep. I'm a reader, just like you, and what I wrote might seem harsh, but it is what it is, I'm just pointing out the obvious.
So why after CHECK IN and getting fast pass there is BONUS REWARDS which says that after watching ad. you will get FP + exp and after watching you only receive exp?
littleArz I am not WN's customer service. I'm only a forum moderator who regulates posts on the forum-- so whatever I say is not dictated by Webnovel but rather my own personal beliefs.
And adding onto everything that Cantiara said, whatever other site you "subscribed" to is a pirate site. There's no way that it's anything other than that. WN's contract strictly says that the authors are only allowed to post on the WN platform. You are also contradicting yourself to the extreme-- since you subscribed to that site, you are no longer "reading for free" as you previously claimed. Also, if you are "paying more" on said pirate site, why are you doing that? Why not just pay the lower price on WN? And why are you even monetarily supporting a pirate site in the first place?
Please clarify, because all I see are some glaring contradictions right now.