lolandylol you can't, but if you want to stop getting them, an alternative is to just find any locked novel and unlock all the chapters with your coins. or gift your coins away.
Addressing Your Complaints (Coins, Fast Passes, etc.)
imlostinbooks i did a word count bc I was curious, lmao. you only have 438 words. multiply it by 2 and you might get a super short chapter (876 words). most authors have to write 3x that amount per chapter, at a minimum. so fun facts. :P
anyways, I understand some of your complaints, but I can't really do anything about it b/c i'm not WN staff. maybe if WN sees the problems of taking away rebates, they'll do something about it, but not guarantees.
.... Right, ok, so free readers, can read like 3 locked chapters a day, meaning I get 10-30 mins of content to read per day of them.... yeah nah mate, unless I'm updated to the end, I might as well drop books, possibly even the site and find greener pastures.... I say that, but there's some interesting fan fictions here, so I'll be staying lol
Oh and can we please do something about spam comments? Cause it's just disgusting seeing comments that are random characters on the keyboard, or copy pasted phrases, or emotes, or whatever else. In short, the exp system needs an update, or something else as it's just cancer at the moment. I don't particularly mind people saying exp, but when people just spam the same phrase or emotes, or just slam their head across their keyboards and hit send, it's just makes me want the option to purge it, and I can't as it's not a legal report option. Please do something about that.
Can you please explain to me why the minimum amount of purchasing coins has been removed from purchasing options? That's the only option i can afford and now im turning into a free reader which sucks since i have to wait for a day to continue reading. Please bring it back
I am losing my coins every day...
Honestly the fp not being useable with privilege chapters is kinda bull. Say all the novels u read now have gone privilege, having gotta to the most up to date chapter, it means u gotta find another novel to follow just so u can use the fp? Just unlocking the privilege is already expensive enough. Not being able to use fp on privilege chapters is like a middle finger to us spending users.
For countries using the dollar it may not be much, for countries with currency that dominates the doller, it may not be much either.
But for countries far suppressed by the doller, five dollers for a few chapters becomes extravagant.
All fingers aren't equal.
yaoyueyi no it’s not the fact that we have to pay to read the stories it’s the fact that this app went from $2.99 for 250 coins to $4.99 for 250 coins while the prices for chapters are still 8-13 coins to unlock. If I have to drop $5 to read only 20 chapters max then I just won’t read the book. And free stories are good but hard to read with the lack of editing on it so people are only willing to go so far with those as well. I’m all for supporting the authors but there is no real benefit to the readers. The membership is also a scam because once those 500 coins are gone you’re literally right back at the same position as the readers who didn’t pay the $8 for a month.
Toje it’s not worth it. I bought it when the offered it the first day thinking it would help out with the cost but the only thing it does is give an extra few coins a day. Buying more coins is not cheaper as they took away the cheapest option. Members and non members all have to pay the same no matter what. No extra passes, no extra points to get couches or fast passes, nothing. But ad free
The check in rules says that there is bonus rewards on Wednesday and Sunday. How do I collect the reward for wednesday?
yaoyueyi If you buy 500 coins for $10, you're getting 100,000 words of content, and pretty much, that's like paying 10 bucks for a book. Not that expensive.
I think the issue is that many people don't see the coins as a intermediately currency like the Wii Points of yesteryear, where it functions as real money with a set value. They treat the coins like they would a premium currency in a gacha game where payment is highly encouraged but never truly necessary.
I think it's because the pay-as-you-read model, though known in Asia with services like Qidian and KakaoPage, is something westerners are not used to at all.
Please provide another option for earning Coins apart from inviting a friend. Also, can you format it so that auto unlock is off of Fast passes rather than coins if that is going to be the main option available?
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Me hm I'm membership
Hm well I still got some problem with the membership but I did got
400 coins until year 2099
100 coins until next year
310 coins until next year and that mean it's 10 coins by day
Got some problem with the price and about the 100 coins because it's said 500 coins and not 400 coins + 100 coins
I need to resend them back I forgot
Don't see any value of the points since I just want to read.
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PinkKookieBunny o,,same here.
I regret purchasing that membership..
Ididn't receive any benefits.
I can't even use the fastpast..
Oh, I've missed a lot. :flushed:
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TheCaffinated I think it's because the pay-as-you-read model, though known in Asia with services like Qidian and KakaoPage, is something westerners are not used to at all.
I think you've made a good point here. It's not something familiar. Even with Kindle you're paying to read a full book. It's a new way of reading online for a lot of non-Asian markets. Definitely a step away from the ebook product.
This change is a big impact to how people enjoy online reading, here in particular. I know that Wattpad does similar. So I think there's a demand for this model in the western world.
It's quite new and bound to require tweaking to get the reader-to-pay-as-you-go balance right.
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opinion for membership.
buying coins is the same as the old version in the previous year. If finish, you still need to top up again (i will not talk about free coins/ss and privilege).
with version 4.2, they want to differentiate the buyer, it up to the reader to choose either be a normal buyer or membership.
the benefit that we can see so far in term of coins:
1. normal buyer = received coins without bonus coins
2. membership = received coins with bonus coins
price? still the same as previously. (observe for 1st month)
if not mistaken, old version
150 coins + 15 bonus = forgot the price
500 coins + 100 bonus = usd9.99
1000 coins + 250 bonus = usd19.99 and bonus coins/ss for old version expiry 90 days.
same goes with the new version (4.2)
membership coins in 1st month either starting Dec'19 or early this month, they offer 500 coins + 310 bonus/31 days = 10 coins/day = discounts price usd7.99 (actual price is usd9.99). You get another extra 210 bonus to compare to the previous version.
yesterday I saw they offer 250 coins + 150 bonus = usd3.99 (normal price usd4.99)
from my view, its nothing different from the price. The only difference is either you become a normal buyer/membership.
if you don't like the membership, still can cancel it right.
edit: I guess, I speak to early, need to wait for the next month and see the difference again.