• Questions
  • How long does it take to reach a million views for an original novel?

Thank you very much for the valuable advice, I’ll try to apply them to the new gourmet novel. In the meantime, you need to finish at least two novels from 4. Respect !!!

Estedei! the film of 2019, there for 10 seconds the Internet and the light went out, Google lost all the information about The Beatles and Harry Potter. Maybe that's why you need to backup our novels.

Although on a paper basis, the book lasts at least 200 years! Whereas the data on electronic media information may disappear. The format may change ... and all data will be lost. Paper will not let you down!

Gourmet_DAO I just wanted to share a good novel I liked in this platform( basically Copy Paste) around two weeks. I almost got 200 thousand views. (which resulted in webnovel to see the potential of the novel then they discovered it was copy past and cost it for other people. I didn't really wanted to profit from it. in fact I did asked the translator for the right for it.) anyway I agree with you. for viewers you need interesting story and good name for it.

    The_Good_Devil Famous advertiser O'Gilvey said that a good, capacious, not very long name attracts more people! The second important is a good slogan, the third high-quality product.


    Public views don't really matter, but valid views, valid view rate and average number of chapter read are very important.

    Because for someone to read you more than one minute definitely means your synopsis was interesting enough and he gave your story a try. I think a valid view rate below 40% or an average number of chapters read below 1 per day shows some problems.

      Arkinslize With all due respect, I'm not on this website for a month. I'm aware how statistics work, I simply replied to views. (look at the name of the topic).

        The short and sweet answer (not necessarily to OP’s question, but just in how to get a lot of views):

        Update daily

        There, done.

        Yes, the above answers are great. Thus, I’m not repeating it. Basically, no matter how good your story is, or how (un)popular the genre is, as long as you update daily, consistently, you’ll get views and a following. Might not be as many as you’d like, but forget it if you’re updating only once a week, you’ll most likely not be getting 1M in a year. Not even kidding on this. Ofc, what’s mentioned about being strategic in getting on certain lists quickly is very good advice.

        If this is any help as a frame of reference.

        I’m not contracted, been here for a year. Ignore the stat dump if not interested. :p

        Story 1:
        - Jan 25th start/~1 year
        - original
        - entered in a contest for only 3 days
        - 48 chapters
        - good grammar
        - once a week updates
        - frequent month hiatuses of no updates/no longer updated on WN
        - <200 collections
        - 171K

        Story 2:
        - March 26 start/~ 10 months
        - original
        - entered in a contest for entire duration and ranked in contest
        - 29 chapters
        - good grammar
        - once a week updates
        - frequent month hiatuses of no updates/on hiatus currently until the summer
        - 200-300 collections

        Story 3:
        - April 25 start/~ 9 months
        - fanfic
        - entered in a contest for entire duration and ranked in contest
        - 58 chapters
        - good grammar
        - once a week updates
        - was on hiatus for 4 months/just returned back from hiatus yesterday
        - >1000 collections

        Make of what you will from this sample info. Basically, this just shows no matter the differences, the longer a novel exists with more chapters = more views. Fanfic doesn’t really count since you asked about originals, but it’s still in the same vein. The only major difference is collections number rather than views when looking at original vs fanfic, which makes sense.

        I update 3 times/week. I think I'm at 4 or 5 months, and just about to hit 100k views. Though I think my valid views are pretty good, usually average around 70%. 240 collections, 61 chapters so far.

        I guarantee you if you name you novel something like "Re-Born as Grand Harem Sexy System", use a very titillating cover, post 8 chapters a day, and spam a bit you'll reach those million views in a couple of months at most.

        I joke but at the same time I'm not. Views and readership are not necessarily the same thing and what determines a book's visibility and clickability is a mass formula of things. What is the genre- what are the hooks? If you get the right hook for a high viewing demographic- then you have you rmillions of views. Same concept in viral video and any curated content.


          Sorry, i just thought reading you that dashboard stats meant nothing for you. My bad.

          It wouldn't have been an issue either. There's probably quite a few authors that don't give a shit about them.


          Then it turns out that you just need to write more, and even more, 2500 words a day, to publish 2-3 chapters a day, every day for 1-6 months, so that the number of readers grows? It’s just some kind of cheat, know the technology of attracting readers, this is a game or a marketing ploy.

          It turns out so, if of course I understood correctly:

          1. attractive title page

          2. an attractive name - for example, system, revival, romance, medicine, cooking (add as needed)

          3. write a lot, upload 2-3 stories to the website of the web novels with some time intervals

          4. If you write 1400 words per chapter or 2500-3000 words per day, you can get into the trend, some kind of internal rating ?! (in reality, 2,900 words can be written if everything is fine in the real world, if not so much then 300 words or even nothing at all).

          5. If you do not constantly update, then readers will leave, as well as subscriptions will be reduced

          6. the quality of writing, a minimum of grammatical errors, attract or make those who come to the light of the trend stay (their expectations were not deceived)

          7. interesting content (if it is more interesting, it even allows you to close your eyes to not very good English grammar)

          8. rating by wrapping reviews and stones

          9. update the review, to 30-90 reviews (but it’s not interesting, 10 reviews are enough to enter the formal rating. And swap is not very sporty. But nevertheless this seems to be the only way for a beginner to attract at least some that attention)

          10. Advertising through the forum

          As a result: a large number of views is determined not so much by the quality of the novel as by the efficiency of the author, he can write 4,000 words a day, he can publish 2-3 chapters every day throughout his entire novel!

          Quality is in second place.

          That is, in fact, there are two conditional groups, maybe several of them:

          1. those who want to get a contract and they need 1,000,000 readers

          2. those who need 1,000,000 readers and do not need a contract, this 1,000,000 pleasantly flatters self-esteem, a sense of self-worth, something else, each has its own cockroaches

          3. those who care about not statistics, but improving their romance, quality and not quantity

          4. those who do not care about statistics, anyway, at the rating, they publish their thoughts as they can, the creative process itself is important to them

          5. I personally do not really care about the rating, the statistic is interesting in terms of research, how many people watch me per day? Can I write 3,000 words a day? if I can, how many days, weeks, months can I write? when will I be out of breath? How many subscriptions do I have? How do my texts, improved after verification, editing, affect my subscriptions? or more importantly just the speed of writing chapters in the form of simple raw materials? At the same time, I would like to improve the letter itself so that there are emotions, that there is interesting information (I’m not always sure how to beat this information).

          6. There are probably some other ideas.

          This trick 100% would work in getting the views, who cares if your story is good or not.

          1. Update daily.
            2.Clickbait title and cover.
            3.Of course, a clickbait synopsis that didn't explain anything about your story.
            4.Get 10 rating at least, to light it up as not many actually read a story that didn't have rating.

          As for how long, it depends.
          It takes me a few months to get a million views with 2k collections, even though I write the story for WPC and lost.
          I also didn't expect to get an offer for a contract, and since it would help in getting readers on WN, why not?

          It's a small price to get my shameless ass known

          Wow! That is, relatively non-sports technology, promotion works 100 percent!

          And those who think that self-promotion is not sports, in fact, are with fewer views?

          That is, ratings are more likely the author’s ability to understand how the world of WebNovel works and to be able to get to the top using the technology of wrapping, and not the quality of writing and the interestingness of the story?

          Very entertaining!


          7 months later

          I somewhat feel sad that I only get 1 colection per day on average, sometimes not at all. I even think my views are getting stagnant now, but my first book was worse, it stopped at only 18 collections with 100k+ words. I didnt understand collections at first thus I reached that far, sigh. Although, I'm confident that I'm good as a writer, I think Im one of those guys who draws the shortest stick. I love writing three dimensional characters, but I can't bring myself to create a gary stu that everyone fawns upon. If maybe I would be done with my novel I would study systems and make a novel out of it, since my genres never click.

          a year later

          So I recently started writing a novel, I have nearly 1k views in less than a week but no reviews. I've written nearly 7k words and plan to write alot more. I have a clear story idea and good grammar/ storytelling, at least I think I do. any advive for me on promoting my novel?

            2 years later

            Hello everyone, my name is Alicia Yon and I am new to this website. I have written a novel, but unfortunately, it seems that no one is reading it. I was hoping to get some guidance on what I can do to get more people interested in my work.

            Would anyone be willing to offer advice or suggestions on how I can promote my book and reach a wider audience? I would be grateful for any help you can offer.

            Thank you for taking the time to read my message. I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

            I have written more than 19k words in 3 days but it is not ranked in update ranking.Can anyone solve my problem

              8 months later

              Hello everyone, my name is "TheRed" in Webnovel and I am new to this site. I wrote a novel 10 days ago, and now it has 7,000 views, but there are not many comments or energy stones. Is there someone here who can give me advice?

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