its so hard in the newest version...i can't continue reading coz it always ask to redeem rewards unlike the first version ...its only 5xp but i can read pages..
i am soo pooor that i can't read novels the way i have been reading with the old version.....please return the old version...
Man, I want the first version back too. The one where they promised no paywalls ever and you only needed to unlock the most recent 2 chapters with either SS or ads. Man those were the days.
Yes ooh am for the old version too...the new version is starving me
Also, this new wersions using too much battery. Just in 4 hours and my battery zeroed. i am using diffrent webnovel program too and thats not using much battery like webnovel version 4.2.0 +
Haha, i wonder if they are having a meeting right now coz the author is not much having their share in this new version
As promising as it was, the 1st version was just bait to lure people in so I doubt it will return to it.
Can't tell anything about battery usage as I only use the app for 10-15minute per day, basically 2 chapters of the only novel I still care enough about to follow.
Need to give up other novels because they only give you 3 free pass a day.. Its becoming very expenssive if i want to continue reading other stories in my library..
My coin count will be 0 for a very long time :pensive:
Am already poor I can't read on this new version I need the old one too
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Well, i understand everyone wants to read for free, but from the moment someone worked hundreds of hours to write a good story, he deserves something. The truth is that whether there is 10M readers or 1000, the few ones that were spending on their favorite stories will still spend. As for the others that really love some stories but didn't spend for it at all, you're in fact in my opinion lacking respects to these authors.
The truth is that if the average reader gave even just 1$ to any story he enjoyed, webnovel would never need to use such a system. That's this kind of selfishness that create this.
The original membership system where
all stories were readable worked on this logic. In the end, those that spent a lot took the membership, and the others didn't paid at all, so they lost money.
I think Webnovel needed to make a better distinction between paid SS and free SS from the start. Like gifts to novels are paid SS only. Same for privilege. That would have avoided a ton of the issues that they currently have if people understood that not all SS equally supported authors. I never understood why gifts could be made with free SS.
The current system is also very flawed as it rewards novels with shorter chapters and penalizes longer chapters, since readers are more likely to unlock shorter chapters with stones and longer chapters with fast passes. At least the free SS had no bias of readership spending.
Arkinslize ah, well, they've made it much less enticing to purchase anything. When there was "privilege" I happily purchased and felt great about supporting the translators/authors. When they took that away and switched to opening chapters early, I happily paid that too, support the translators/authors! But now if you purchase, you're cornered into only purchasing more, not even able to enjoy the basic "pass" free users are able to enjoy. It no longer makes sense to purchase anything . Hopefully WN will figure it out, but until then I doubt anyone will be purchasing anything.
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None of your statements make sense.
CinnaSugar When there was "privilege" I happily purchased and felt great about supporting the translators/authors. When they took that away and switched to opening chapters early, I happily paid that too, support the translators/authors!
- When have they ever taken away the privilege service? It was only introduced last July, and it's still there.
- You happily paid to read their contents to support the translators/authors. Do you expect people to say, "Yay, how kind of you"? Well, guess what, you shouldn't have to pay just because it was in your good grace to do so. You should pay because the content was never yours in the first place. If you consume something you have not produced yourself, that isn't yours and has not been given to you freely; then you must pay for it. You know what they call people who don't pay for something that they've consumed and haven't been given to them for free? That's right: Thieves.
CinnaSugar But now if you purchase, you're cornered into only purchasing more, not even able to enjoy the basic "pass" free users are able to enjoy.
- Fast passes are for everyone. Free users and paying users alike can enjoy them. So what are you talking about that you won't even be able to enjoy them?
CinnaSugar It no longer makes sense to purchase anything
- Yeah, refer to my point #2. it's not only that it makes the most sense that you purchase someone else's content that's not given to you for free, and which you like and consume. They don't need to create something enticing just to make you pay for consuming something that belong to them. It's something that you are morally, ethically, and in some countries, legally, expected to do.
CinnaSugar Hopefully WN will figure it out, but until then I doubt anyone will be purchasing anything.
- Don't worry, paying readers who can afford to buy and still have some decency and integrity will still purchase the coins.
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Cantiara Don't worry, paying readers who can afford to buy and still have some decency and integrity will still purchase the coins.
Wow, that's quite something... to call people who have the actual integrity to point out the bullshinaynay that is happening here, the bad guys. Big words for the frog in the pot~
But hey, maybe you can enlighten us why the prices are ~10 times that of qidians. (to my knowledge, might have been a different site)
Ooooh yes.... i forgot, they said the staff is so e x p e n s i v e and they have to pay "fair" wages... (apparently fairer than qidians?) meanwhile they skimp on the translators wages
Sooo... Tencent must to be very happy or unhappy about the extra payments, as webnovel is pushing hard o_ô
I'll support the service more, when they become reasonable.
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Athanor But hey, maybe you can enlighten us why the prices are ~10 times that of qidians. (to my knowledge)
Web novels' market internationally is not (yet) as mature as its counterparts in China. There are much more Chinese web novels' readers than the rest of the world. One in every three people in China reads web novels, and the biggest online literature publisher there is Qidian. So they can afford the much cheaper prices there.
And no, I'm not the one in denial, like a frog in a pot. But suit yourself. Go ahead and call me whatever you want because when the argument is lost, slander becomes the tool of the losers. ¯_(ツ)_/¯