Please, can you point out some novels out there that burnt out too early, by lack of a good consistent plot?
-stories that have a simple premise which was fulfilled in the first 100k words.
-stories that entered into a looping of events and drag down with no visible plot ahead.
-stories that are long but don't need to be.
-bad planned plotline where the climax happens in the beginning and the rest of the book is just a sequence of minor (and/or forceful) events.
I'd appreciate to those who can contribute to this listing so I don't need to waste my time reading bad novels. Of course, nobody takes reviews into consideration anymore, so it must be useful to someone else. If you can elaborate on why, even better.
And yes, I will consider it as your opinion.
Thank you very much. 😘

    SrtaA most of the stories from the last few months that won the weekly novel contests.
    Those were written to promote another book, and once the author wins, they tend to just stop updating the story written for said contest.
    Then again, these longer stories don't tend to pick up until after 150k words (300 pages uwu).
    This is also a dumb conspiracy theory

      Lilliny Oh well I hate when they do it. Like, if you don't intend to continue, at least make it a short story.
      I entered a contest once and didn't win, but I keep the novel going.
      But well, I think WPC format is a problem. Perhaps they should limit it to short stories, dunno.

        SrtaA Its a popularity contest. They don't actually look through the book to see if it's new or if it's even 5k words. It's unfortunate. I know most of the books that won didn't even reach the minimum word count lmao. I think it's sad because WPC is a really good idea. But a lot of the writers who participate are just doing it to get on the front page, and WebNovel's editors seem allergic to the idea of disqualifying anything that's top 5.
        I don't care if you somehow submitted your first chapter within an hour of the WPC being announced and spread it around asking for votes, if it's not good, it just not good.

        We all know that WPC is a popularity contest, that would never change. TYN🙄

        WPC? sighing deeply ... In my opinion it's completely broken like Review system... I have never followed wpcs in my past 1 year exp on WN, but I checked few and was at the verge of dying seeing the criteria which most of the authors follow there!!!
        I noticed people create fake accounts(>5-6 accounts per my observation) and boast their own novels, leave about voting they even review themselves and later like them...
        Idk if they think people are dumb or they are smartest ones on this platform

        My only book here was a past WPC entry. It got contracted, but not because of WPC. I failed to qualify for ranks because I didn't gather a single vote - lol!

        So even way back at the start, it was always a non writing contest with a writing prompt. More like stress testing a popular version of a story theme.

        Having said this, It did have some QA checks back in the day until BTS comp. It hasn't been the same since. Fighting chances in there are next to nothing now for undiscovered, new and unknown writers. :pensive:

        It’s not even a popularity contest anymore since even contracted authors don’t always rank the highest as might be expected; although, it’s considerably easier with an established fanbase. At this point, it’s how shameless are you? with all the fake votes....

        To be honest, the prizes are not that catching too. If you write, you most likely don't have time to read, so SS/coins are not a good prize. When I won some SS, they even expired... If it at least could be transferable...
        Anyway, a contest where you can rally your fanbase, your dog and the passing pigeon to vote... Tsk tsk All the work with fake accounts so you can earn some coins to read... Uhn...
        But, as Linily said, most of the wpc fictions can't sustain the weak plot for long.

          SrtaA When I won some SS, they even expired... If it at least could be transferable...

          Seriously? It used to be a gift voucher code. Man that's cheap.

            12 days later

            Or the bts ff one. I just sold my albums cough because my good friend surprised me with various albums after buying a crap load in order to get a complete photo card collection. 😂 So um, thanks WN? XD

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