Flaffy is gay
I really love Webnovel/Qidian International's level of freedom of speech. They see an appropriate post like this yet they do nothing but letting this post go on so more people could see. How terrific! Such a degree of professionalism!
Also Flaffy is a good woman 10/10
Also this Goat's buttock's is more handsome than you.
KimochiBlues appropriate
inappropriate I mean
i'm all about the drama
found this thread 'cause my bird friends on discord pointed me here
it is good dramas indeed, and i particularly enjoy the petition completed with the lyrics of ghostbuster on the site. it totally proves your argument.
would've signed the petition if not for the fact that flaffy is a friend, and you're gonna have to provide better proofs if you wanna slander another person on the basis of nothing.
Dear Miya,
i feel lonely here with out my trusty sidekick, she offers a lot of gud services, the days are shorter and the nights are longer, the minnesota snow is slowly killing me but i feel i will prevail this winter but i am not sure about next winter. The kids miss u their aunt, they also miss the presents u brought wverytine u visited. I hope this finds u well as i eagerly await to hear ur reply.
From zswaleh.
- Edited
dear zsweleh,
Winter looms over a darken sky so the nights are long and the days are short. Last morn our hen laid her last egg before dying of old age just before the sun breaks. Margaret was a good hen for she had been with us for five and a half years, she was a very tenacious hen if ever i'd seen one. took her to see a veterinarian but we had no money for cures, had used up the last of our spirit stones on cultivation chat group. The kids missed you too, their uncle Leh Leh, last they mentioned you, we were engaging in the art of storytelling to will away the cold blistering nights. You were made a hero to their story, the super soldier, and the mystical being who died a gruesome death at the hands of justice. They wanted to see you again, but i had told them our wagon has been in a decrepit state for a while, after a neighboring goat had made a home in it with his stolen eggplants. oh, how the time has ran away from me, for i must check on the chicken we stir fried. Pray let me know how your health is, my children and i have been doing well. And may the tenderest regard evermore awaits you.
From your dearest friend,
Dear Miya,
first of all i hope this finds u well, i am profoundly sorry about Margaret, she was an ideal chicken, (unlike Chicky from the strongest system), but i feel like it committed suicide as we ate her unborn babies everyday, also when u r telling my nephew and nieces stories, make me the villain plz, at least they don't die that quick as a hero. I dream of Paris Again Last night, my day continue with restlessness of being caught by the missus doing the dead with my hand. She once caught me and i have been traumatized since then, i don't know why i am telling u this but hope u have a solution.
from Ur dearest Friend And Maybe ex-lover in a past life ZSWALEH
zswaleh Maybe ex-lover
Her too?... sigh... No one is safe from your lecherous hands...
Dear zswaleh,
The children argued that at least your fictional death was not at all worthless, but was fought valiantly until the last breath. Also, despite your assumption that Margaret had died due to depression because we ate her unborn babies, I can assure you that that was not the case. In fact, besides sending her to a vet, we brought her to see a psychologist the week prior. And the notes that was recorded down by our professional psychologist stated that she might have witness the "misses doing the 'deed' with your bare hands" in one of her prophetic dreams. (Please do not be surprised that our chicken had such foresight, for we fed her with grains purchased by our limited spirit stones. and even preserved their innate quality with the power and energy stones for 72 hours at a time to accentuate their potency.)
Added to this formula the recent inflation of the value of spirit stones, and you can deem how hard it was to come by just a few treasured rocks. Last march, our family had to trade diamonds for a few meager amount of old stones, for they no longer accept viewing ads for chicken feeds.
Ah, sorry about getting sidetracked, my friend, my for nimble mind often get ahead of me. We were talking about how our hen witnessed a lewd scene of you and one of your missus. i hope you'd reduce the amount of horrific behaviors before another of my chickens commit suicide. As you know, spirit stones are already hard to come by, and we have many mouths to feed before the new harvest season.
i am, with great anxiety for your tainted soul,
p.s i don't think we were lovers during our past lives, for Margaret would have known about us if it were the case.
Who is he
Why being so negative?
There is no need of a ban, just block Flaffy's account on discord and then you'll not see her messages anymore and as for the forum? well.. even without flaffy it's screwed anyway, can't help ya~
Who is flaffy xD
•.• .
□.□ ??