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  • What are you doing now to prevent Corona Virus?

Supposedly Nextweek is our final test but the mayor of the city announce that there's no class next week and another 1 week after that because of this coved19 virus. But our school declared that there still a test so we need to go to school, Me and my classmates are really opposed of this and the funniest thing is before going to school we do not need to wear uniform but if we are within the school ground we need to change school uniform we really don't know how to react to this because our school don't have a secured procedure to know our temperature. Even thermal scanner we don't have btw im from Philippines. We also can't post anything in sociel media because I'm a friend of our Dean or maybe will get trouble in guidance.

    When you hear someone cough... 360 noscope their ass. πŸ˜‹

    Only way to prevent the outbreak.


      marjuncurt18 how about something simple like cologne, hand sanitizer and face mask? I mean they are not perfect but at least should help a little, right?

      At least for my own method I am a teacher so I will be isolating myself at home for the next 3 weeks and don't think you can copy that XD

        Even pharmacies do not sell remote thermometers? I bought Chinese, it really gives a strong discord, compared with the Swiss.

        Not fun. Masks do not help, and gas masks cannot be bought, and even the third type, with filters.

        We have no coronovirus. And so it’s probably not fun to go to the high-risk zone.

        Why can’t they take the test remotely?

          Kasaix I guess it depends on your country? Many EU countries suspended school and college, and doing something like forcing students to still come would be a crime.

          In Poland, where I'm from, for example, they recently closed not only schools, but also pubs, shopping centres, cinemas and other types of shops. They only ones allowed to open are supermarkets, pharmacies and shops that offer a takeout option.

          They also made a rule that any kind of gathering, both public and private, over 50 people is forbidden and will be punished.

          And that's aside from the fact that our borders were closed, flights and trains going inside our country are canceled.

          To prevent covid19?
          - All old people 70 year old and more I know, I tell them don't go outside for few week
          - cars , cell, computer..it's cleaning everyday with wipes Clorox or Lysol.
          - cleaning all fruit and vegetable with a special soap for that.
          - listening what our government said.
          - no more restaurant, traveling.
          - work at home
          - use soap more versu purell
          - no more hug and kiss to friends
          - put a mask if I'm sick
          - don't go any place with more than 250 peoples
          - no more Starbuck...sad I love it sigh and sit there.
          - more preparation food at home.
          - use credit or debit card versu money....that can have the covid19

          2 months later

          I am doing all I kind to make myself healthy and prevent the COVID19 from spreading.
          - Get vitamin D from the sun in the morning
          - Drink vitamin D, C, and Omega-3 supplements
          - Wear a mask (covering the nose) before leaving house and in car and everywhere.
          - Watch where I touch things
          - Watch and remember where I touch
          - Wash area I touch or near it with soap or disinfection
          - Put clothes worn outside in the sun for two days
          - Eat fruit and vegetable with its inside or cooked
          - Have a air purifier (p.s. not humifier)
          - Get house some sunshine to kill germs and air out smell

            • I wear a filter or respirator in the room
            • on the street a simple cosmetic mask
            • I wear two pairs of gloves
            • after each touch of the surface I process with an antiseptic
            • wear safety glasses
            • I wear a cap
            • long-sleeved shirt
            • I am on the premises no more than 15-20 minutes
            • I process money with alcohol from a pulvilizer
            • before entering the house I process the sole of the shoe with an antiseptic
            • I broadcast outerwear on an open balcony, in the quality of quarantine, so that they are processed by the sun
            • I process all purchased items with alcohol of 96 degrees
            • I keep all vegetables, fruits, berries and greens in water with soda or vinegar 6 percent (friends from Spain and Germany shared the advice) for 20 minutes
            • I drink saffron tea, it naturally raises immunity
            • wash my hands thoroughly with alcohol and then soap
            • I walk 1-2 km a day in the sun
            • I try not to be in crowded places
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