No more qaulity novels sake no more harem and more content
I am sick of harem genre
Everyone has their own quirks. Just because you don't like harem no harem related books should be released?
OT: *Quality, Fuck
Go home and reflect on can you as a man doesn't like harem..something wrong with you bruh.
No harem? Why dont you take the sun away that illuminates my heart!!
Harem suck
If you really loved some one u will understand why harem suck s
Harem is just instant gratification
MoonChasingSun Amen brother! I am all for exploring the complexities of love and how polyamorous relationships work or don't work, but harem novels don't do that. Harem novels are just twisted power fantasies where one guy collects one-dimensional stereotypes of women the way my 10 year old self caught Pokemon, or some weakly written main character/virgin stupidly stumbling through an ocean of over-sexualized, underage girls. Sexual relationships with different people, both in novels and the real world, can be beautiful and interesting. Harems are a lazy way of getting a bunch of horny readers to read something with a weak or nonexistent plot.
Harems tend to be pretty lazy and trash tbh
I used to read/like harem... But the plot to get a lot beauty just so unbearable and mainstream right now -harem or reverse harem all the same... And now I hate it.
Helena i'm talking about novels here not about stereotypes, obligation or blonde girls... i'm here just to share my opinion, if you agree than you agree if you don't then no problem...there's no reason to bicker. when there's difference in opinion there's no point in arguing. when i say left you'll say right it will be endless...but this guy disdain the genre without knowing how much the author spend their time working on their novels, no matter how good or bad their novels am i wrong to reproach him??...
Mr_Kai I don't disband harem .
I just had enough of it.
Thier are lots other interesting genres out there .so, I just suggesting the translators or author to try pickup these genres.
its weird when you say there are a lot of harem novels when there is barely enough....just because there is a lot MC that is surrounded by girls that fall in love with him that doesn't mean its harem...the novels will only be harem when the MC accept more than one love, this is when the genre should be change to least that's what i think.
Book eating magician
Immortal mortal
Release that witch
Library of heavenly path
-An example of a harem that is not actually a harem-at least not yet
so its better you just say that you sick of MC that is popular with girls .
Ah, finally, men of culture. To be honest, this's the reason why I only read IET's novels. The romance is... a bit lackluster, but at least they aren't harem.
MoonChasingSun We need more harem genre!
If you do not like the harem genre then I do not see the point telling others there should be no harem genre lol
I love harem as seen in my picture.
I am corrupted the immortal