So why y'all not take all the novels you love but are not translated to illegal novel translation groups and beg them to translate them for you? That will make you a despicable human being, stealing the hard work of others and helping individuals who do the translations make a profit through donations and ads while the authors gets nothing at all (not even a thank you). However, that would prevent you from throwing public tantrums like 2-year olds when someone decides not to do your bidding (Webnovel can translate whatever it pleases, however it pleases, as per its marketing plan).
Or, if you are rather more ethical, you can go find said novel on Qidian, pay for the Chinese version and machine-translate it as the rest of us Chinaboos do. If you use Google Translate you won't understand anything. If you use Baidu Fanyi, you will understand 80% of it. The 20% remaining is when you use your own brain to figure it out.
Problem solved.