Shadowdracul CKtalon is an admin and has links to the staff, so...yeah. He knows. He can be considered as official as can be.
Unfair choice for this week novels
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Shadowdracul I personally thought Surgeon's Studio was more creative, and the Luckiest Man was...a bit generic. But that's just me.
Also, to think that you went and rated Surgeon's Studio 1 star and called it trash just because you were salty that it got chosen over Luckiest Man. That's very childish of you and regardless of your animosity toward Qidian, you are being extremely unfair to the author/translators.
Tomoyuki yes that’s true, I was pretty angry, Will go and delete it now. I never review a novel unless I like them to prevent giving them low stars. My bad. I forgot about that, Thanks.
Tomoyuki Oh? Wasn’t aware of that.
Tomoyuki And isn’t A medical system getting generic too this days? Yup Luckiest Man is generic, But after A stay at home dad’s restaurant, I thinks its the first male lead novel I read which was so heartfelt. Unlike the usual xiaxia,Wuxia novels.
Shadowdracul I personally am not a fan of either, but I'm more of a sci-fi fan, so probably the whole biology stuff appealed to me more.
Does anyone know if ‘the luckiest man’ will be translated? I just checked the trial read and voting pages and I can’t find it anywhere? I’ve got it on my library and it says it’s only been up for 15 days. I thought they only took down books that aren’t chosen after a month, so I’m confused.
Bu_Fang It was on trial read, And wasn’t selected to be continued so no it will not be translated anymore.
Bu_Fang It was on trial read, And wasn’t selected to be continued so no it will not be translated anymore.
Shadowdracul But I thought that happens after a month. It’s only been fifteen days since it was put on trial read.
Bu_Fang They have changed it. Now Out of the 8 novels, 2 will be chosen every 14 days. The other 6 are discarded.
Shadowdracul Are the six discarded novels ever going to be translated here or are they gonna collect dust forever??
Sigmarc I really doubt it, As there are thousands and thousands of ongoing novel they can pick from. Lets hope they can come back.
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So why y'all not take all the novels you love but are not translated to illegal novel translation groups and beg them to translate them for you? That will make you a despicable human being, stealing the hard work of others and helping individuals who do the translations make a profit through donations and ads while the authors gets nothing at all (not even a thank you). However, that would prevent you from throwing public tantrums like 2-year olds when someone decides not to do your bidding (Webnovel can translate whatever it pleases, however it pleases, as per its marketing plan).
Or, if you are rather more ethical, you can go find said novel on Qidian, pay for the Chinese version and machine-translate it as the rest of us Chinaboos do. If you use Google Translate you won't understand anything. If you use Baidu Fanyi, you will understand 80% of it. The 20% remaining is when you use your own brain to figure it out.
Problem solved.
The other groups won't touch it. Why should they when the first 60 are already here, and Webnovel can restart the translations at any time. In fact, if the other groups do touch the dropped novels, Webnovel would probably restart the translation here just to stop them. Good for us, but terrible for the groups. So I think there is almost no chance any other groups will touch the dropped novels.