SuperSilentSin has a very different experience than me tbh I'm frankly shocked at the difference. I was emailed by a content editor who told me that they were super intrigued with my work (insert praise) and I assumed that, well, they were lying because my story is shady at but no, she assured me she read it and enjoyed it and we even talked a bit about my characters for a bit which made me trust that she wasn't lying to me, or if she was then she at least did her homework ya know? She also gave me a contract guide to help me fill in the contract should I choose to do it, like it was super nice. Maybe it's the difference in content editor genres? She said she was more with the LGBT+ genre which is smaller than the other genres and therefore a little less competitive? I don't know.
Plus I was assured that any sequel and such that I made would not count as part of the contract, only the story in question. However, if I get offered multiple contracts for said sequel they want me to consider Webnovel first.
Honestly, webnovel's contract is definitely not one if you want fortune I agree, but it seems like a good place to start and get your foot into the writing world in my opinion haha. I'm a lazy person so I'm pretty happy being a ricebug and just focus on writing and not worry about other things like distribution and such. Even though I lose a lot of rights my name is still on the story and I can still say it's mine plus the editor tells me that as long as I don't cross any serious lines in my writing I can write whatever content I want haha.