SuperSilentSin has a very different experience than me tbh I'm frankly shocked at the difference. I was emailed by a content editor who told me that they were super intrigued with my work (insert praise) and I assumed that, well, they were lying because my story is shady at but no, she assured me she read it and enjoyed it and we even talked a bit about my characters for a bit which made me trust that she wasn't lying to me, or if she was then she at least did her homework ya know? She also gave me a contract guide to help me fill in the contract should I choose to do it, like it was super nice. Maybe it's the difference in content editor genres? She said she was more with the LGBT+ genre which is smaller than the other genres and therefore a little less competitive? I don't know.

Plus I was assured that any sequel and such that I made would not count as part of the contract, only the story in question. However, if I get offered multiple contracts for said sequel they want me to consider Webnovel first.

Honestly, webnovel's contract is definitely not one if you want fortune I agree, but it seems like a good place to start and get your foot into the writing world in my opinion haha. I'm a lazy person so I'm pretty happy being a ricebug and just focus on writing and not worry about other things like distribution and such. Even though I lose a lot of rights my name is still on the story and I can still say it's mine plus the editor tells me that as long as I don't cross any serious lines in my writing I can write whatever content I want haha.

    LittleBlueLake the editor called out to me again... and assured me that he read my story and that the other editor would call me back and by now he did that already...
    I guess he was just in a hurry that day or something, don't know. Possible that it was already extremly late at his place when I reached out to him...
    If this was just a misunderstanding then I am sorry!
    I just want to remind Webnovel that this kind of misunderstanding can only arise because it is really hard for us users/authors to understand what you guys are doing. I wrote this many times before... and I wll repeat it here again.
    Pls, deal with everything with a little bit more transparency.
    Create and define goals authors/novels have to reach to get contracted!
    In the first place, I for example didn't believe someone like me could even get contracted! And I think many people don't start writing because this thought demoralizes them by a lot.
    Right now I don't even have 10 reviews, because I don't want reviews through review swap. I want people to write those, who are really interested in my novel and don't give me random good words in hope I repay them with a good review as well. Like that you won't see the true opinion of your readers. Though, whoever is okay with it can ofcourse do review swaps... You have to decide that for yourself...
    I am just saying it is easier than I thought for the editors to reach out to you.

    2 months later

    okay so i am pretty young, i’m a minor. and i was offered a contract through wattpad. the editor claimed he had read my story. this is what he said:
    “hello (username),

    My name is QianYu. I’m an author liaison representative, representing TencentLiterature.

    I’ve read the initial chapters and i feel that your novel showcases your abilities as a writer thus, I would like to invite you to publish on our platform W e b n o v e l. You may find our app on the App Store or Google Play, which has over tens of millions of installations.

    We would like to offer you a non-exclusive contract for your novels currently on this site, this way, you can keep the novels on a site but at the same time also help you tap on a large reader base of over 60 million unique user views, making it a win-win situation.”

    and then he gave me a bunch of of emails and websites where i can contact him. i need someone to tell me if this is legit or if they just send that to everyone. i had literally posted like seven chapters of a story that was not my best and i was sent that. so please someone help me out here.

      thatonetheatrekid On Wattpad, they have T&C for these things. So, it's up to you if you want to report these DM messages there or not.

      Webnovel is legit. The message may not be. You're doing the right thing by checking out the source.

      On contract, considering you're a minor, you'd need your parents to consent and be guarantors. So, they need to sign with you on the contract. That's something to think about, considering your parents will have reason to be interested in what you write from that point on. They'd probably need to read through it with you too.

      thatonetheatrekid join the Inkstone Discord server and directly DM LimQianYu from there. It should be them, if legit. If it's a fake message and someone is using their name, they will also be informed and will be able to take measures against impersonators.

      The invite is legit, the message was sent by bot though.

        5 days later

        I used to get bot messages on Wattpad all the time, you could tell very quickly if they were fake by how it was too good to be true. A non-exclusive contract sounds way too good to be true. Most of the time if they really want to get ahold of you it's through emails or the rare case of Discord. I was offered a contract for my book a month ago which caught me off guard as my book only had like 5K reads and doesn't get much to any attention comment or power stone wise. If you do ever get an offer always speak to the editor about it. They are super helpful and my own gave me step by step guides on how to do the contract. Still waiting for the contract to process but am super excited to get started!

          thatonetheatrekid me too but the one who contacted me was not QianYu even though the contents of the message were exactly the same. of the contacts she wrote at the end, I contacted her via discord. it took a day for her to reply to my message, then offer me to choose between an exclusive or non-exclusive contract. And now I'm confused which one is better to choose between the two options

            6 days later

            Jeonibaex Hi, I've got the same message on Wattpad, but signed by QuekJiaJun. I wrote to him/her (sorry, I have no idea if it's a male or female name) an e-mail, and I also got an offer to choose between the royalty and non-exclusive contract. I asked about the first one, it was a week ago, and I still got no response.
            I have no idea what to think about this. Have you already make a choice about which contract to choose? Did they send you a contract to read?

              7 days later

              Hi, So I got the same message, from QianYu still and all the links he sent me were legit, but I was wondering if he was legit tho. So about this non-exclusive contract, who do I contact about this? I've written messages to their accounts from everywhere like instagram, through email, or even through facebook. @WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL

                12 days later
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