amiya307 You are right! However when you're angry you kinda want to release your anger, and when the author even deleted some of your comments in the chapter just to get at you it's kinda hard to forget with their pathetic pettiness. Its extremely annoying when the readers are treated like trash and have no right to get back, especially when their voice can be deleted.
Spam bad reviews, how to deal with them?
amiya307 It is a matter of principle, it doesn't matter how important or unimportant it may be. If you think otherwise and would rather not bother when it happens to you, that's fine. It is your choice to not care, and it is my choice to care. You cared enough to give your opinion here, and i cared enough to give my opinion on authors having too much power over people's opinions.
Here is an interesting thought, would you care if i had the power to delete your comment here and do so just because i dislike what you say? You somehow cared enough to write it, but you would not care if i just deleted it? Is your comment unimportant then? Is your opinion unimportant? If so, why have you even cared enough to write it in the first place?
Well, your examples don't have much to do with me or my situation anyways. Still, just thought i would give my opinion because it sounded like you were directing at least part of it at me i guess. My situation had nothing to do with reviews to begin with, it was more about comments. And the comments are not solely directed at the author, they are for other readers to read, like and comment on. Just like your comment here...
N0xiety who are you? Are you an original author. What rights do you think you have that trumps the author's? You have no rights.
Original authors put in their time and effort and hard work to come up with an original idea. The author is not a mindless robot spewing out words just for word count.
You are just one reader. One reader who dislikes something and is acting like a spoiled child. Most original novels you're allowed to read for free. You're not paying anything. Yet you're trying to destroy somebody's hard work.
The world doesn't revolve around you. You are pissed off. Well the author is 10 times more pissed off reading the garbage you write in comments and reviews. Why? Because they wrote the story. It is their baby. Why do you care so much about something that's not yours.
Well, I can tell you I have 150 reviews, with the lowest rating being a 3. You can come on discord and I can show you a screenshot film where I scroll down all my reviews history(the deleted reviews can still be found there).
The only reviews I deleted were spamming 5 stars and one 1 star review slandering me from a reader who hasn't read the story (and still hasn't) and was basically just accusing me of deleting reviews. And I have a screenshot of every review I deleted for webnovel staff in case of harassing or for anyone curious.
So yeah, stories with high rating exists(And I could tell you a few names) , because it also has a lot to do with the readers' profile of a story. Take Vampire System for example. Popular, but young audience. Fast paced, with common tropes so naturally not for veteran readers. 1st in ranking, but with many1-2-3 stars rating. The thing is, neither the 5 stars nor the 1-2 stars are fair rating. (not any novel on the app by the way, my novel is no exception) Because, a mature reader would find it too childish to read it, even less to bother writing a review (and if he/she does, the review would surely be kept because constructive, with an objective tone.), while the immature ones rant against or magnify anything they enjoy or hate. Some reviews are bordeline disrespectful if not clearly insulting while other will say it is the best novel they ever read and praise you like a genius. If you wouldn't dare to use the same tone in front of a real person in real life, then why should an author working hard to write a story endure them? It's not about ego, but self-respect.
Now, I don't say some authors don't delete reviews abusively/bot their way up ect.. and we all know them. We can't even mention their names in webnovel forum and the authors already reported them for naught. So clearly, it won't stop anytime soon before Webnovel decides to hire some moderators to enforce this instead of giving full power to the authors.
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john_john_OO And who are you? What do you know? How have you come to the conclusion that i am trying to destroy someone's work? Have you even read any of the comments? Are you just spewing random stuff because you think you know something? Go up and read everything if you want to comment on it so you don't look like a fool. Smh...
N0xiety your comments above reek of delusional self-importance. Especially your tone with Dan_Ryder like somehow you are doing him a favor.
john_john_OO Oh i was certainly not doing him a favor, but i didn't know standing behind what should be your basic human rights is 'deflusional self-importance'. When you write a comment, it is because you want your opinion to be heard is it not? You cared enough to write your comment here directed at me, why is that? Why do you think your voice matters but mine does not? How have you come to the conclusion that my opinions are garbage? What makes your opinions so great then? Are you 'delusional' with your 'self-importance'? Funny how that works huh? If you think my voice doesn't matter, that my opinions doesn't matter, why should yours?
N0xiety everything you just said, you are attributing to yourself. I never stated any of those things. I don't care if nobody reads my comment because I am nobody. But equally, you are also nobody and your comments are equal in status to mine.
N0xiety Calm down did he kill your family or something? He only deleted your review smh, no need to write 8 different paragraphs about how you're mad he deleted your review.
Uncle_Sheogorath btw, readers like you are trash. What you are doing is simply bullying the author, trying to get their attention like a needy child.
So they deleted your comment or review, cry me a river. Just don't read their novel and move on.
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john_john_OO Maybe so, but that makes me question. Since you don't care if no one reads your opinions, why are you even here? Why do you even comment? Why do you even bother? If you are so unimportant, if you are a nobody, what is even your purpose here? You might as well save the effort and time on something else that you think actually matters.
Lets be real here, if you truly didn't care, you wouldn't be commenting here. Words are great, but actions are better. Your actions are telling a whole different story. Your actions are telling that you indeed do care as you keep commenting and replying. I care about your opinions and my own, so i reply to you. If i didn't care, i wouldn't even be replying. I wouldn't even be here to begin with. We wouldn't even be having this exchange. Yet here you are, doing the same thing as i, while claiming otherwise...
I do think my opinions matter, but you are free to think whatever you like. You can have whatever opinion you want, and you can share it however you like. That's the beauty of free thinking and free speech ain't it? And you are right, you and i are equals, just as every other human being on this earth. But you seem to believe that i don't have a right to my opinion when it comes to authors. Which is something i do not agree.
Anyways, i think we have gotten pretty off topic tbh, and you still haven't answered my question. How did you come to the conclusion that i am trying to destroy someone's work? I said nothing against the novel, i even said that i actually like the novel. I would truly give it 4 stars as far as i got to read. It may not be perfect, and i might dislike some parts of how the fights are written, but it is a pretty good read. I said all of these in my comments above. My arguments were against the authors behavior and defending the rights i believe every human being should have. So this just makes me scratch my head, have you really read my comments?
Lastly, how did you come to the conclusion that i wrote garbage in my comments in this authors novel? I do not claim that my comments are perfect or anything, and you could argue that some of them would be useless from the point of view of author, but garbage? Anyways, comments are not just for the author, some of them are for other readers to read, like and comment on. Yes, most comments may be useless from the authors point of view, but that doesn't give them the right to delete them...
Flying_Rat He did not delete my review, he deleted my comments that i posted while i was reading. I haven't even gotten to posting a review. Well, not like that's important at this point, but yeah. And i am calm, i'm honestly tired of answering because no one seems to be getting the point anyways and accusing me of doing things i haven't done. And yes, maybe you are right. I really should stop writing or caring. The situation have long been concluded with author anyways, but some people seems to think otherwise. I have said what i wanted to say and made the points that i wanted to make anyways. Thanks for sharing your opinion.
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john_john_OO Why are you insulting me by calling me a 'trash'? Bullying implies that I am trying to hurt someone vulnerable when in fact the author has the whole power over the comments while me a little reader has nothing, I am bound towards his generosity of allowing me to keep my voice. It would be same as me currently deleting your comment for writing something I don't like, and in which you have no power to resist.
Calm Down guys, As you also know most of people on this site either just hive a 5 or 1-2 star unreasonably, Just because they dislike it or they think there is something better they can change or sometimes just because they can rate it low. So The power given to authors is justified. They should be allowed get rid of those BS reviews. At the same time just as you are angered by them deleting your reviews sometimes they can also get pissed by constant unnecessary criticism and bullying. I am not saying this is the case here, But they might have also gotten angry because of some of them and took it out on you. But you should also try to understand them. And yes deleting comments is a little too much we agree. Just let go now.
At the same time you guys should also understand that the readers are just as invested in the novels as authors are, Them deleting comments and reviews just because they are low is unreasonable. You don’t just delete them without understanding the issue. I read a original here and I quite liked it, But idiot guy just went around insulting how the novel was trash and that the author was gay. But the author didn’t just go around deleting all reviews. She calmly explained every question and criticism. There are many ways to handle the situation no need to go for the ultimate thing. Not everybody is out there to ruin your novel some just want to convey what they liked/disliked about the novel. Again the bigger fault lies with the extremely bad management of Webnovel who have almost no customer support at all. Neither for the authors or readers. The only reason this site is still running smoothly is because of monopoly.
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john_john_OO Not it is my business. I have been quietly reading the discussion but I just found it curious. I have some rational grounds to believe you have either a double account or been summoned in here. (:
You joined a few hours ago and the first participation you engaged with is this topic. Obvious that you are quite hostile to be a newbie. Newcomers usually are shy, unless extremely offended or feel the need to speak up on a matter. I don’t see a reason for you to jump people and tell them they are trash or that they are too full of themselves for protesting that their comments have been wrongly accused. Supposedly they might have been even wrongly reported.
So, tell me - how come you joined six hours ago and the very first thing you do on the forums is call people trash? I am just curious. That’s all. I am also new, it is very probable I don’t understand how forums work. Correct me if wrong.
Otherwise, please continue the discussion and don’t mind me. I am not taking a side just questioning your weird behavior. (:
N0xiety it's funny you say I'm being off topic yet the topic wasnt even about you or Dan_Ryder. But you made it about yourself and the supposed wrongs and crimes against human rights he has committed and how you and the other troll attack the author.
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john_john_OO I didn't say you are being off topic, i said WE have gotten off topic. And i wasn't mentioning the topic of this thread by saying that. And yes, you are right, i should have created a new thread for this. Back then, when i checked Dan's profile, and saw that comment he made about trolls here, i felt that it probably fit what he felt about me, pretty much ignoring and deleting everything out of nowhere for reasons i can't fathom. So i posted here as i didn't feel like creating a new thread just to diss Dan at that point, maybe i should have done that so the topic would be completely up to point? I thought this topic is kind of close enough, reviews/comments, and it was dead for some time anyways so what's the harm?
And you still haven't answered my questions, it is starting to feel like this is a pointless conversation at this point. It seems neaht3 is right, you do feel like someone who got summoned here just to argue with me. You join only a few hours ago and here you are as your first entry to the forums hell bent on arguing with me while ignoring most of what i say. Most of what you do is try to accuse me of things i haven't done and nitpick everything i say while answering nothing back. Yeah, doesn't make much sense indeed...
damn the toxicity here is off the charts hahahaha.
[unknown] AHAHAHA I think it’s funnier that it says 2 years later before your comment.